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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
14.07.2021, Deutschlandfunk
Due to the increasing number of illegal immigrants, the parliament in Lithuania has adopted several amendments to the law. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Baltische Staaten
14.07.2021, Tagesschau
The Taliban's advance in Afghanistan is also causing concern in the neighboring country. Pakistan does not want to take in any more refugees - and would prefer to get rid of those who are already there. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Naher Osten
14.07.2021, MailOnline
Dutzende von Migranten wurden am Montag vor der französischen Küste gerettet, so die Behörden. Ein Marinehubschrauber hatte nur 20 Minuten Zeit, um 37 Menschen von einer Sandbank zu retten, bevor diese unter Wasser gesetzt wurde. 55 weitere Personen, darunter 10 Frauen und zwei Kinder, wurden aus einem Boot gerettet. Weitere 31 Menschen wurden gerettet, nachdem zwei andere Boote in Schwierigkeiten geraten waren. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
13.07.2021, infomigrants
The European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson has reported that she is working to secure €300 million for the resettlement of 30,000 refugees until the end of 2022. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
Germany says it currently has no plans to stop deporting rejected asylum seekers to Afghanistan. Kabul has asked European countries to suspend deportations for three months due to the unstable situation in the country. Meanwhile Finland has announced a temporary suspension. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Mittlerer Osten, Deutschland, Europa
12.07.2021, infomigrants
The Libyan port city of Zouara has issued a deadline for migrants. They are called upon to officially regularize their situation or they will be at risk of expulsion from the city. The Libyan municipality justified its decision by blaming it on a "raised crime rate". read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
12.07.2021, Europa Today
L'Ungheria di Orban, la Germania di Merkel e il resto dell'Ue non pervenuti. L’unico a intervenire è il premier Bettel, protagonista poche settimane fa dello scontro sui diritti Lgbt read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
The European Parliament has approved two funds: Until 2027, nearly €10 billion will go towards implementing migration and asylum policies in the European Union (EU), over €6 billion will be spend on border control measures. read more
12.07.2021, dw
EU border agency Frontex said Saturday it would ramp up its support for Lithuania next week, as the country deals with an increase in migrants crossing its border. The agency vowed to deploy more officers and patrol cars to secure Lithuania's border. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Baltische Staaten, Europäische Union
12.07.2021, AlJazeera
A minibus carrying undocumented Afghan, Pakistani and Bangladeshi migrants has crashed in eastern Turkey, killing at least 12 people and injuring 26 others, according to local authorities. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Mittlerer Osten, Naher Osten
12.07.2021, Deutschlandfunk
Nach Darstellung der Hilfsorganisation Sea Watch geht Libyens Küstenwache auf offener See mit Gewalt gegen Migrant:innen vor. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Deutschland
12.07.2021, Welt
Seit Beginn des Abzugs der internationalen Truppen spitzt sich die Sicherheitslage in Afghanistan zu. Die afghanische Regierung ruft nun dazu auf, abgelehnte Asylbewerber:innen aus Europa vorerst nicht mehr in das Krisenland zurückzubringen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Mittlerer Osten, Deutschland, Europa
09.07.2021, infomigrants
Amadi*, a 24-year-old Malian, contacted InfoMigrants to tell us about his experiences in one of Libya's state prisons. Violence against migrants in these detention centers has been well-documented and condemned, yet it continues read more
09.07.2021, Migazin
The European Court of Justice has ordered Poland to pay 10,000 euros to each of the Syrian protection seekers for illegal pushback. The country had turned back the people at the border with Belarus. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Naher Osten
09.07.2021, taz
The "Ocean Viking" with 572 rescued people are allowed to call at a port in Sicily. The rescue ship had taken the people in the beginning of this week. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
08.07.2021, ibna
As the current holder of the presidency of the Council of the European Union, Slovenia hosted an informal meeting of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum (SCIFA) on 7 and 8 July 2021 in Portorož. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
08.07.2021, AYS
AYS Daily Digest 07/07/21 — Rescues and Arrivals at Sea: The Context Behind the Numbers read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Spanien, Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland
08.07.2021, infomigrants
Amnesty International has launched a petition, demanding the Greek government end its alleged pushbacks of refugees and migrants. The organization recently released a report, accusing Greek authorities of illegally returning potential asylum seekers to Turkey. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
Authorities at a British military base on Cyprus have hired additional officers and procured detection equipment to better thwart migration. The move comes as more migrants have continued to arrive from the Turkish-administered northern part of the island. read more
Forty-nine bodies have been recovered off Tunisia after a total of four boats with migrants from sub-Saharan countries sank between Wednesday and Sunday near the coastal city of Sfax. read more
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