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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
11.11.2022, Europa Today
It happened in Tunisia: border authorities are funded by the EU and Italy as part of programs to combat human traffickers. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Europäische Union
11.11.2022, Info Migrants
Different organisations and initiatives opposing the construction of a so-called “asylum processing center” claim that the project amounts to little more than a detention facility, aimed at facilitating the so-called “airport procedure” and speeding up deportations. ProAsyl criticises the hundreds of millions to be invested on “isolation and deportations” whilst the Brandenburg state government continues to deny the intention of building any detention centre there. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union, Europa
11.11.2022, Deutsche Welle
Italy had refused for days to allow the sea rescue ship with 234 rescued migrants on board to dock. Now France makes an "exception". The refugees were able to go ashore in the port of Toulon. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta, Deutschland, Europa
10.11.2022, Il Fatto Quotidiano
Upon landing, doctors on the Favaloro pier inspected the little body and confirmed that the cause of death was as stated by the mother at the time of rescue. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Europa
10.11.2022, TG24
In the first half of 2022, the Balkan route brought the most migrants to Europe, followed by the Central Mediterranean route to Italy. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Italien / Malta, Deutschland, Europa
09.11.2022, Il Riformista
She left behind a condition that was certainly worse than the danger she would have found fleeing through African countries and then boarding a small boat out to sea, hoping to get to Lampedusa. read more
09.11.2022, Info Migrants
More than a month ago, eighteen people went missing after the boat they were on sank near Zarzis, Tunisia. Some of the bodies have never been found, so families are taking extreme and desperate measures, searching in cemeteries by digging up graves. The families and civil society actors are protesting and accusing authorities of doing too little to find out what really happened in this and other shipwrecks, trying to cover up for their own inaction. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
The seventy-two passengers reached Mallorca and neighbouring islands on Wednesday morning (November 9) and were said to be in good health. This is a relatively uncommon route, as the islands of Lampedusa and Sicily, as well as Malta, are closer to common departure points on the North African coast. Still, the number of people reaching the Baleares has increased in recent years. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Spanien, Nordafrika, Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
09.11.2022, The Guardian
The fate of hundreds of people rescued in the central Mediterranean by a NGO vessel has sparked a diplomatic row between Italy and France, with the French government calling it “unacceptable” that Rome has refused to allow the ship, carrying 234 asylum seekers, to dock in an Italian port. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta, Europäische Union, Europa
09.11.2022, Deutsche Welle
The EU's asylum agency said a rise in monthly figures of people seeking refuge in Europe has "accelerated," putting further pressure on host countries. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa
09.11.2022, euractiv
Polish so-called border guards rescued ten fleeing people from the swamp on the Polish-Belarusian border on Tuesday (8.11.2022). A stronger migrant movement is suspected. In addition to the new wall, Poland is installing cameras and sensors. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union, Europa
09.11.2022, FAZ
Of the three rescue ships lying off the Italian coast, one has been turned away. The "Ocean Viking" has now appealed to France for help. Paris accuses Rome of "unacceptable behavior" and a breach of maritime law. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
08.11.2022, Avvenire
"We have asked the Italian government to quickly provide assistance". With these words, the German government reacted to the refusal of the authorities in Rome to let the shipwrecked migrants rescued by the German-flagged ship "Humanity 1" ashore. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Deutschland, Europa
08.11.2022, La Sicilia
The arrival of the Sos Mediterranee NGO boat expected on Wednesday night and Thursday night. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta, Europa
08.11.2022, Info Migrants
Three men rescued from distress at sea jumped on Monday (07.11.2022) out of desperation from the Geo Barants into the Mediterranean Sea to reach land. They are among the hundreds of migrants who are being turned back by Italy off the port of Catania. Living conditions on the rescue ships are worsening day by day, which visibly frustrates the survivors. According to international law, Italy is obliged to authorize disembarkation. read more
Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union, Europa
07.11.2022, taz
As Berlin is running out of accommodation places destined for people seeking asylum, fears are growing that former aircraft hangars or gymnasiums will soon have to serve as emergency quarters again. Peter Hermanns, responsible for political communication at the International Federation (IB), which among other things runs refugee accommodation, admits that it could happen even though it shouldn’t. The situation is expected to get even more difficult with the arrival of more Ukrainian refugees during winter. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa, Deutschland, Europäische Union, Europa, Weltweit
06.11.2022, The Guardian
The government’s helpline for asylum seekers, which is the main point of contact for people in need of different kinds of support, supposedly available 24/7, is after all not a service but a “torment.” There are reports of three-hour hold times and calls going unanswered or being disconnected. “If that’s the only point of contact some people have and the lines are just not being answered, it’s incredibly … worrying”, says a support worker. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien, Europa
06.11.2022, taz
Italy's new right-wing government wanted to end "illegal" refugee arrivals. Now, for the first time, it reluctantly let some people ashore. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europa
06.11.2022, SOS Humanity
SOS Humanity is taking legal action against an Italian government decree and the fact that 35 survivors on board Humanity 1 are not allowed to go ashore. This was announced by the civil search and rescue organisation for Monday. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Deutschland, Europa
06.11.2022, CDE News
The NGO ‘Sos Humanity’ ship Humanity 1 arrived in the port of Catania on Saturday night, with 179 shipwrecked people on board. As provided for in the new decree, a health inspection has been carried out to identify frail women and children, the only ones who are allowed to disembark. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europa
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