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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
20.01.2021, European Western Bakans
The current situation with migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a consequence of the authorities’ intransigence but also of atrocious European Union’s migrant policy, said the European office of the Amnesty International, urging the European Commission to work with BiH authorities to develop long-term solutions to meet the needs of the people, N1 reports. The organisation warned that residents of the Lipa camp do not have access to water, sanitation or regular meals, urging the European institutions to solve the problem in Bosnia’s northwest, where hundreds of migrants were left in the open after the Lipa camp, some 15 kilometres outside the town of Bihać, closed down last month. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
20.01.2021, Neues Deutschland
Berlin. An alliance of some 140 organizations is calling for the immediate evacuation of the Lipa refugee camp in Bosnia and for the EU to take in those seeking protection. "The images from Lipa are shocking," reads an appeal published in Berlin on Wednesday, signed by Pro Asyl, Seebrücke, Balkanbrücke and church associations, among others. The catastrophic plight is the result of European policies of foreclosure, it said. The German government must act now: German municipalities and federal states are ready to take in the refugees. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Deutschland
19.01.2021, The Daily Mail
Border Force officers are to be given new powers to use 'reasonable force' to fingerprint migrants in France. Home Secretary Priti Patel announced that the law will be changed in a bid to make it easier to remove those who arrive illegally across the Channel. Border Force officers in the UK have powers to forcibly take fingerprints from illegal entrants – but those working in Calais and Dunkirk do not. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien
19.01.2021, The Guardian
The allegations against Fabrice Leggeri, the executive director of Frontex, relate to the agency’s failure to recruit any of the 40 officers it is obliged to employ to protect the rights of people crossing into Europe. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europäische Union
19.01.2021, La Repubblica
La novità è contenuta nei decreti sicurezza approvati il 18 dicembre scorso. E riguarda un esercito di essere umani in fuga da catastrofi naturali, dalla perdita di territorio dovuta all’innalzamento del livello del mare, da siccità e desertificazione, da conflitti per l’accaparramento delle risorse idriche o energetiche read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Weltweit
19.01.2021, Süddeutsche Zeitung
EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Johansson will have to listen to fierce criticism from parliamentarians on Tuesday because of the refugee situation. Especially the conditions in the Bosnian camp Lipa and the so-called pushbacks are in the focus. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Europa, Weltweit
The 19 accused allegedly brought 140 refugees from Syria to Germany via the Balkan route for a lot of money. In doing so, they apparently proceeded in a very planned and professional manner. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Deutschland, Europäische Union, Weltweit
18.01.2021, Statewatch
Frontex director Fabrice Leggeri has been accused by a senior European Commission official of making statements “in a misleading manner” at a parliamentary hearing in December, when MEPs questioned him over the agency’s alleged role in pushbacks and the new fundamental rights monitoring framework included in 2019 legislation read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
18.01.2021, El Diario
El grupo comenzó la protesta el sábado y su reivindicación es poder viajar a la Península a trabajar y estar con sus familiares después de tres meses en Tenerife. Cruz Roja asegura que este lunes han abandonado la huelga read more
Language(s): Spanisch / Español Region(s): Spanien
Las primeras personas que la atendieron pensaron que tenía unos doce años, pero solo ha cumplido nueve, se llama Awa D. y el sueño de sus padres de ofrecerles a ella y a su hermano mellizo Alhassane un futuro mejor que la vida que les aguardaba en Guinea se ha roto. Se quebró en una patera a la deriva entre la costa del Sáhara y Canarias read more
Language(s): Spanisch / Español Region(s): Spanien, Afrika
Un menor llegado en patera a Gran Canaria ha pasado ocho días en el campamento policial de Barranco Seco. El joven pasó más de una semana sin asearse ante la falta de agua corriente y electricidad, con racionamiento de agua y comida y con una manta fina para abrigarse pese al temporal que ha golpeado a España en los últimos días. Así lo ha explicado el pediatra que le atendió, Abián Montesdeoca. read more
18.01.2021, Neues Deutschland
The fact that the Berlin government now wants to introduce a quota for migrants in the civil service is a step in the right direction. A quarter of the people in Germany have a migration background, in Berlin it is even 35 percent. In the public authorities, however, it is only six percent of the employees, in Berlin twelve percent. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
18.01.2021, eu observer
The EU's border and coast agency, Frontex, holds a one-day event annually every May to celebrate itself, often attracting several hundred participants. And almost every year, expenses soar to ever greater heights. In 2015, it spent just over €94,000 for a dinner at the swanky Belvedere restaurant in Warsaw, according to documents released by a freedom-of-information request to EUobserver read more
18.01.2021, Vita
«Le riammissioni informali dei richiedenti asilo non hanno alcuna base giuridica», spiega Gianfranco Schiavone, del direttivo dell’Asgi, Associazione per gli Studi Giuridici sull’immigrazione. Nel 2020 sono state riammesse in Slovenia 1301 persone. «Sostenere, come ha fatto la ministra dell'interno Lamorgese durante l'interrogazione del deputato di Leu, Erasmo Palazzotto, che la Slovenia e soprattutto la Croazia siano “Paesi sicuri” nonostante le prove schiaccianti della violenza esercitata dalla polizia croata sulle persone in transito, ha dell’incredibile, un'affermazione indecorosa» read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
18.01.2021, Migazin
While the rescue of people in the Mediterranean Sea is controversially discussed and prevented, rescue in the North Sea and Baltic Sea is self-evidedent. The sea rescuers come to the rescue when it is necessary. This is also true during the Corona pandemic. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union, Europa, Weltweit
18.01.2021, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Guatemalan forces used batons and tear gas to stop the new so-called migrant caravan with several thousand people on their way to the United States. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Amerika, Weltweit
17.01.2021, Deutschlandfunk
The European Union's refugee policy focuses primarily on deterrence and rapid deportation. Over the years, dealing with asylum seekers has been transformed from a humanitarian task into a question of internal security - with serious consequences read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
17.01.2021, Der Spiegel
Hungary detains protection seekers in transit zones - and turns them back before examining their asylum case. The European Court of Justice had prohibited this in December. Now human rights activists are sounding the alarm: the violation of the law continues. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Europäische Union
16.01.2021, Efe
El relato de una niña de unos doce años de Guinea Conakri acaba de dejar helados a los miembros de los servicios de emergencia que atienden a la última de las pateras llegadas al sur de Gran Canaria: Su hermano, de nueve, falleció solo unas horas antes, mientras estaban perdidos en el Atlántico, y sus compañeros de travesía arrojaron su cuerpo al mar. read more
16.01.2021, Zeit Online
Berlin wants to be the first German state to introduce a rate for migrants in the public sector. According to a draft law of the Senate Department for Integration, which is available to the newspaper Tagesspiegel, a quota of 35 percent is planned. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Deutschland
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