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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
08.02.2022, InfoMigrants
In Morocco, it is common to buy a work contract through a broker to realize the dream of reaching Europe. Many "scam brokers" have made a fortune at the expense of young Moroccans who dream of arriving in Germany. InfoMigrants spoke to some who fell victim to the fraud. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Deutschland
08.02.2022, MiGAZIN
Since 2016, the EU Border Agency has been given considerably more power. A new management post is now responsible for each of the currently established armed border force, a deportation centre and data retention. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
07.02.2022, ANSAmed
Nel 2021 la Turchia ha soccorso 23.676 migranti nelle acque del mar Egeo e di questi 15.794 sarebbero stati respinti dalla Grecia. Lo afferma un rapporto della guardia costiera di Ankara che, secondo il quotidiano Hurriyet, documenta 619 episodi di presunti respingimenti da parte di Atene. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
07.02.2022, InfoMigrants
A preliminary hearings judge (GUP) in the Sicilian city of Palermo has sentenced two men to a 20-year prison term for allegedly detaining and torturing migrants waiting to cross the Mediterranean to reach Italy, in the Zuhara prison in Libya. Both men, identified as citizens of Bangladesh, faced torture charges. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
More and more migrants are trying to enter France from Spain through the area bordering the Mediterranean, via the French village of Cerbère. Before 2021, the majority of new arrivals came via the Atlantic coast, towards Irun and Hendaye, in the Basque Country. To avoid police checks, deployed in large numbers in the area, the migrants take more risks and go through the dangerous railway tunnel. The majority of migrants who pass through the Vermeille coast are from Algeria. The Hirak Movement, the popular protest movement that started in February 2019, had revived the hopes of Algerian youth, plagued by a lack of work and prospects. But, more than two years later, their expectations have been disappointed. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Spanien
07.02.2022, Washington Post
Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard officers fired at a boat carrying Venezuelan migrants Saturday night, wounding a mother and killing the baby in her arms. The fatal shooting took place as officers tried to stop a boat crossing the Venezuelan border into Trinidad and Tobago, in what the island nation’s officials described as an act of self-defense, according to a Coast Guard statement. Only after the ship stopped did the Coast Guard realize there were migrants “hidden” on board, according to the statement. The wounded mother told her relatives that the captain of the boat wanted to turn back to Venezuela when he saw the Coast Guard, but the Guard followed them and started shooting at the engines. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Amerika
06.02.2022, Libya Review
On Sunday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Libya announced that since 2017 it had relocated 2,438 refugees to safety by resettling them in third countries, notably through the Regional Development and Protection Programme for North Africa (RDPP-NA). read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
04.02.2022, Globalist
Il gup di Palermo Clelia Maltese ha condannato a 20 anni di carcere Pazurl Sohel e Harun Md, bengalesi, accusati di essere i carcerieri del campo di prigionia di Zuhara in Libia dove venivano tenuti sotto sequestro e torturati i migranti. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
04.02.2022, ecre
Civilian search and rescue vessels Aita Mari and Geo Barents have saved and disembarked hundreds of survivors in Lampedusa and Sicily in the latest week of January. An Italian Court has acquitted rescuers from the NGO Mediterranea Saving Humans, shelving the investigation against them. Nearly 100 organisations have called for Italy to axe its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Libya. Amongst other egregious crimes, people on the move in Libya are exposed to land border pushbacks. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
04.02.2022, InfoMigrants
"My name is Parvin, I left Iran and went to Turkey in 2017," says Parvin in a video statement posted on the European Center For Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) Twitter feed. "And then [I went] to Europe in 2020 alone. On the way, I was pushed back from Greece six times." Parvin is a 30-year-old Iranian woman who is now living in Germany. With the help of various rights groups, including ECCHR, the research agency Forensic Architecture, an investigative journalism group based at Goldsmiths University in London, and the German news magazine Der Spiegel, her story has just been published. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
03.02.2022, ANSA
È salito a 19 il bilancio dei migranti morti per ipotermia al confine tra Turchia e Grecia. read more
Almeno 16 persone sarebbero disperse nell'Oceano Atlantico dopo aver tentato di raggiungere le isole Canarie su un'imbarcazione di fortuna soccorsa ieri mentre stava affondando: lo hanno reso noto le autorità spagnole, affermando che si tratta di una cifra ricavata dalle prime testimonianze dei superstiti. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Spanien
03.02.2022, InfoMigrants
The Cypriot interior minister said on Tuesday that the EU and its border agency Frontex have helped to streamline procedures to return rejected asylum seekers. The number of people arriving on the island nation lately has been soaring. read more
03.02.2022, MiGAZIN
A police control of persons violates the Basic Law if it is carried out on the basis of skin colour. This was decided by the Administrative Court of Dresden. The complaint was filed by a man who was fed up with being repeatedly checked by the police without any reason. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
03.02.2022, Die Zeit
France's president considers the EU's asylum and migration policy outdated. His goal: to return to genuine freedom of movement through better external controls. Macron suggested forming a so-called Schengen Council for this purpose. For exceptional situations at the external borders, such as the Belarus crisis, there must be mechanisms to send help to other countries at short notice. France also advocates closer cooperation between countries of origin and transit. Unwanted migration should thus be prevented and more repatriations carried out. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
02.02.2022, AP News
The European Union hopes to deliver more vessels to the Libyan coast guard before the summer when irregular sea crossings are expected to increase, an EU official whose work focuses on relations with Libya and migration said on Wednesday. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
02.02.2022, Reuters
Turkish authorities have found the bodies of 12 migrants who froze to death near Greece, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said on Wednesday, accusing Greek guards of sending them back across the border without shoes. read more
02.02.2022, borderline-eruope/Adif
Zum Jahrestag des italienisch-libyschen Memorandums ein Überblicksartikel von dem italienischen Asylrechtsexperten Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo zur Zusammenarbeit der europäische Staaten mit der sog. libyschen Küstenwache. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Il 2 febbraio 2017 a Roma la firma dell'accordo di cooperazione fra i due Paesi per il controllo delle migrazioni. Un fallimento totale costato 8 mila morti nel Mediterraneo e torture per decine di migliaia di persone. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
02.02.2022, Middle East Eye
63 people, including 15 women and three children, were rescued by the Moroccan navy after their vessel began to sink close to the Moroccan coast on Tuesday. All of them survived and were safe. According to the Human Rights Organisation Caminando Fronteras, many people trying to reach Europe were now heading to the Canary Islands, as shorter routes in the Mediterranean were heavily monitored. read more
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