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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
28.07.2021, Deutschlandfunk
Die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention von 1951 räumt Geflüchteten in allen Unterzeichnerstaaten Schutz ein, zumindest auf dem Papier. Die Wirklichkeit sieht anders aus. Europa schottet sich ab. Unterschlupf finden Geflüchtete vor allem in den ärmsten Ländern der Erde, etwa in Uganda. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union, Afrika, Weltweit
27.07.2021, InfoMigrants
The non-governmental organization Aegean Boat Report has vehemently rejected accusations by Greek police that its members, along with those of other organizations, are involved in facilitating the illegal transfer of refugees and migrants to the Greek islands or that it was involved in espionage. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
27.07.2021, Pro Asyl
The Foreign Office's new situation report on the asylum and deportation situation in Afghanistan is already outdated and trivializes the drastic deterioration of the security situation since the withdrawal of NATO troops and the advance of the Taliban, as well as the situation of deportees. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Naher Osten
26.07.2021, La Stampa
Proprio oggi la Ocean Viking e la Sea Watch 3 sono arrivate in zona Sar, ma in un’area distante dal luogo del naufragio, avvenuto al largo di Al-Khoms. Il mare ingrossato ha rallentato le partenze di barconi carichi di migranti da Tunisia e Libia e a Lampedusa oggi non ci sono stati sbarchi read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika
26.07.2021, Linkiesta
Un rapporto di Amnesty International denuncia ancora una volta gravi violazioni dei diritti dei rifugiati nel Paese ellenico. In più della metà dei casi che le persone sono state arrestate portate in un luogo di detenzione per alcune ore ma anche per più di un giorno. In altri sono state riportate direttamente alle sponde del fiume Evros e trasportate direttamente in Turchia read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union
26.07.2021, Spiegel
The regime in Belarus has repeatedly threatened the EU to let refugees from war zones pass the border. Lithuania's foreign minister is now calling for tougher EU sanctions - and speaks of "hybrid warfare. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Baltische Staaten, Osteuropa
26.07.2021, BBC
The home secretary pledged her "unwavering determination" to stop migrants crossing the English channel after nearly 600 people were intercepted over the weekend. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Großbritannien
26.07.2021, DW
The people wanted to reach Great Britain with two boats, but got into distress at sea. The French navy then intervened. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
25.07.2021, AYS
This year so far over 2000 people have died trying to get to Spain, the same figure that died in the entirety of 2020. This is an increase of 526%. 12,622 people survived the crossing only to be met by diabolical conditions and often deportation. In response to the high level of harm caused, Caravana Abriendo Fronteres organised a week of protest to make visible, denounce and combat migration policies. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Spanien
23.07.2021, Repubblica
Decolonizzare la narrazione, ma anche la conoscenza, sui migranti e sulle migrazioni. È il solo modo per rendere giustizia alla realtà e smettere di dare visioni distorte e scorrette sui flussi migratori, si legge in un articolo di Antonella Sinopoli pubblicato da Nigrizia. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Weltweit
23.07.2021, vita
Stanno aumentando in queste ultime settimane i minori soli in transito nella Capitale. Provengono da aree di crisi come il Tigray e dormono in strada, spesso davanti alle stazioni. Intersos: “Servono sistemazioni adeguate e supporto psicologico” read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
23.07.2021, infomigrants
The Greek coast guard along with crews from four passing ships picked up at least 37 migrants from a boat off Crete on Thursday evening. Several people are reportedly still missing. read more
23.07.2021, MailOnline
Tajikistan is preparing to take in up to 100,000 refugees from neighbouring Afghanistan where fighting has escalated as United States-led troops withdraw, a senior Tajik official said on Friday. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Naher Osten
23.07.2021, Aljazeera
Turkish naval ships and an aircraft have been deployed as part of search and rescue efforts. read more
22.07.2021, infomigrants
Dans cette ville de l’ouest de la Roumanie, à une petite cinquantaine de kilomètres de la frontière serbe, des dizaines de migrants, arrivés de Serbie, attendent d’avoir rassemblé assez d’argent pour reprendre la route et passer en Hongrie. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Osteuropa
22.07.2021, InfoMigrants
Italy and Slovenia have reached an understanding to continue joint patrols at their border, according to the Trieste police commissioner. League politicians praised these plans. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Italien / Malta
At least 17 Bengali migrants have drowned in a shipwreck off the Tunisian coast as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to Italy from Libya. Some reports say that the number of deaths may yet rise. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
22.07.2021, taz
Das britische Unterhaus hat für eine Verschärfung des Asylverfahrens gestimmt. Derweil sind in nur drei Tagen 800 Geflüchtete in Booten angekommen. read more
22.07.2021, Spiegel
Zwei Monate lang protestierten sie für ihr Bleiberecht. Nun unterbrechen mehr als 400 Sans Papiers ihren Hungerstreik in Brüssel. Die belgische Regierung habe eine »helfende Hand« gereicht. Wie die aussehen könnte, ist aber noch offen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa
21.07.2021, La Stampa
I migranti riportati a Tripoli dalla Guardia costiera libica sono in stato di detenzione, come hanno fatto sapere anche le stesse autorità libiche read more
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