Audio & Video


Criminalisation of Solidarity in the Western Balkans

The Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN) speaks to Belgrade-based lawyer and external network partner Milica Svabic (Klik Aktiv) about rising anti-migration sentiment and right-wing extremism, the criminalisation and repression of those supporting people on the move, and her personal day-to-day experiences as a refugee rights activist in Serbia. This episode follows the publication of a report published by BVMN in November 2020, that documents the trend to de-legitimise, stigmatise and criminalise acts of humanity and solidarity with people on the move.

Language(s): Englisch / English


Testimony from Lipa (Bosnia Herzegovina) - 4th day of hunger strike - No Name Kitchen feat. @Eddie

The video is recorded from a live video phonecall. Eddie, a person-on-the-move in Lipa, called a volunteer in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Monday during the hunger strike. Some of the guys gave an interview and walked the volunteer around Lipa through a WhatsApp video connection. The volunteer recorded the screen of their phone and edited that video call into this video.

Within the video people, who are now living in the ruins of camp Lipa, talk about and show their dire living conditions. They call out Europe and seek Justice. 

Language(s): Englisch / English


"Stigmatized, criminalized, imprisoned"

Stigmatized, Criminalized, Imprisoned - The Fight Against Alleged 'Smugglers' in the Greek Hotspot Islands" - this is the title of a report jointly researched and written by Aegean Migrant Solidarity, Borderline Europe and Deportation Monitoring Aegean. The publication reveals that the Greek criminal justice system sentences people who cross the Aegean Sea to Europe to life imprisonment. An analysis of problematic naratives within europe and systematic criminalisation of people that seek refuge. 

Language(s): Deutsch / German


Asylsuchende auf Lesbos: "Das neue Moria ist schlimmer als das alte"

Nachdem das Geflüchteten Camp Moria nach einem Brand völlig zerstört wurde, hat die griechische Regierung auf einem Militärgelände ein neues Zeltlager errichtet. 

Damit sind die Probleme jedoch nicht gelöst, im Gegenteil.  Das Zeltlager kann der Herausforderung des nahenden Winters in keinster Weise gerecht werden. Die Bewegungsfreiheiten der Asylsuchenden wurden weiter eingeschränkt und für die Presse ist es unmöglich, ins Innere des Camps zu gelangen. Unser Reporter Mortaza Behboudi hat Möglichkeiten gefunden, dennoch Bilder aus de Camp zu erhalten.

Language(s): Deutsch / German


Von Schleppern und Schlägern

Die EU kann sich einfach nicht auf eine gemeinsame Asylpolitik einigen. Und deshalb geht die Abschottung der Außengrenzen weiter, auch mit Gewalt. Astrid Corall und Alexander Göbel sprechen mit Michael Schneider über ihre Recherchen zwischen Brüssel, Balkan und Mittelmeer.

Language(s): Deutsch / German


Is a migrant crisis unfolding off West Africa’s Atlantic coast?

A sea journey to Europe once shunned by many migrants for being too dangerous is busy again. Hundreds have drowned this year in the Atlantic Ocean off Senegal on their way to the Canary Islands, a Spanish territory and gateway to Europe.

Language(s): Englisch / English


Warum das EU-Grenzregime krank macht & wie Migration und Solidarität kriminalisiert werden

In der vierten Folge des Podcasts "The Right to Health" im Rahmen der Berliner Anhörung des Permanent Peoples' Tribunal sprechen Andrea und Frauke von borderline-europe darüber, warum das EU-Grenzregime krank macht und wie Migration und Solidarität in der EU kriminalisiert werden. Der Podcast wurde an dem Tag aufgenommen, an dem das Camp Moria auf Lesbos abbrannte.

Language(s): Deutsch / German


Schwerwiegende Vorwürfe gegen Frontex

Die EU-Agentur Frontex ist in sogenannte Pushbacks verwickelt. Flüchtlinge, die nach Griechenland wollen, werden illegal in die Türkei zurückgeschickt. Frontex stritt bislang eine Beteiligung an solchen Vorgängen ab.

Language(s): Deutsch / German


#DefendSolidarity - Pierre-Alain Mannoni

In France, the university professor Pierre-Alain gave three injured women a lift so they could receive medical support. He was arrested and charged with aiding and abetting illegal residence.

All over Europe, organisations and individuals are being discredited, harassed, obstructed and prosecuted because they show solidarity with people on the move.

Video Kathrin Schmidt, Iuventa | Video Sara Mardini | Video Seán Binder | Video Anouk van Gestel

Our report (in German) "Push back Solidarity - How the European Union criminalizes solidarity with protection seeking protection" gives an insight and overview of the increasing criminalization of solidarity within the European Union; its background, forms and effects and numerous cases.

However, state repression is meeting with resistance. Those affected are not intimidated. Repression is followed by new waves of solidarity and fires up the common fight against the racist European border regime.

Let's make solidarity a threat again.

Language(s): Englisch / English


Kriminalisierung von Solidarität - Interview Radio free FM

"Wirkt auf den ersten Blick widersprüchlich - ist es auch. Julia Winkler von ,,borderline-europe" klagt an: 'In einem Europa, in dem schwerwiegende, systematische Menschenrechtsverletzungen an der Tagesordnung sind, sollen Menschen so auch noch ihrer letzten Unterstützungsstrukturen beraubt werden." Genau zu diesem Thema hat sie einen Bericht veröffentlicht - und uns im Interview spannende Einblicke gegeben!' - Radio free FM

Im Interview mit Radio free FM sprechen wir über unseren Report "Push back Solidarity - Wie die Europäische Union Solidarität mit Schutzsuchenden kriminalisiert", der einen Ein- und Überblick über die zunehmende Kriminalisierung von Solidarität innerhalb der Europäischen Union; ihre Hintergründe, Formen und Auswirkungen und zahlreiche Fälle gibt.

Der Report ist am 08.10.2020 erschienen und kann gegen Spende zzgl. Versandkosten bei uns bestellt werden. Schreibt dafür einfach eine E-Mail mit gewünschter Anzahl und Postadresse an

Language(s): Deutsch / German


#DefendSolidarity - Seán Binder

Seán is a trained rescue diver. He was a volunteer on Lesbos for one year. Now he is under investigation in Greece.

All over Europe, organisations and individuals are being discredited, harassed, obstructed and prosecuted because they show solidarity with people on the move.

Video Kathrin Schmidt, Iuventa | Video Sara Mardini | Video Pierre-Alain Mannoni | Video Anouk van Gestel

Our report (in German) "Push back Solidarity - How the European Union criminalizes solidarity with protection seeking protection" gives an insight and overview of the increasing criminalization of solidarity within the European Union; its background, forms and effects and numerous cases.

However, state repression is meeting with resistance. Those affected are not intimidated. Repression is followed by new waves of solidarity and fires up the common fight against the racist European border regime.

Let's make solidarity a threat again.


Support Seán:

Language(s): Englisch / English


#DefendSolidarity - Kathrin Schmidt, Iuventa

Kathrin was head of mission and project manager on the civil search and rescue ship Iuventa. With the Iuventa, the lives of over 14,000 people could be saved. The ship has been confiscated since August 2017 and Kathrin, together with nine other crew members, is under investigation in Italy.

All over Europe, organisations and individuals are being discredited, harassed, obstructed and prosecuted because they show solidarity with people on the move.

Video Sara Mardini | Video Seán Binder | Video Pierre-Alain Mannoni | Video Anouk van Gestel

Our report (in German) "Push back Solidarity - How the European Union criminalizes solidarity with protection seeking protection" gives an insight and overview of the increasing criminalization of solidarity within the European Union; its background, forms and effects and numerous cases.

However, state repression is meeting with resistance. Those affected are not intimidated. Repression is followed by new waves of solidarity and fires up the common fight against the racist European border regime.

Let's make solidarity a threat again.

Language(s): Deutsch / German


Lesbos: Who started the fire at Europe’s largest refugee camp? - BBC Newsnight

On 8 September 2020, the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos went up in flames. In an extended report, BBC Newsnight investigates the events surrounding the blaze.

Language(s): Englisch / English


#DefendSolidarity - Anouk van Gestel

Anouk distributed sleeping bags and food to homeless refugees in the Park Maximilien in Brussels; she let some of them take a shower in her apartment and stay overnight at her place. She has been on trial in Belgium for three years.

All over Europe, organisations and individuals are being discredited, harassed, obstructed and prosecuted because they show solidarity with people on the move.

Video Kathrin Schmidt, Iuventa | Video Sara Mardini | Video Seán Binder | Video Pierre-Alain Mannoni

Our report (in German) "Push back Solidarity - How the European Union criminalizes solidarity with protection seeking protection" gives an insight and overview of the increasing criminalization of solidarity within the European Union; its background, forms and effects and numerous cases.

However, state repression is meeting with resistance. Those affected are not intimidated. Repression is followed by new waves of solidarity and fires up the common fight against the racist European border regime.

Let's make solidarity a threat again.


Language(s): Englisch / English


How rescuing drowning migrants became a crime

The Iuventa ran hundreds of missions to save migrants from drowning off the coast of Libya. But after Europe cracked down on migration, its crew found themselves facing prosecution.

Language(s): Englisch / English


#DefendSolidarity - Sara Mardini

Sara herself fled from Syria to Germany via the Aegean Sea and then returned to Lesbos to volunteer as a lifeguard and translator. Now she is under investigation in Greece.

All over Europe, organisations and individuals are being discredited, harassed, obstructed and prosecuted because they show solidarity with people on the move.

Video Kathrin Schmidt, Iuventa | Video Seán Binder | Video Pierre-Alain Mannoni | Video Anouk van Gestel

Our report (in German) "Push back Solidarity - How the European Union criminalizes solidarity with protection seeking protection" gives an insight and overview of the increasing criminalization of solidarity within the European Union; its background, forms and effects and numerous cases.

However, state repression is meeting with resistance. Those affected are not intimidated. Repression is followed by new waves of solidarity and fires up the common fight against the racist European border regime.

Let's make solidarity a threat again.


Unterstützt Sara:

Language(s): Englisch / English


“Like parcels to be sorted”, migrants’ and refugees’ treatment under the new EU Pact

To sum up the more than 500 pages of documentation, the New EU Pact on Asylum and Migration dehumanises migrants and refugees, treating them like parcels to be sorted and preventing them from moving across Europe. This Pact raises several human rights concerns, some of which are highlighted below.

Language(s): Englisch / English


Kriminalisierung von Helfer*innen - Interview Radio Z

In einem Vorgang von bislang ungekanntem Ausmaß wird in der Europäischen Union systematisch Straf-, Zivil- oder Verwaltungsrecht eingesetzt, um Solidarität mit Schutzsuchenden zu unterbinden.

Im Interview mit Radio Z spricht Julia von borderline-europe über unseren Report "Push back Solidarity - Wie die Europäische Union Solidarität mit Schutzsuchenden kriminalisiert", der einen Ein- und Überblick über die zunehmende Kriminalisierung von Solidarität innerhalb der Europäischen Union; ihre Hintergründe, Formen und Auswirkungen und zahlreiche Fälle gibt.

Der Report ist am 08.10.2020 erschienen und kann gegen Spende zzgl. Versandkosten bei uns bestellt werden. Schreibt dafür einfach eine E-Mail mit gewünschter Anzahl und Postadresse an

Language(s): Deutsch / German


Solidarity with Pierre-Alain Mannoni

Solidarity with Pierre-Alain Mannoni

++ Appeal trial on 23 September 2020: Attorney General demands a 5-month suspended sentence; court decision to be taken on October 28 ++

"It was what I had to do. I had 4 years to think about it". Article in French here.

Yesterday, Wednesday September 23, Pierre-Alain Mannoni's fifth trial began in Lyon. In yesterday's opening trial, the Attorney General demanded a 5-month suspended sentence for the 49-year-old and criticized his own initiative: "Why [should] one not trust the rule of law?"

The answer is simple: If the state systematically criminalizes solidarity and violates the rights of people on the move, it loses its credibility.

"I would do it again anytime” - When giving a lift to three injured Eritrean women to the next train station in 2016, 49-year old professor Pierre-Alain Mannoni was arrested and accused of “unlawful assistance to illegal entry”.

If convicted, the father of two faces up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to 15.000€.

  • In October 2016, Pierre-Alain Mannoni saw three young injured women from Eritrea at the side of the road in the Roya Valley near the French-Italian border. He offered to take them to the near-by train station so they could reach the next hospital and receive medical assistance. On his way to the station, the 49-year-old was arrested and accused of "aiding and abetting illegal residence".
  • In the following trial, the 49-year old professor was initally acquitted but the prosecution appealed against this decision.
  • On appeal, Mannoni was sentenced to a suspended prison term of 3 months.
  • Believing in the rightfulness of his behaviour, Mannoni went to the Constitutional Court, which ruled in his favour: according to the principle of "fraternité" ("fraternity") enshrined in the French Constitution, everyone must be able to help another person, regardless of their residence status.
  • Mannoni's conviction was subsequently overturned and a new trial was scheduled.
  • On 23 September 2020, the fifth trial in four years took place.

“I did it for the people, I did it for myself, but I also did it for my daughter, to show her what is the right thing to do.”

Despite of the proceedings brought against him, Mannoni is neither deterred nor intimidated. He would always help refugees in need again. Mannoni is another example of the growing systematic criminalisation of solidarity in the EU - standing up for the rights and dignity of migrants is impeded, prevented, and punished.

“The reason for this is racism “, says Mannoni.

Read more information about the case:

Language(s): Deutsch / German


Online press conference: "What happens after #Moria?"

Moria represents the fact the decisive achievement of European civilization – that states subject themselves to rights and duties – is at stake. Lawyers from three European countries explain their experiences, a refugee from Moria concretely reports on the consequences of failures of national and EU-law; Karl Kopp from Pro Asyl will place this in the context of the European asylum reform of recent years.

Joint press conference on 17.09.2020 of RAV and AED-EDL, in cooperation with borderilne-europe, refugee council Berlin and Europe Must Act! in English language focusing on the current situation in Moria and EU preparations for a ›Moria 2.0‹.

  • Raed Alabd, Afghan refugee from Moria, will report on his current survival struggle.
  • Greek lawyer Elli Kriona represents many refugees from Moria legally. She explains the Greek and EU legal background and clarifies the causes of the failure of European asylum policy on the background of the EU-Turkey deal. Due to her practice she has precise information on the situations of the refugees in Moria.
  • Italian lawyer Lucia Gennari, who accompanied refugees on ships to enable them to safe entries into EU harbors; she also represents many refugees from the Italian hot spots. Lucia Gennari also explains the Italian experiences with the failure of the European asylum system, especially with the hot-spot (non)-system.
  • German lawyer Berenice Böhlo, legally representing many refugees arriving from Greece to Germany, comments on the misguided German discussion on indisputable human rights-based requirements, binding legal and procedural guarantees within the European asylum system. Demands of the European lawyer associations will be presented.
  • For years, Karl Kopp of Pro Asyl deals with the survival of refugees in Europe and explains why – from a civil society perspective – only a fundamental reform of the European asylum system can guarantee for a humane procedural legal process.

Language(s): Englisch / English
