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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
02.05.2022, FragDenStaat
Der katastrophale Abzug Deutschlands aus Afghanistan im vergangenen Jahr ist noch lange nicht aufgeklärt. Wir haben jetzt Klage gegen das Auswärtige Amt eingereicht: Es geht um nicht veraktete SMS des Außenministers. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
02.05.2022, InfoMigrants
The UK government has confirmed that 254 migrants crossed the Channel in seven small boats on Sunday, May 1, after an 11-day pause in crossings. More than 100 are reported to have arrived already on May 2. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
01.05.2022, Faro di Roma
Il 4 maggio, primo mercoledì del mese, il sit-in del Digiuno di Giustizia in solidarietà con I migranti si terrà a Roma dalle ore 16.00 alle 18,30, in piazza Rotonda (Pantheon). Purtroppo, nonostante tutte le nostre proteste, la Questura di Roma continua a negarci il diritto di digiunare davanti al Parlamento contro le politiche razziste del governo italiano (e della UE) verso i profughi che bussano alle porte dell’Europa. Si tratta di milioni di uomini, donne e bambini. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
01.05.2022, Africavista
Nell’immaginario collettivo, la parola “immigrato” evoca una persona povera e dalla pelle scura che sbarca sulle coste italiane. Eppure la gran parte degli immigrati non è giunta via mare e i subsahariani rappresentano solo il 15% degli stranieri in Italia (le comunità più numerose provengono da Romania, Albania, Marocco, Cina, Ucraina). read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europa, Afrika
01.05.2022, MiGAZIN
Bundestag resolution: The Bundeswehr will participate in the EU naval mission "Irini" in the Mediterranean for another year. However, the training of the Libyan coast guard is not to be continued. According to the German government, the reason for this is the repeated unacceptable and illegal behaviour of the coast guard towards refugees and migrants as well as non-governmental organisations that help with sea rescue. Sea rescuers criticise that symbolic politics do not help victims. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Deutschland
30.04.2022, Seebrücke
Seit fast 2 Monaten hindern libysche Behörden Sea-Watch daran, innerhalb der libyschen Such- und Rettungszone mit den Aufklärungsflugzeugen Seabird 1 & 2 Einsätze zu fliegen. Damit wird verhindert, dass ein Gebiet beobachtet wird, in dem Menschen völkerrechtswidrig nach Libyen verschleppt werden oder ertrinken. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
30.04.2022, Avvenire
Per il procuratore della Corte penale le violenze contro i migranti hanno una nuova e più pesante "classificazione". Grazie agli esposti di giuristi internazionali e alle inchieste di Avvenire. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika
29.04.2022, DW
Nach dem Rücktritt von Frontex-Direktor Fabrice Leggeri fordern Kritiker mehr Aufsicht. Nach einer Serie von Skandalen um verbotene Pushbacks von Migranten stehe die Integrität der EU-Grenzagentur ernsthaft in Frage. read more
29.04.2022, La Nuova
Sono 214: donne, uomini, bambini piccoli. Vengono da paesi in guerra: Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Etiopia. Da anni tentano di raggiungere l'Europa, hanno affrontato il viaggio nel Mediterraneo più volte, e più volte sono stati intercettati dalla Guardia Costiera libica o tunisina, riportati nei campi di prigionia libici, dove sono stati torturati e tenuti sotto sequestro, o in Tunisia dove, nonostante siano rifugiati, non hanno diritti. read more
29.04.2022, Handelsblatt
1924 Tote oder Vermisste wurden auf den Routen von Nordafrika über das Mittelmeer gemeldet, 1153 zwischen der westafrikanischen Küste und den zu Spanien gehörenden Kanarischen Inseln, wie das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR) berichtet. Doppelt so viele Tote wie im Vorjahr. read more
29.04.2022, SOS Humanity
At noon on Friday 29th of April, the German Bundestag decided to continue the deployment of the German Armed Forces within the framework of the EU mission EUNAVFOR MED Irini until 30 April 2023. The sea rescue organisation SOS Humanity criticises that the EU's support of the Libyan coast guard is de facto aiding and abetting the violation of international law. The German change of mandate is insufficient and does not correspond to the improvements formulated in the coalition agreement for people fleeing across the Mediterranean. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
29.04.2022, Politico
Frontex Director Fabrice Leggeri has led the agency, Frontex, since 2015. In recent years, Frontex has come under significant scrutiny for its alleged role in illegally turning migrants away at the EU’s borders, a practice known as pushbacks. Frontex has also faced allegations of harassment and misconduct within the agency itself. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
29.04.2022, Global Detention Project
In early March, shortly into Russia’s war on Ukraine, the Global Detention Project (GDP) began receiving email messages and videos from individuals claiming to know people who remained trapped in an immigration detention centre inside Ukraine, even as the war approached. The information we received indicated that there were several dozen detainees still at the Volyn detention centre (formally, “Volyn PTPI,” but also referred to as the “Zhuravychi Migrant Accommodation Centre”), including people from Pakistan, India, Eritrea, Sudan, Afghanistan, among other countries. They had grown particularly desperate after the start of the war and had held a demonstration to demand their release when the nearby town was shelled, which reportedly was violently broken up by detention centre guards. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Osteuropa
28.04.2022, Statewatch
Translation of a statement published by Migreurop and EuroMed Rights regarding the recent agreement between Spain and Morocco, which "anchors migration in a logic of securitisation, which can only lead to more rights violations at the borders." read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Spanien, Nordafrika, Europa, Afrika
28.04.2022, InfoMigrants
A hunger strike by a group of Syrian asylum seekers being detained in a closed center south of Warsaw is into its ninth day. The men say they have been treated "like criminals". Munzer, Ghith, Shadee, Rami and Mousa began their protest at the Lesznowola Guarded Center for Foreigners in Poland on April 19. It was a move prompted by frustration and loss of hope. The letter said they were feeling intense psychological pressure and exhaustion "especially with … the harsh experience that we went through in Syria and Belarus." They crossed the Polish border from Belarus "illegally", the letter continued, because they had no other option. They have been given no convincing reason for their detention at the facility, where they have remained for more than two months. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union
28.04.2022, Welt
In den hessischen Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen für Flüchtlinge haben Mitte März sechs Menschen gelebt, die bereits länger als eineinhalb Jahre dort untergebracht gewesen waren. Dies geht aus einer Antwort des Sozialministeriums in Wiesbaden auf eine parlamentarische Anfrage der Linksfraktion im hessischen Landtag hervor. 57 Menschen hatten bereits mindestens ein Jahr in der Einrichtung verbracht, 199 mindestens ein halbes Jahr. read more
28.04.2022, Sea-Watch
Die zivile Seenotrettungsorganisation Sea-Watch hat Klage gegen Frontex vor dem Gericht der Europäischen Union (EuG) in Luxemburg erhoben. Zuvor hatte die Grenzschutzagentur Anfragen gemäß der Informationsfreiheitsverordnung abgelehnt. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union, Europa
The UK's asylum reform bill -- the Nationality and Borders Bill -- is set to become law after overcoming a final challenge in parliament on Wednesday. Since the departure of the United Kingdom from the EU two years ago, the country has been working on tightening its immigration laws. Among other changes, the new law will introduce tougher sanctions on people smugglers with longer prison sentences. However, it will also affect migrants who arrive in the country using irregular means. They will only receive temporary protection status, as opposed to automatic right to settle in the country, and only get to enjoy limited rights to family reunification; their access to social benefits will be also limited. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien
27.04.2022, Migazin
Seenotretter auf der „Ocean Viking“ haben bei zwei Rettungseinsätzen im Mittelmeer mehrere Hundert Menschen vor dem Ertrinken gerettet – darunter mehr als 130 Minderjährige. Seit Jahresbeginn sind mehr als 600 Menschen bei der Überfahrt ums Leben gekommen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
26.04.2022, efsyn
On Easter Monday evening, some 40 refugees who had previously been informally detained by the police at the border guard station in Neo Chimonio of Evros were returned to Turkey, according to the geographical position they had sent to the "Ef.Syn.". This pushback provocatively violates the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, which on Maundy Thursday accepted the request for interim measures of the Greek Refugee Council. The court ordered the Greek government not to remove the refugees from Greece, but to provide them with water, food, healthcare and access to asylum. read more
Language(s): Griechisch / ελληνικά Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
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