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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
15.03.2022, Tagesspiegel
Die griechische Küstenwache hat Dutzende Migrant*innen von einem sinkenden Boot vor der Insel Paros gerettet. Die Mehrheit soll aus Afghanistan stammen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
14.03.2022, la Stampa
Da oltre una settimana in attesa di una destinazione: due settimane fa arrivate nello stesso porto altre 28 persone salvate dalla Open Arms. Secondo l’Oim, nei primi due mesi dell’anno sono già 193 i migranti che risultano morti o dispersi nel Mediterraneo centrale read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika, Europa
Solo tre persone sono state tratte in salvo. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika
14.03.2022, Tag43
In risposta alle sanzioni, Putin sarebbe pronto a far partire dalla Libia migliaia di persone. Queste arriverebbero soprattutto in Italia, unendosi alle milioni in fuga dall’Ucraina con destinazione Europa. Dalla Bielorussia alla Turchia, non si tratta di una novità. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika, Europa, Weltweit
14.03.2022, InfoMigrants
A boat carrying 61 people en route to the Spanish Canary Islands sank in the Atlantic this weekend, leaving the Moroccan coast. At least 44 passengers died, including women and children, said the NGO Caminando fronteras. The Atlantic route to the Canary Islands, although extremely dangerous because of the currents, is used more in recent years by migrants wishing to reach Europe, because of the strengthening of controls in the Mediterranean. More than 4,000 deaths were recorded on the sea routes to Spain in 2021. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Nordafrika
14.03.2022, MiGAZIN
According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, around 109,183 refugees from Ukraine have arrived in Germany as of Friday. Because they also do not have to register initially, the actual number of refugees is probably higher. Previously, some federal states had demanded more support from the federal government in the reception and distribution of Ukrainian war refugees. In view of the situation, Brandenburg's Minister President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) said that it was essential to set up additional central contact and registration points under the direction of the federal government. The leading associations of cities and municipalities also spoke out in favor of an even and "fair" distribution of war refugees. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
14.03.2022, Politico
The government has faced sustained criticism — including from many on its own side — because of the scramble to issue visas to Ukrainian refugees since the Russian invasion started two weeks ago. Since then, the government has made a number of U-turns and last-minute announcements to allow more Ukrainians to come to Britain, and the most recent of these policy shifts saw Housing Secretary Michael Gove announce Sunday that Brits would be offered £350 a month to host refugees from Ukraine in their homes. Home Office officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, consistently pointed to security considerations as the overriding priority promoted by ministers — and one of the main reasons for Britain’s delayed response. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien
14.03.2022, The Guardian
Belarusian armed forces are pushing asylum seekers from the Middle East who became trapped in the country after they were promised passage to the EU to cross the border into war-torn Ukraine, according to the testimony of people in Belarusian camps. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Osteuropa
11.03.2022, InfoMigrants
Most of the 2.5 million refugees who have fled Ukraine have suffered traumatic experiences. "The first thing they need is safety, shelter, medical assistance. Those are the urgent things," Vanessa Höse from Xenion, a center for refugees and survivors of conflict in Berlin said. "But we also learned from what happened in 2015 that we need to have a long-term view and make sure that people receive psychological care for what they have been through." It's not just Ukrainian nationals who are in need of psychological support. Höse said that there are also many refugees who had fled from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria and who were seeking asylum in Ukraine when the Russian invasion began and who had to escape yet another war. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europa
11.03.2022, Migazin
Deutschland hat vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof eine krachende Niederlage eingefahren. Menschen, die abgeschoben werden sollen, dürfen nicht wie in Gefängnissen untergebracht werden, entschieden EU-Richter im Falle eines Pakistaners. Sein Anwalt spricht von einem Skandal. Geflüchtetenorganisationen begrüßen das deutliche Urteil. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
11.03.2022, Arab News
The invasion of Ukraine has exposed anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias across European policymaking and news media. For hundreds of thousands of hounded, rejected or stranded refugees and asylum-seekers, the revelations of prejudice and favoritism must come as no surprise, though. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union
11.03.2022, Deutsche Welle
Auch 2022 wagen viele Migrant*innen die gefährliche Überfahrt auf die Kanaren. Die Atlantik-Route verheißt Europa - und große Gefahr: 2021 gab es so viele Todesopfer wie noch nie, sagen Hilfsorganisationen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Spanien, Nordafrika
10.03.2022, il Post
Mercoledì la commissione Affari costituzionali della Camera ha adottato come testo base sulla riforma della cittadinanza quello presentato da Giuseppe Brescia del Movimento 5 Stelle, che prevede il cosiddetto ius scholae, ovvero la cittadinanza per chi ha fatto un percorso scolastico in Italia. Se approvata, estenderebbe la possibilità di ottenerla ai bambini e alle bambine nati in Italia o arrivati prima di avere compiuto 12 anni, dopo aver frequentato le scuole per 5 anni. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Weltweit
10.03.2022, InfoMigrants
New drama in the Mediterranean. On February 27, a boat sank off the Libyan town of Sabratah, west of Tripoli. "About 50 people were on board the boat, none of them survived," said Alarm Phone on its Twitter account. The collective also claims that "more than a dozen bodies have washed up on the Libyan coast since". read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français
10.03.2022, MiGAZIN
Among the refugees from Ukraine are predominantly women and children. There is a growing concern that criminals may exploit the plight of those seeking protection. The head of Jadwiga, a specialized counseling center that helps victims of human trafficking and forced prostitution, also called for the registration of host and guest when arranging private accommodation to protect women. In state-run shelters, women traveling alone must also be offered more protection, for example through separate rooms. read more
09.03.2022, Presseportal
Thüringens Ministerpräsident Bodo Ramelow (Die Linke) spricht sich in der Wochenzeitung DIE ZEIT dafür aus, die Jachten russischer Oligarchen zu enteignen und in der Seenotrettung einzusetzen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europa
09.03.2022, Statewatch
The EU is aiming to convince Iraqi authorities to withdraw their opposition to accepting deportations of Iraqi nationals, establish “smooth cooperation” on readmission and integrate “return, readmission and cooperation” into broader EU-Iraq cooperation on migration. This initiative fits within a wider punitive mechanism that includes monitoring cooperation on readmission by partner countries to promote the “external dimension of migration management”. The plans under discussion to encourage the resumption of forced and voluntary removals of Iraqi nationals from the EU do not appear to be affected by the human rights situation in the country. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
09.03.2022, InfoMigrants
The head of the UN's refugee agency has said the number of people fleeing Ukraine has now reached 2 million. Filippo Grandi warned that the second wave of refugees is likely to be more vulnerable than the first. "If the war continues we will start seeing people that have no resources and no connections," he said at a press conference in Oslo. read more
09.03.2022, Legal Centre Lesvos
Today a joint letter was sent by 27 civil society organisations to the European Commissioner Yvla Johansson denouncing the implementation by Greece of the “safe third country” concept and urging the Commissioner to promptly take the necessary measures against Greece. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
09.03.2022, The Guardian
French interior minister writes to Priti Patel urging government to set up proper consular services in Calais. read more
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