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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
14.01.2022, Rai
Il giovane è morto questa mattina mentre tentava di attraversare lo stretto di mare tra la Francia e la costa meridionale dell’Inghilterra con una trentina di altre persone a bordo di una piccola imbarcazione di fortuna. Salvati gli altri. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
14.01.2022, MiGAZIN
It was the world's first trial on state torture in Syria and ended with life imprisonment for the main defendant. Human rights activists see it as a model, others as a missed opportunity. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Naher Osten, Deutschland
An expert opinion comes to a damning verdict: the Central Register of Foreigners is unconstitutional and discriminates against millions of people. The Society for Civil Liberties announces legal action. Such an extensive collection of data on Germans would be unthinkable, they say. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
13.01.2022, la Repubblica
Il report di Human Rights Watch. Una sintesi della lunga relazione sulle protezioni internazionali negate alle persone lungo le diverse frontiere attraversate dai flussi migratori. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europäische Union
13.01.2022, ZDF
In 2021, there were more asylum applications than at any time since 2017: this is according to newly published figures from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) on Wednesday. But the impression of a drastic increase is deceptive. A look at the data shows that fewer new people are coming to Germany than it appears. Above all, there are fewer applications than the dramatic migration situation at the European borders would actually imply. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europa
13.01.2022, The Guardian
The Home Office has told asylum seekers from some of the world’s biggest conflict zones that it is safe for them to return there, and thus, despite the Home Office’s own guidance as well as that from UNHCR warns of the dangers of returning refugees to countries such as Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien, Mittlerer Osten
12.01.2022, BR
A new transit and deportation detention facility was presented at Munich Airport today. For Bavaria's Interior Minister Herrmann, it is an "important building block" of Bavarian asylum policy, but for many refugees it means the end of all hopes. read more
12.01.2022, Associazione Carta di Roma
Quasi la metà degli Stati dell’Unione Europea vuole che Bruxelles paghi la costruzione di barriere fisiche per frenare la migrazione irregolare. Lo hanno chiesto il 7 ottobre 2021 con una lettera di 4 pagine alla Commissione europea i ministri degli interni di Austria, Bulgaria, Cipro, Repubblica Ceca, Danimarca, Grecia, Ungheria, Estonia, Lettonia, Lituania, Polonia e Slovacchia. I ministri sostengono che una recinzione è «un’efficace misura di confine che serve l’interesse di tutta l’Unione, non solo degli Stati membri del primo arrivo» e che andrebbe «adeguatamente finanziata dal bilancio dell’Ue in via prioritaria». read more
12.01.2022, La Sicilia
"Italia e Germania possono guidare un percorso di costruzione di un nuovo strumento comunitario" sui fenomeni migratori. Lo ha detto Enrico Letta nel suo intervento all'Agorà 'I fenomeni migratori e la nostra idea di società'. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Deutschland
12.01.2022, Taz
The UN wants to raise 4.4 billion for the humanitarian crisis. The donor countries, however, are partly responsible for the hunger in the country due to their blockade. According to the organisation, more than 4.4 billion euros are needed for Afghanistan in order to support the 22 million Afghans who already cannot survive without humanitarian aid. The UN wants to cooperate with 24 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from all over the world. With the appeal, the donor countries, through the UN, are now trying to circumvent their own embargo, which did not primarily affect the Taliban, but the population. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Mittlerer Osten, Asien, Weltweit
12.01.2022, InfoMigrants
The UN refugee agency UNHCR has sent a document of recommendations for the French and Czech 2022 presidencies of the Council of the European Union, asking to prioritize the protection of refugees in Europe and in the world. UNHCR highlighted how the Pact on Migration and Asylum proposed by the European Commission in September 2020 continues to represent an opportunity to move from an ad hoc crisis-driven approach to asylum and migration in the EU to a common one that is more comprehensive, well managed and predictable, according to the statement. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
11.01.2022, skytg24
La nave, rende noto la stessa Ong, è stata bloccata nel porto di Trapani dopo una ispezione durata più di 11 ore. "Ci rattrista questo estremo livello di controllo cui la nostra nave continua ad essere sottoposta. Questo è il sesto controllo da parte dell'Italia dall'inizio delle operazioni nel Mediterraneo centrale nell'agosto 2019”, ha commentato la direttrice di Sos Méditerranée Italia, Valeria Taurino. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
11.01.2022, The New Humanitarian
Denmark is the first European country to tell large numbers of Syrian refugees to go home and nearly 400 Syrians living in the country have already been stripped of their residency permits and the right to work since 2019. The 2019 “Country of Origin Information” (COI) report co-written by the country’s immigration service and Denmark’s largest NGO, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has been used by the Danish government to justify its hardest lines on asylum and migration. This particular report on Syria created a fierce debate within the DRC about the benefits of its close relationship with the government. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europa
11.01.2022, Scoop World
Libyan security forces violently dispersed a sit-in of migrants and asylum seekers in front of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in the capital, Tripoli, arrested and inhumanly assaulted hundreds of them, and burned the sit-in tents, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said Monday in a statement. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
11.01.2022, Migazin
Only half of the quota for family reunification with civil war refugees was exhausted in 2021. For more than five years, they have no longer had a legal right to bring their relatives with them. The traffic lights want to change that again. read more
10.01.2022, UN News
The blaze was first reported on 9 January, just before 5 pm local time and caused considerable damage to sections of the largest camp of its kind in the world, affecting both refugees and members of the host community. The incident follows a earlier large fire that broke out on 2 January. Conditions in the camps make large fires a real risk, the agency said. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Asien
10.01.2022, Aljazeera
At least 30 Cubans, hoping to claim asylum in Europe, were forcibly expelled from Greece to Turkey towards the end of last year, according to interviews conducted by Al Jazeera and rights organisations. They are in legal limbo in Turkey now after reporting the illegal expulsions from Greece. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
10.01.2022, Gazzetta del Sud
Dare il premio Nobel per la Pace all'ex sindaco di Riace, Mimmo Lucano. La proposta-provocazione è di Roberto Saviano in una intervista a "Mimmo Lucano merita il Nobel per la Pace perché il modello Riace è buono, funziona, ha descritto come l'accoglienza dovrebbe essere, ha riscattato la vita di moltissime persone, non solo dei migranti", ha spiegato. read more
10.01.2022, Espresso
Da tre mesi sono accampati davanti alla sede dell’Unhcr: chiedono di lasciare il Paese e denunciano torture. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika
Security forces arrested hundreds of migrants protesting outside a shuttered UN centre, activists and migrants said. read more
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