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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
10.02.2021, InfoMigrants
Senior German politician Claudia Roth from the Green Party has publicly withdrawn her personal support for the EU’s border protection agency, Frontex. She has called for Germany’s withdrawal from the agency in the absence of a "complete reorientation of Frontex." read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
10.02.2021, Il Fatto Quotidiano
"La nave italiana ci ha preso in mare la sera del 1 luglio 2018. Il comandante ci ha detto ‘Adesso dormite. Domattina vi sveglierete in Italia‘”. E dopo le torture, la fame, la sete, dopo la carezza della morte a bordo di un gommone che si afflosciava, alla fine hanno dormito. Ma la mattina, il 2 luglio 2018, è apparso il porto di Tripoli, in Libia read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
10.02.2021, Daily Mail
U.N. agencies are pressing the European Union to end the growing practices of denying migrants their right to apply for asylum, collectively expulsing them and using violence against people trying to enter the bloc without authorization. Border pushbacks and collective expulsions are illegal under international refugee treaties, which allow people fearing for their safety to apply for protection. Greece and even the EU´s border and coast guard agency Frontex are among those accused of pushbacks or complicity in them. They deny using such methods. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
09.02.2021, Statewatch
In November 2015 European and African heads of state met at a summit in Valletta, Malta, "to discuss a coordinated answer to the crisis of migration and refugee governance in Europe." Since then joint activities on migration and asylum have increased significantly, according to documents published here by Statewatch read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union, Afrika
09.02.2021, Spiegel
Rechtspopulist Matteo Salvini entdeckt plötzlich seine Liebe zu Europa und will Italiens neue Regierung unter Mario Draghi unterstützen. Ist der Kurswechsel ernst gemeint – oder nur ein raffiniertes Politmanöver? read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
09.02.2021, Zeit Online
The Frontex agency is supposed to help secure the EU's external border. But it does not want to be controlled in the process. Also: What the Corona variants mean for us. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
09.02.2021, Migazin
The Bamf has stopped asylum decisions of refugees who were already recognised in Greece. The background to this is a decision by the OVG Münster. According to this decision, deportees in Greece are threatened with inhuman and degrading treatment. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland
In an open letter to European decision-makers, more than 400 psychologists from all over Europe recall the desolate situation of refugees. The problem is collectively suppressed. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa
09.02.2021, Alarmphone
One year ago, on 9 February 2020, at 04.09 AM, the Alarm Phone was called by a group of 91 people who were in distress on a deflating black rubber boat off Garabulli, Libya. They were in panic, but they managed to clearly communicate their GPS coordinates, which Alarm Phone immediately relayed to the Italian and Maltese authorities, as well as to the so-called Libyan coastguard. At 05.35h CET, the people in distress called the Alarm Phone for the last time. Contact with the boat was lost ever since. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Nordafrika, Europäische Union
08.02.2021, Insideover
Clima primaverile, con tanto di mare calmo ed ideale per la navigazione, trattative per un nuovo governo a Tripoli e nuovo capovolgimento politico in Italia: sono questi i tre elementi convergenti che hanno spinto a un’impennata di sbarchi dalla Libia verso il nostro Paese read more
08.02.2021, Zeit Online
Berlin (dpa/bb) - After a fire in a Berlin refugee shelter, around 128 residents have to be accommodated in another shelter. To protect them from the cold, the people were initially cared for in buses by the German Red Cross, among others, as a fire brigade spokesperson said on Monday evening. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
08.02.2021, ProAsyl
Another collective deportation to Afghanistan is planned for Tuesday, 09.02.2012. It is already the second one this year and already the third, after a 9-month break from March to December 2020 at the request of the Afghan government due to the Covid 19 pandemic. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa
08.02.2021, euractiv
The EU border protection agency Frontex, which has come under pressure for allegedly illegally turning back migrants and refugees, is facing new accusations: Satirist Jan Böhmermann accused the agency of making false statements about meetings with lobbyists from the arms industry. Green Party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt pleaded on Saturday for a reorganization of Frontex as a consequence of the scandals. Pro Asyl demanded the withdrawal of German police officers from the agency. read more
07.02.2021, Deutsche Welle
After a dramatic rescue appeal for 422 refugees on board the "Ocean Viking", the ship is allowed to dock in Sicily. The Italian authorities have given the green light for the journey to the port of Augusta, the organization SOS Méditerranée announced. The ship is expected to arrive in the evening, the refugees should then go ashore. read more
06.02.2021, Avvenire
Oltre 1.500 persone messe in mare nel Mediterraneo Centrale in 24 ore. Più di 1.000 sono salpati dalla sola Libia, da dove non arrivano notizie per circa 300 di loro. Notizie arrivate ieri a poche ore dal voto che ha sancito il rinnovo del consiglio presidenziale read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika
06.02.2021, La Repubblica
Il deserto del Sahara si attraversa non solo per arrivare in Libia, ma anche a ritroso verso il Niger, per scappare dai campi di detenzione e tortura delle milizie. Sono oltre mille i migranti forzati, prevalentemente sudanesi, che si trovano nel sito umanitario e nelle cases de passage allestiti da UNHCR ad Agadez, città nel mezzo del deserto del Sahel e snodo della tratta subsahariana read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Afrika
06.02.2021, Altalex
I “profughi ambientali”, meglio conosciuti come “eco profughi” o, ancora, “rifugiati ambientali”, rappresentano oggigiorno gran parte della popolazione mondiale costretta a scappare dalle proprie Terre di origine nella speranza di una vita migliore read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Weltweit
06.02.2021, Melting Pot Europa
Perché è fondamentale che l’Europa faccia i conti con la violenza del suo passato coloniale - l migrare è un atto naturale appartenente alla specie umana. Sin dalle sue origini l’essere umano ha iniziato a muoversi, tant’è che si può senza dubbio affermare che la storia dell’umanità è una storia di migrazioni read more
06.02.2021, Zeit Online
Criticism of the European border protection agency Frontex continues unabated. A research team and satirist Jan Böhmermann is now accusing the agency of meeting unannounced with lobbyists from the arms industry. An official investigation by the EU's anti-fraud agency Olaf is already underway against the border police, which is reportedly about harassment and illegal rejection of Mediterranean refugees. read more
05.02.2021, Migreurop
Le 9 février 2020, un bateau avec 91 personnes à bord, a fait naufrage au large de la Libye, malgré l’alerte lancée dans la nuit par WatchTheMed AlarmPhone, ignorée par les soi-disant garde-côtes libyens, et sans qu’aucun secours n’ait été porté à cette embarcation en détresse dont les passagers et passagères ont disparu en mer sans laisser traces read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Europäische Union, Afrika
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