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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
Après avoir été enfermé 8 jours dans la zone d’attente de Roissy (ZAPI), Farid a été renvoyé le 28 septembre vers Casablanca, sans le résultat de son test PCR qui s’est révélé être positif. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Frankreich
12.10.2020, Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Frankreich ist das EU-Land mit der höchsten Zahl von Asylbewerbern. Bilder von Migranten-Zeltlagern sorgen hier seit einiger Zeit für Schlagzeilen. Doch der politische Wille, die Versorgung der Flüchtlinge zu verbessern, fehlt. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Frankreich
Dozens of tents were flooded and large parts of Kara Tepe refugee camp on the island of Lesvos came under water after a strong rainfall on Thursday, an expected development as many people warned about from the very first moment the camp was set up. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
11.10.2020, The Guardian
At two docks on opposite shores of the Mediterranean, two sets of families have been drawn into a small international crisis as the fate of 12 Italian fishermen held in Libya appears to hinge on that of four Libyan footballers jailed in Italy for people smuggling. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
10.10.2020, Borderline Sicilia
The present report – produced by Borderline Sicilia based on data collected in 2019 – provides a snapshot of the situation of unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) in Sicily, where they continue to arrive in record numbers at the largest amount of facilities dedicated to their care, despite arrivals of migrants on national territory overall decreasing since 2017. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
10.10.2020, La Vanguardia
Las islas Canarias han recibido unos 1.015 migrantes a bordo de un total de 37 pateras y cayucos en las últimas 72 horas coincidiendo con los tres días de visita del ministro de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones, José Luis Escrivá, al archipiélago. read more
Language(s): Spanisch / Español Region(s): Spanien
10.10.2020, Sea Eye
Am Freitagabend setzte die italienische Küstenwache die ALAN KURDI nach einer achtstündigen Hafenstaatskontrolle zum zweiten Mal in diesem Jahr fest. Dem Sea-Eye-Schiff wurde zuvor nach einer mehrwöchigen Werftpause durch spanische und deutsche Fachbehörden die Einsatzbereitschaft attestiert. read more
09.10.2020, UNHCR
Four weeks after the fires destroyed Moria Reception and Identification Centre on Lesvos, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is reiterating its call that urgent action and improvements are needed to avoid further deterioration of living conditions for some 7,800 refugees and asylum-seekers currently sheltered in the emergency site in Kara Tepe. read more
09.10.2020, Il riformista
“Conoscere per comprendere”: dice tutto il titolo del 29mo Rapporto Immigrazione 2020 di Caritas italiana e Fondazione Migrantes. Il pregiudizio che troppo a lungo si è fatto largo, amplificato negli studi televisivi dalla propaganda di qualcuno, si scontra con la realtà dei numeri che le due istituzioni cattoliche hanno presentato, all’indomani dell’enciclica Fratelli Tutti. Il segretario generale della Cei, monsignor Stefano Russo, lancia strali da scomunica: «Vedere nel migrante soltanto una insidia e come tale giudicarlo, è un comportamento che non può definirsi cristiano; come non è cristiano giudicare pericolosi coloro che si impegnano nelle operazioni di soccorso e di accoglienza». read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
08.10.2020, Pro Asyl
Vor dem Ratstreffen der EU-Justiz- und Innenminister am 8. Oktober warnt PRO ASYL vor der faktischen Abschaffung des Zugangs zum Recht auf Asyl. Mit dem New Pact on Asylum and Migration soll nach dem Willen der Europäischen Kommission eine neue Drittstaatenregelung in Kraft treten, nach der die Türkei für alle Mitgliedstaaten zum sicheren Drittstaat eingestuft würde. Die Türkei bietet aber entgegen anderslautenden Behauptungen keinen ausreichenden Schutz für Flüchtlinge. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union
08.10.2020, OHCHR
A UN human rights expert condemned today the criminalization of 11 human rights defenders in Italy, saying their efforts to search for and save lives of migrants and asylum seekers in distress in the Mediterranean should instead be applauded. “Carola Rackete, the former captain of the rescue vessel Sea-Watch 3, and the ‘Iuventa 10’ crew members are human rights defenders and not criminals,” said Mary Lawlor, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
07.10.2020, The Guardian
Thousands of people who fled the fire that destroyed the infamous Moria refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece, last month are living in dire and unsanitary conditions in a temporary settlement with little access to water or basic sanitation. Just over 7,500 people are now living in tents among the rubble and dust of a former shooting range in an informal settlement that has become known as “Moria 2.0”. read more
07.10.2020, Legal Center Lesvos
Members of Greece’s parliament should urgently establish an inquiry into all allegations of unlawful returns of migrants to Turkey by law enforcement officers and others, 29 human rights and humanitarian aid organizations said in an open letter released today. These returns are carried out mainly through pushbacks and collective expulsions and are often accompanied by violence. read more
Thousands of people who fled the fire that destroyed the infamous Moria refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece, last month are living in dire and unsanitary conditions in a temporary settlement with little access to water or basic sanitation. “At a time when we hear from the European Union: ‘no more Moria’, a new Moria has been built and the conditions – as far as we hear from the people inside – are worse than at the previous camp.” read more
Italian prosecutors are investigating the death of a 15-year-old boy held on a so-called “quarantine ship” as questions grow over the the use of the vessels to isolate asylum seekers in order to mitigate against outbreaks of Covid-19. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Afrika
07.10.2020, ZDF
Nach einem jahrelangen Mammutprozess hat ein Gericht in Griechenland die Neonazi-Partei "Goldene Morgenröte" als kriminelle Vereinigung eingestuft. Es ist das härteste Urteil in einem Massenprozess in Griechenland seit Verurteilung der Mitglieder der Militärjunta 1975. Der Jubel Tausender Menschen vor dem Gericht in Athen war unüberhörbar. Viele trugen Plakate mit Aufschriften wie "Das Volk will die Nazis im Gefängnis". read more
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
07.10.2020, La Repubblica
Il 15enne viene trasferito sulla nave quarantena "Allegra" il 18 settembre. Il 28 settembre viene visitato a bordo dai medici della Croce Rossa: "Non si nutre da 3 giorni e risulta apiretico all'ispezione - si legge in un referto - sono visibili numerose cicatrici verosimilmente conseguenti a torture subite in carcere in Libia (questo dato viene riferito da un compagno di viaggio) pazienta lamenta dolore in sede lombare bilaterale. Manovra di Giordano positiva. Si sospetta un coinvolgimento renale conseguente a stato di disidratazione". read more
Mentre si cerca di far luce sulla morte di Dakite Abdou, il ragazzo 15enne morto a Palermo dopo essere stato soccorso da Open Arms e trasferito sulla nave Allegra, aumentano i casi di ragazzi che si gettano in mare. A largo di Augusta il 1 ottobre sono stati in sei, il 4 ottobre in tre, con uno dei ragazzi che risulta disperso e potrebbe essere annegato. Il 20 maggio scorso era morto Bilal che dalla Moby Zaza cercava di raggiungere la costa a nuoto read more
06.10.2020, Augsburger Allgemeine
Die Strafen für Hilfsorganisationen sind in Italien künftig weniger streng. Die Rechtspopulisten sind aktuell auf dem Rückzug. Zudem soll es weniger Abschiebungen geben. Die „Sicherheitsdekrete“ waren die Grundpfeiler der migrationsfeindlichen Politik von Ex-Innenminister Matteo Salvini in Italien. 2018 und 2019 verfügte der Chef der rechten Lega und stellvertretende Ministerpräsident das Verbot der Hafen-Einfahrt von Schiffen, die Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer aufgegriffen hatten. Die betreffenden Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGO) mussten sich auf die Beschlagnahmung ihrer Boote gefasst machen. Auf die Verantwortlichen warteten drakonische Strafen in Höhe von bis zu einer Million Euro. read more
06.10.2020, Deutsche Welle
Die Migrationsrouten zwischen Afrika und Europa verändern sich: Auf den Kanarischen Inseln sind in den letzten Monaten sechsmal mehr Migrant*innen angekommen als im Vorjahr. Die Corona-Krise ist nur ein Grund dafür. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa, Afrika
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