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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
19.09.2022, Globalist
Last April a boat, designed to hold a dozen people and carrying 84, capsized off the Lebanese coast near Tripoli after being intercepted by the coast guard. Only 40 survived. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Europäische Union, Europa
19.09.2022, ASGI
After being refused information by the Italian Ministry of the Interior, the Administrative Court and the Council of State, freelance journalist and member of the International Federation of Journalists Sara Creta, supported by ASGI lawyers, lodges an appeal before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to enforce Article 10 of the ECHR Convention. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Europa
19.09.2022, Info Migrants
German police have discovered 23 refugees from Syria in a forest near the Czech border. They were reportedly abandoned there by smugglers. Eleven of them have already been deported back to the Czech Republic while the remaining 12 will follow, federal police said on Friday. All of them are under investigation for unauthorized entry into German territory. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Deutschland
Several prominent aid organizations including Amnesty International, Pro Asyl, Terre des Hommes, and Reporters Without Borders have criticized the German government's Afghan refugee admission program. In a letter to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Berlin's Afghan refugee admission program is slammed as "extremely questionable in terms of organization and content." The aid groups warned that Germany's selection process is "in danger of failing" and have threatened to withdraw from talks. read more
Germany is sorely lacking affordable apartments, and refugees remain largely overrepresented among those without private housing. People who have applied for or received asylum earn on average 43% less than the average German salary. This article is part two of a three-part series about finding housing as a refugee in Germany. read more
16.09.2022, Frankfurter Rundschau
In Italy, the nationalist Giorgia Meloni is heading for a big victory in the parliamentary elections on September 25 - and Europe is getting nervous. Because in Meloni's eyes, the vision of Italy's future diverges significantly from those of a unified EU. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union, Europa
16.09.2022, Info Migrants
More migrants crossed the Channel to the UK from France between January and mid-September than in the whole of 2021. What accounts for these record numbers? “France and UK should strike a deal instead of resorting to police surveillance”, says researcher. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien, Europa
In Calais, large boulders were placed on a roadside property in the city center. According to activists, the clear purpose of these is to prevent migrants from creating informal living spaces. At last count, there were about 100 migrants living in the area, among them unaccompanied minors or single women with children. There is no information about their current stay. The total cost of the boulders is 45.000€. The action is not the first attempt to harass migrants and make access to living spaces impassable. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Frankreich
16.09.2022, The Baltic Times
People who have already experienced sexual violence and torture are facing now a “new trauma of violent pushbacks” as a result of Lithuania’s pushback policy, according to a statement released by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) on Friday (September 16). The medical aid organization has heard the testimonies of many migrants who have been continuously pushed back, and is concerned that the situation will worsen with the arrival of winter. These people have limited access to basic needs and fair asylum procedures, whilst the Lithuanian government continues to “normalize this mistreatment and denial of rights,” as stated by MSF. Border authorities are currently allowed to block the entry of irregularized migrants under a decree signed in August 2021. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Baltische Staaten, Osteuropa, Europäische Union, Europa
The German association Pro Asyl requests the dismissal of the trial against the three young men rescued in the Central Mediterranean in 2019, accused of terrorism in Malta. The case known as “El Hiblu 3” has been going on for three and a half years now, whilst the three young men continue to face life imprisonment charges. In 2019, the ship “El Hiblu 1” rescued 108 migrants in the Central Mediterranean and then continued on its way to Libya, allegedly following European orders. The three young men, then aged 15, 16 and 19, tried to solve the situation and mediated between the crew and other migrants on board. The ship eventually headed to Malta instead, but they face terrorism charges for effectively comandeering it. "Resisting illegal deportation to Libya is not a crime”, reinforces Pro Asyl. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Deutschland, Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
It has recently become public that a group of Syrian refugees is planning to form a caravan to travel from Turkey to the EU. Now, Greece’s Minister of Migration and Asylum warns that any “refugee caravan” will be stopped from entering the country. Meanwhile, relations between Greece and Turkey grow increasingly hostile, as the latter continuously accuses Greek authorities of illegally pushing back people who have made it to the Greek side. In turn, Greece blames Turkey for instigating and exploiting immigration. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Mittlerer Osten, Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union, Europa
Sweden Democrats led by Jimmy Akesson gained around 20% of the vote in the national elections held on Sunday (September 11). The success of the far-right party is largely attributed to the anti-migrant discourse, favored by an increasingly intolerant electorate that is fed up with the traditional parties. The nationalist party is now the second largest in the country, bringing major concerns, especially regarding immigration. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa
The group was assigned Taranto as a safe port on Thursday (September 15), finally ending the fourteen-day wait of many of the passengers. According to the German organisation Sea-Eye, there were 48 unaccompanied minors on board, and the Maltese rescue coordination center didn’t assist the crew, despite their obligation to do so. Two other vessels are still waiting to be allocated ports with over 500 rescued people on board, many suffering from suburn, dehydration and overall exhaustion. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Mittlerer Osten, Deutschland, Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
Reportedly, the group was detained early Thursday (September 15) by the North Macedonian authorities. According to the AP news agency, these people were taken to a shelter pending deportation to Greece. The violence on the Balkan route, mostly exerted by the police and “smugglers”, has been denounced by the NGO Save the Children, in a report published this week. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union, Europa
16.09.2022, ECRE
On September 9, Denmark and Rwanda signed a political agreement disclosing their plans to establish a scheme under which asylum seekers are sent to the African country, where their asylum claims should be processed. The two countries will initiate dialogues with relevant stakeholders, including the UN’s Refugee Agency, ensuring that international obligations and the protection of human rights are upheld. However, the deportation of people to countries with poor human rights records, such as Rwanda, has been strongly opposed by MEPs, NGOs and the UNHCR itself, since such a scheme “is not possible under existing EU rules.” Israel and the UK have attempted to do the same, but their plans have not materialized so far. Nevertheless, the plans reveal how far countries such as the UK and Denmark are willing to go in order to deter asylum seekers, irrespective of the rule of the law. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien, Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
15.09.2022, Africa Rivista
The office of the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) officially joins the national authorities in the joint team on crimes against migrants and refugees in Libya. The CPI prosecutor Karim Khan announced in a statement. In this way, the ICC supports Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Spain, trying to accelerate the cooperation already started with the member countries. This team is also supported by Europol. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Europa
15.09.2022, Statewatch
Part of the sum (23 million euros) will still be allocated this year, with the remaining part being allocated in 2023 to provide equipment and services to Egyptian authorities. This is another sum confirmed by the European Commission to “prevent irregular migration by sea” when Europe should be preventing suffering and supporting people in need of international protection instead, states MEP Erik Marquardt (of the Greens). The 80 million euros for border control are part of a total sum of 300 million provided by the EU to Egypt. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
15.09.2022, Info Migrants
In total, 745 people at least arrived on the southern Italian island on Tuesday and Wednesday (September 13 and 14). A 35-year-old man was found dead in one of the boats; this one had departed on Sunday from Libya. Nearly 400 people were rescued from a drifting fisher boat off Calabria on Wednesday as well. Meanwhile, people hosted at Lampedusa’s hotspot live in hard conditions due to the extreme overcrowding. Arrivals have also been registered in the area of Siracusa, Sicily. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Mittlerer Osten, Nordafrika, Europäische Union, Europa
Refugee children have the right to education but, in reality, only 68% may access primary school, and 37% secondary school. The numbers are from the UN Refugee Agency’s report launched this Tuesday (September 13), covering more than 10 million refugee children of school age, in more than 40 countries. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Weltweit
15.09.2022, Sächsischer Flüchtlingsrat
On Tuesday morning, an attempt was made to deport Mohammad K. in a large-scale operation. The deportation was prevented by the mobilization of friends and neighbors. Mohammad K. has been living in Leipzig for about seven years and has now been taken to a clinic in Leipzig under police custody for necessary medical care. The federal government is planning to introduce a so-called "right of opportunity to stay" soon. In some federal states, so-called "anticipatory regulations" are already being used to prevent people who fall under the so-called "right of opportunity to stay" from being deported. In Saxony, however, such a regulation does not yet exist. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
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