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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
27.01.2021, Spiegel
With the refugee crisis, the number of people in deportation prisons also increased. At the same time, dozens of people who were forced to leave the country have taken their own lives in detention since 1993. Many deaths remain unexplained. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
27.01.2021, Daily Mail
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) - The European Union's border control agency, Frontex, is suspending operations in Hungary after the government in Budapest did not comply with a December ruling by Europe's highest court, an agency spokesperson said Wednesday. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Europäische Union
27.01.2021, Eco Internazionale
La scorsa settimana una carovana di migranti dell’Honduras ha superato il confine con il Guatemala. Tra scontri e violenze, la situazione è sfociata nel caos. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Amerika
27.01.2021, Die Linke
In its mission at the maritime borders with Montenegro, the EU border agency Frontex has primarily pursued the goal of warding off refugees. How this was done is revealed in a FRONTEX response to a question by Özlem Alev Demirel, Vice-Chairwoman of the European Parliament's Committee on Security and Defense (SEDE), which is now available. read more
27.01.2021, Human Rights Watch
The Greek government should release test results and other vital information about lead contamination in a migrant camp on Lesbos island to protect the health of residents and workers, Human Rights Watch said today. After testing soil samples in November, the government confirmed publicly on January 23, 2021 the presence of dangerous levels of lead in the soil in the administrative area of the Lesbos camp. It says that samples from residential areas showed lead levels below relevant standards but did not release the locations where samples were collected or the actual test results. The government has yet to indicate that it will take the necessary steps to adequately assess and mitigate the risk, including comprehensive testing and measures to remove people from areas that could be contaminated. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
27.01.2021, United Nations Human Rights Committee
GENEVA (27 January 2021) –Italy failed to protect the right to life of more than 200 migrants who were on board a vessel that sank in the Mediterranean Sea in 2013, the UN Human Rights Committee has found. In a decision published today, the Human Rights Committee said that Italy had failed to respond promptly to various distress calls from the sinking boat, which was carrying more than 400 adults and children. The State party also failed to explain the delay in dispatching its navy ship, ITS Libra, which was located only about an hour away from the scene. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
26.01.2021, AGI
Primo inciampo per il nuovo Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America. L'ordine della corte arriva dalla causa presentata dal procuratore generale del Texas, Ken Paxton, contro la pausa di 100 giorni sulle espulsioni, entrata in vigore venerdì read more
26.01.2021, EU Observer
The European Commission's proposed key to breaking a stalemate over member states' solidarity in its new migration pact is causing member states headaches. read more
Region(s): Europäische Union, Weltweit
26.01.2021, Neue Züricher Zeitung
In the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, 19 burned bodies were found over the weekend. According to witnesses and local media reports, they were migrants who fell into the hands of organized crime on their way to the USA. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Amerika
26.01.2021, Euronews
Germany is currently not allowed to deport certain migrants and refugees to Greece. The ban always applies if the people concerned have already been recognized as refugees in Greece. This was decided by the Higher Administrative Court in Münster. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland
25.01.2021, El Diario
La viceconsejera de Derechos Sociales del Gobierno de Canarias, Gemma Martínez, ha asegurado este lunes que el archipiélago se encuentra "claramente ante una situación de emergencia humanitaria" en la atención a menores extranjeros no acompañados, por lo que ha apelado a la responsabilidad de todas las administraciones, así como del Ejecutivo central y de la Unión Europea (UE) read more
Language(s): Spanisch / Español Region(s): Spanien
25.01.2021, Südtirol News
17 Migranten sind bei einem Schiffbruch vor der libyschen Küste ums Leben gekommen. 82 Überlebende wurden nach dem Unglück von der libyschen Küstenwache nach Libyen zurückgeführt, meldete die Initiative Alarm Phone, die sich für die Seenotrettung von Migranten einsetzt. “In Libyen sind die Überlebenden nicht sicher”, protestierte das Hilfsnetzwerk am Montag per Twitter. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
25.01.2021, La Repubblica
I drammatici racconti dei 374 arrivati questa mattina ad Augusta dalla Ocean Viking. Altri 120 arrivati in poche ore a Lampedusa read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
25.01.2021, The UN Refugee Agency
Despite an estimated 1.44 million refugees in urgent need of resettlement globally, only 22,770 were resettled through UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, last year. This is according to annual statistics released by the agency today. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Weltweit
25.01.2021, Deutsche Welle
Since Thursday, the "Ocean Viking" had taken in 374 people from sub-Saharan countries, including 165 minors, in four different operations off the Libyan coast of inflatable boats in distress. The NGO initially made a request to the Libyan coast guard to help bring the people to safety. After Libya did not respond, SOS Méditerranée asked the two closest EU countries, Malta and Italy, for help. A heavily pregnant woman had reportedly been flown to the island of Lampedusa earlier by Italian authorities. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
25.01.2021, Info Migrants
Serbia's constitutional court has confirmed that the country has deported asylum-seekers to neighboring EU member state Bulgaria in contravention of international law. It was a frigid Saturday morning when Bulgarian police discovered a group of 25 Afghan people, including seven small children, in a forest close to the border with Serbia. They had spent the night outdoors. The police report states that the migrants were interrogated on February 4, 2017. Now, some four years later, in a landmark ruling exclusively seen by DW, Serbia's top court has confirmed that Serbian security personnel had illegally deported the asylum-seekers from Serbia, instead of issuing proper paperwork and accommodating them in a shelter. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
25.01.2021, InfoMigrants
The Court of Rome ruled that the readmission procedure enacted at the eastern Italian border based on an accord between Italy and Slovenia in 1996 is illegitimate. Judges upheld an appeal brought by a Pakistani asylum seeker who arrived in Trieste and was readmitted in July to Slovenia, then to Croatia and then to Bosnia. Readmissions of migrants from Italy to Slovenia are illegitimate, ruled the Court of Rome in an ordinance on January 18 when it upheld an urgent appeal brought by a Pakistani asylum seeker. The man had arrived in Trieste and was readmitted in July 2020 to Slovenia, from there to Croatia, and further on to Bosnia. Judges said the man has the right to immediately enter Italy to apply for asylum. The decision, obtained by attorneys Caterina Bove and Anna Brambilla from the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI), is being hailed by the left, while right-wing parties League and Forza Italia are up in arms. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Italien / Malta
25.01.2021, Salzburger Nachrichten
17 migrants have died in a shipwreck off the Libyan coast. 82 survivors were returned to Libya by the Libyan coast guard after the accident, reported the Alarm Phone initiative, which works to rescue migrants at sea. "Survivors are not safe in Libya," the aid network protested via Twitter on Monday. Meanwhile, 370 boat migrants rescued from distress at sea on Saturday are expected to arrive on Augusta (Sicily). read more
22.01.2021, Corriere della Sera
“Non sono state trovate prove” di violazioni di diritti umani nei confronti dei migranti da parte delle guardie di frontiera di Frontex, la controversa agenzia che si occupa del controllo e della difesa dei confini esterni dell’Ue. A renderlo noto, giovedì 21 gennaio, è stato il consiglio di amministrazione della stessa agenzia. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europäische Union
22.01.2021, Welt
The refugee centers in Bosnia are overcrowded, thousands of migrants are even harboring in forests. Now a mass brawl, devastation and injuries occurred in a reception center. read more
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