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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
11.08.2021, taz
Berlin schiebt etwa wieder so viele Geflüchtete ab wie vor der Coronapandemie – weiterhin auch nach Afghanistan. Auch aus der Haft wird abgeschoben read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
11.08.2021, Spiegel
Angesichts vermehrter Grenzübertritte von Migrant:innen aus dem Nahen Osten hat Lettland einen regionalen Ausnahmezustand an seiner Landesgrenze zu Belarus ausgerufen. Unter den Bestimmungen des Ausnahmezustands dürfen Sicherheitskräfte in bestimmten Fällen physische Gewalt anwenden, um Migrant:innen zurückzudrängen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Baltische Staaten
11.08.2021, Welt
Das Parlament in Litauen hat am Dienstag grünes Licht für die Errichtung eines Grenzzauns zum benachbarten Belarus gegeben. Das Gesetz wird die Bauzeit der 152 Millionen Euro teuren Grenzanlage halbieren. Mit dem Bau eines Abschnitts wurde bereits Anfang Juli begonnen. read more
10.08.2021, InfoMigrants
Iraq has begun to fly back some of its citizens who had flown in to Belarus on tourist visas, in the hope of making it over the border to Lithuania and the EU. Eighty reportedly returned to Baghdad on Monday, and 200 are expected to make the journey on Tuesday. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Baltische Staaten, Naher Osten
10.08.2021, MailOnline
Six EU member states have sent a letter to the bloc's executive warning against halting deportations of Afghan asylum seekers despite major advances of Taliban militants in their country, a minister from one of the signatories said. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
09.08.2021, InfoMigrants
Italian authorities have evicted a group of anarchists from a former customs house in northwestern Italy. The activists had occupied the house to assist migrants trying to cross into France. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
09.08.2021, taz
Over the weekend, thousands of people in German cities demanded a more humane asylum policy read more
09.08.2021, Deutsche Welle
Taliban militias took control of two more provincial capitals in northern Afghanistan on Sunday, in addition to Kunduz. The government forces are on the defensive and left to their own devices because of NATO's withdrawal. Is a new international military mission necessary? CDU politician Röttgen's proposal is meeting with opposition within his own ranks. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Naher Osten
Lithuania reacts with violence and pushbacks to the influx of Iraqi asylum seekers from Belarus. This triggers criticism in the country. read more
09.08.2021, AYS
Immigration, which has been on Turkey’s agenda since 2011, is being discussed once again with the withdrawal of US soldiers from Afghanistan leading to the arrival of people fleeing from the Taliban to Turkey. Unfortunately, this discussion is being carried out with a discourse that focuses on hatred and discrimination. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
08.08.2021, dpa international
Rome (dpa) - The Mediterranean rescue vessel Ocean Viking docked in a harbour in Italy with 549 migrants on board, the organization SOS Mediterranee said on Sunday. read more
06.08.2021, Euractiv
A record number of migrants crossed the Channel From France on a single day this week, the British government said on Thursday (5 August), pushing annual figures well beyond last year’s numbers. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
06.08.2021, Migazin
For almost a week, hundreds of refugees have been waiting on board of sea rescue ships for a safe harbor - in vain. A sea rescue alliance is calling for demonstrations in German cities on Saturday. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
05.08.2021, Tagesspiegel
Belarus closes parts of its border to prevent migrants who have fled to Lithuania from returning. The EU therefore summons the ambassador. read more
05.08.2021, AYS
Afghan People in Legal Limbo//800 People Still Waiting for Port of Safety//Demonstrations in Germany this Saturday for Sea Rescue read more
05.08.2021, Welt
Am Dienstagabend sollten eigentlich sechs afghanische Männer von München aus nach Kabul abgeschoben werden. Der Flug wurde dann jedoch vom Innenministerium aufgrund der Situation in Afghanistan verschoben. read more
Italien möchte mit einem Sondertreffen der EU-Innenminister eine Umverteilung von Migrant:innen auf die EU-Mitgliedstaaten durchsetzen. Innenministerin Luciana Lamorgese telefonierte dazu am Mittwoch mit EU-Innenkommissarin Ylva Johansson, wie ihr Ministerium mitteilte. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
Die Ausgaben für Asylbewerber:innen sind weiterhin rückläufig. Damit fallen sie schon das fünfte Jahr in Folge, wie das Statistische Bundesamt mitteilte. read more
05.08.2021, infomigrants
The NGO-operated migrant rescue ship Geo Barents has been released from the Sicilian port of Augusta. It had been impounded by the Italian coastguard last month, citing technical irregularities. read more
04.08.2021, Migazin
Since irreparable damage is imminent, the European Court of Human Rights is taking urgent action against a case of deportation to Afghanistan. Afghans who were to be deported from Germany could also be affected. Pro Asyl sharply criticizes the government. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Naher Osten, Deutschland, Österreich / Schweiz
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