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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
02.12.2021, nd
Die Hilfsorganisation Mission Lifeline bemüht sich neben der Seenotrettung auch um verbliebene Ortskräfte am Hindukusch. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
02.12.2021, Today
È accusato di aver aggredito un gendarme francese ma secondo la difesa stava provando a difendere i migranti che provavano ad attraversare il confine. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
02.12.2021, RagusaOggi
La Cassazione ha confermato il sequestro disposto dalla Procura di Ragusa nei confronti della società armatrice della nave Mare Jonio di Mediterranea Saving Humans. read more
02.12.2021, Reuters
Frontex has deployed a plane to support French and Belgian authorities trying to spot illegal boat crossing activity, a week after 27 migrants drowned when their dinghy deflated in the Channel, the European Union's joint frontier force said. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Europäische Union
01.12.2021, Migazin
Discrimination and racism are part of everyday life for Black people in Germany - at school, at the doctor's or when looking for a flat. This is the result of the "Afrozensus". And when those affected defend themselves, they are not taken seriously. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
01.12.2021, DIRE
“Nonostante la neve e il gelo, ci sono ancora profughi nei boschi. Si nascondono per sfuggire alla polizia e trovare un passaggio per superare il confine, evitando i respingimenti. Quando l’inverno sarà finito e le limitazioni all’accesso rimosse, siamo certi che scopriremo tanti cadaveri: nessuno può sopravvivere a un freddo simile“. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Osteuropa
01.12.2021, Ciavula
La moglie Marinella ed Emilio hanno sentito suonare alla porta, tempo zero e dalla finestra hanno visto piovere dal cielo squadre speciali che hanno scavalcato il recinto bianco del piccolo prato e piombare nell’abitazione. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta
01.12.2021, Greek Helsinki Monitor
Expulsions and pushbacks with drownings, tortures, rapes, robberies: victims’ testimonies to Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM): full interviews with full personal data and audios are available upon request. Several interviewees have since managed to arrive in Greece where they are now. Several interviewees have been victims of more expulsions (from the land) and/or pushbacks (at sea). read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
01.12.2021, Der Fluter
Fast 2.400 Menschen sitzen in Griechenland in Abschiebehaft – oft unter miserablen Bedingungen, abgeschirmt von der Öffentlichkeit und völlig im Unklaren darüber, wie es für sie weitergeht. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
01.12.2021, InfoMigrants
Dozens of international humanitarian organisations signed a joint appeal calling on the EU to "restore the rights and values at the borders of Europe" in the face of the situation migrants are experiencing at the Belarus border. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union
01.12.2021, NY Times
The man’s story echoes complaints from human-rights groups that Greek authorities often expel asylum seekers indiscriminately and violently. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English
01.12.2021, Spiegel
27 people died one week ago trying to cross the english channel from Calais to Great Britain. The two survivors of the tragedy accuse the coast guard of both countries to have ignored the calls for help. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
30.11.2021, TGR
I respingimenti informali al confine italo-sloveno sono illegali e non riprenderanno. A dirlo i parlamentari Magi e Orfini, dopo un sopralluogo alla frontiera italo slovena di Fernetti. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europäische Union
30.11.2021, Pro Asyl
The German government is violating European law by detaining criminal prisoners and people who are to be deported in the same accommodation. This was stated by Advocate General Jean Richard de la Tour of the European Court of Justice in his opinion. PRO ASYL, the Refugee Council of Lower Saxony and lawyer Peter Fahlbusch welcome the clarification and call on the federal government to act. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
30.11.2021, tagesschau
The situation in the Belarusian border area remains desperate. More and more migrants tell how they are caught between the fronts. And an improvement of the situation is not foreseeable. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union
29.11.2021, tagesschau
Die EU-Staaten wollen härter gegen Schleuser im Ärmelkanal vorgehen. Von Mittwoch an soll ein Frontex-Flugzeug zur Luftüberwachung eingesetzt werden. Auslöser des Treffens war ein Bootsunglück, bei dem 27 Menschen ums Leben kamen. read more
29.11.2021, Welcome Initiative
The situation at the EU’s border between Poland and Belarus is still causing immense suffering and has led to the deaths of at least ten people, while human rights of people seeking safety are systemically being violated. In the meantime, the Government of the Republic of Croatia is hosting the Prime Minister of Poland in order to give each other legitimacy to the treatment of refugees at the borders of these two countries, instead of proposing to the European Union ways to share responsibility for people seeking security. read more
28.11.2021, Welt
Seit Wochen harren Tausende Migranten an der polnisch-belarussischen Grenze aus. Bei einer Aktion in Berlin fordern mehrere Organisationen die Einrichtung eines humanitären Korridors. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa, Deutschland
27.11.2021, la Stampa
Le operazioni stanno incontrando molte difficoltà a causa delle condizioni del mare. read more
27.11.2021, Frankfurter Rundschau
Großbritannien fordert Frankreich auf, seine Bootsflüchtlinge zurückzunehmen. Macron reagiert wütend. Nun droht auch der Fischereistreit zu eskalieren. read more
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