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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
15.02.2022, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Kicks and blows with iron bars and agonising days in detention: migrants report inhumane conditions in Romania and mistreatment by the police there. This also puts German authorities in a difficult position. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa
14.02.2022, italpress
Alarm Phone ha accusato le forze armate di Malta di aver ordinato a una nave mercantile di non intervenire per salvare un gruppo di migranti nella zona di ricerca e salvataggio maltese. L’Ong ha aggiunto che le forze armate stavano monitorando il gruppo di 88 migranti. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
14.02.2022, EuropaToday
L’operazione proposta dalla Commissione europea ha bisogno dell’ok di Dakar. Dopo l’invio di agenti nei Balcani occidentali, Frontex si prepara alla sua prima missione in Africa. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europäische Union
14.02.2022, InfoMigrants
Authorities in Germany and the Netherlands have raided accommodation centers where migrant workers are being kept in squalid conditions by unscrupulous employers. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Deutschland
14.02.2022, The Guardian
Two-thirds of UK asylum seekers arriving by small boat after crossing the Channel were suffering from hypothermia, according to Home Office data obtained by the Guardian, while hundreds had burns or suspected broken bones. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien
The German government is being urged to speed up efforts to bring Afghans at risk from the Taliban to safety. Three organizations – Pro Asyl, Kabul Luftbrücke (Airbridge) and the Afghanistan Sponsorship Network – have issued a statement calling for greater efforts to help those whose lives are in danger from the Taliban. read more
13.02.2022, AGI
Il 'grande cimitero' del Mediterraneo evocato da Papa Francesco è tornato ad accogliere vittime in una domenica di naufragi e sbarchi tra la Libia e le coste siciliane e calabresi. Un gommone di migranti diretti a Lampedusa è stato speronato in acque internazionali da un peschereccio libico e, dei 21 che si trovavano a bordo, cinque sono finiti in mare. Solo due di loro sono stati salvati dai compagni di viaggio: gli altri tre, una donna somala e due uomini ivoriani, sono scomparsi inghiottiti dalle acque. read more
13.02.2022, Tagesschau
Private sea rescuers repeatedly travel to the Mediterranean to rescue people in distress on their way to Europe. The ship "Ocean Viking" has now taken in more than 200 refugees within 24 hours. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
Über 400 Migranten sind binnen zwei Tagen auf der italienischen Insel Lampedusa angekommen. 183 Personen erreichten die Insel in der Nacht auf Samstag auf 2 Booten. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
11.02.2022, agensir
“È innegabile che le violazioni in atto nelle aree di frontiera” tra Italia e Francia, “che in alcuni casi conducono le persone alla morte, siano l’effetto collaterale di precise scelte politiche adottate tanto a livello locale e nazionale quanto a livello europeo. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta
11.02.2022, Fanpage
A cinque anni dalla firma del Memorandum Italia-Libia l’ong chiede di abolire gli accordi e non permettere ai migranti “salvati” di tornare nei centri di detenzione.A cinque anni dalla firma del Memorandum Italia-Libia l’ong chiede di abolire gli accordi e non permettere ai migranti “salvati” di tornare nei centri di detenzione. read more
11.02.2022, Pro Asyl
In its coalition agreement, the German government has agreed on new rules on the right to stay. Many refugees have high hopes for the announced right to stay. But until it takes effect, people will continue to be deported - even those who would benefit from the new rules. Anticipatory regulations could prevent this. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
11.02.2022, Matthias Monroy
The border agency in Warsaw could deploy drones, vessels and personnel. It would be the first mission in a country that does not directly border the EU. Frontex is already active in the country, but without uniformed and armed police personnel. The new talks with Senegal are coordinated in the recently created „Operational Coordination Mechanism for the External Dimension of Migration“ (MOCADEM). The basis would be a „model status agreement“ drafted by the Commission on the basis of Frontex missions in the Western Balkans. Senegal is surrounded by more than 2,600 kilometres of external border, it is therefore possible that a Frontex operation in Senegal will not focus on securing the land borders as in the Western Balkans, but on monitoring the maritime border. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Afrika
11.02.2022, InfoMigrants
Surveillance equipment will be installed in more than 20 locations on France’s northern coast to detect migrant smugglers in the English Channel, the broadcaster BFMTV reported on Thursday. The cameras will be installed on roads near the coast with the aim of filming smugglers' vehicles and recording their license plates. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
11.02.2022, Katapult
A smuggler was sentenced today by the Pasewalk District Court to three years in prison, his co-defendant to two years and four months. In August 2021, they had brought 16 Iraqi migrants 1,000 kilometres from Belarus via Poland to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for financial reasons. read more
10.02.2022, taz
The commissioning of the planned deportation centre at BER is planned for 2025. The Greens and the Left are critical of the building project. "I was in deportation custody in Spain for a fortnight. All our things were taken from us. There were no windows, only bare walls, we didn't know if it was day or night," a woman refugee tells the 400 or so demonstrators who have gathered in Schönefeld on Wednesday evening. They are here to demonstrate against the planned entry and exit centre at BER airport. "Let's keep fighting until there are no more deportation centres," shouts the activist from the No Border Assembly Berlin to the cheers of those present. "Deportation is torture, deportation is murder," echoed her. read more
10.02.2022, InfoMigrants
After fighting broke out at a migrant camp in Cyprus on Tuesday and Wednesday, the country's interior minister said their repatriation was key to relieving overcrowding in the camps and reducing violence in the country's reception centres. The Minister of Interior of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Nouris, has reiterated that his government will seek to repatriate any migrant whose asylum application has been rejected. The rejection rate for asylum applications in the Republic is extremely high. The conditions in the camps are appalling. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
10.02.2022, LRT
Poor food, no hot water water, living in prison cells with no personal space. These are some of the complaints of migrants accommodated in Lithuania's Kybartai Foreigners Registration Centre.In its recent report, the Parliament Ombudsmen's Office, called their living conditions inhuman and degrading. Meanwhile, the State Border Guard Service (VSAT) and the Interior Ministry say they are making every effort to improve things, which requires more time. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Baltische Staaten
09.02.2022, nd
»Die Bedrohungslage macht für die Betroffenen Familie das weitere Leben in Afghanistan unmöglich. Eine Einreise muss schnell ermöglicht werden«, so Matthias Lehnert gegenüber »nd«, der Abdul B. und weitere Familien in der Klage gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vertritt, die in dieser Woche eingereicht wurde. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Naher Osten, Deutschland
08.02.2022, InfoMigrants
The ASGI association has sounded an alarm in Italy over new rules, which require those accessing all public offices to have a Green Pass. This, they fear, could potentially compromise some migrants' potential to seek asylum. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
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