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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
19.10.2020, Balkan Insight
Northwestern Bosnia has become a bottleneck on the route taken by migrants and refugees trying to reach Western Europe, and tensions are building. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
19.10.2020, Spiegel
After the big fire in Moria a new camp was built on Lesvos. But the living conditions for the 7500 asylum seekers are still very bad. Many even miss the most notorious refugee camp in Europe. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
19.10.2020, InfoMigrants
Around 300 migrants arrived on the Spanish islands on Thursday, according to Spanish agency reports. While migrant arrivals on the Spanish mainland have decreased this year, arrivals on the Canaries have increased dramatically. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Spanien
19.10.2020, RSA
One month after the establishment of the temporary Reception and Identification structure (RIC) in the area of Kara Tepe on Lesvos, conditions remain substandard and recent government decisions are expected to restrict significantly reception alternatives on the island. The new camp does not even have showers for the more than 7.600 refugees living there, with sea water being the only alternative amidst pandemic conditions, despite the lower temperatures! Few days ago, the UN Refugee Agency referred to critical gaps “in drainage, water, sanitation, hygiene and health services that need to be addressed without any delay”. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
17.10.2020, The Guardian
Data released today on the 10th anniversary of the UK’s Anti-Slavery Day – introduced to mark the government’s commitment to ending exploitation – reveal that of almost 4,700 confirmed foreign victims of trafficking, just 28 children were granted leave to remain in the UK over a four-year-period. The figures have shocked anti-slavery campaigners. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien
16.10.2020, Borderline Sicilia
Comunicato stampa - Esposti presso le Procure minorili di Palermo e Catania. Le associazioni siciliane chiedono lo sbarco immediato dei MSNA dalle navi quarantena. Borderline Sicilia ONLUS, Borderline-Europe, CISS/Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud, Rete Antirazzista Catanese, Forum Antirazzista di Palermo, circolo Arci Porco Rosso di Palermo e Osservatorio contro le discriminazioni razziali “Noureddine Adnane”: "La storia di Abou non si deve ripetere. Tutti i minori a bordo delle navi quarantena devono essere sbarcati e immediatamente tutelati". read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
Greece begun this week the construction of the new fence at the border with Turkey along the Evros River, a project aimed at stopping illegal immigration into the country. The 5-meter (16.4 foot) tall fence with a total length of 27 km (16.7 miles) and eight observation towers is being erected at the area of Ferres, at the southern part of the border region. read more
16.10.2020, Zeit Online
In Pikpa on Lesvos, particularly vulnerable refugees live in wooden huts with electricity and running water. Now the government wants to close this camp of all places. read more
16.10.2020, InfoMigrants
The UN-recognized government in Libya has detained a coastguard commander Abdalrahman Al-Milad in connection with human trafficking and migrant smuggling. The UN Security Council previously accused him of intentionally sinking migrant boats. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
16.10.2020, Border Violence Monitoring Network
In the very short period of time between when the first case of COVID-19 was found in Moria Camp on September 2nd—an event that is inextricably tied to the fires—to announcements at the end of the month by top government officials on the building of detention facilities to house people-on-the-move on Lesvos and the closing of all other housing structures, the landscape and discourses on issues of migrant mobility and rights changed drastically. read more
16.10.2020, Sea-Watch
Together with the Border Violence Monitoring Network, Sea-Watch has submitted a joint report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee regarding Malta’s continued violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
15.10.2020, BorderlineSicilia
The present report – produced by Borderline Sicilia based on data collected in 2019 – provides a snapshot of the situation of unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) in Sicily, where they continue to arrive in record numbers at the largest amount of facilities dedicated to their care, despite arrivals of migrants on national territory overall decreasing since 2017. read more
15.10.2020, Deutschlandfunk
Ein Feuer vernichtete im September das völlig überfüllte Flüchtlingscamp Moria auf Lesbos. Auch das provisorische Übergangslager ist inzwischen zweimal von Regenfällen überflutet worden. Trotz der Probleme dort will Athen zwei andere Camps auf Lesbos auflösen. read more
15.10.2020, Jungle World
Der Tod eines 15-jährigen Flüchtlings auf Sizilien veranschaulicht die unmenschlichen Verhältnisse, denen aus Seenot Gerettete ausgesetzt sind. »Er hat Libyen und das Meer überlebt, aber nicht das unendliche Warten, das für Migranten vorgesehen ist«, schrieb die Journalistin Raffaella Cosentino. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Afrika
14.10.2020, The Times UK
Immigrants benefit Italy by €500 million a year, a study has found, boosting claims that the nation needs more foreign workers. The Leone Moressa Foundation compared the taxes paid by the 5.26 million migrants in Italy with the total cost of hosting them. read more
14.10.2020, Oberösterreichische Nachrichten
WIEN/TRIPOLIS. Die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen (MSF) fordert, die Rückführungen von Flüchtlingen nach Libyen zu beenden. Allein am vergangenen Wochenende seien 390 Menschen nach Libyen zurückgebracht worden, obwohl Flüchtlinge und Migranten dort unter schrecklichen Bedingungen in ständiger Gefahr lebten. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union
13.10.2020, À bas les Cra*
Au CRA du Mesnil-Amelot les prisonnières font face au harcèlement policier et à des conditions sanitaires insalubres. Alors qu’une prisonnière est tombée malade suite à une infection (dû au rationnement de serviettes hygiéniques), les prisonnières ont du lutter pour faire intervenir les pompiers. Elles dénoncent les multiples insultes et harcèlements – traitées notamment de « putes » par les flics- et aussi l’humiliation lorsque ils les forcent à chanter « joyeux anniversaire » au chef du centre sous peine de ne pas manger. Elle dénoncent aussi la nourriture périmée qui leur est donnée, qui s’ajoute au froid dans lequel elles vivent. Voici une retranscription de l’émission de l’Envolée du 9 octobre dans lequel une prisonnière raconte tout ça. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Frankreich
13.10.2020, Al Jazeera
The Greek government’s decision to shut down Pikpa, an open volunteer-run refugee shelter on the island of Lesbos, is a mistake we cannot afford to make. read more
13.10.2020, Deutschlandfunk
Die britische Regierung will die Asyl- und Einwanderungspolitik deutlich verschärfen. Geflüchtete ohne Bleiberecht sollen gar auf Inseln gebracht werden. Im Gespräch: Ascension Island und St. Helena im Südatlantik. Geflüchtete mit Hochschulabschluss sind willkommen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
13.10.2020, Reuters
Tunisia recovered more bodies on Tuesday from a ship that sank off the Tunisian coast on Sunday while carrying African migrants, bringing the death toll to 17, a judicial official told Reuters. read more
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