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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
04.01.2021, Deutschlandfunk
The EU plans to provide additional 3.5 million Euros for hundreds of refugees in the north-west of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which turned shelterless after Camp Lipa burned down. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten
03.01.2021, La Repubblica
I respingimenti a danno dei migranti e richiedenti asilo al confine sloveno con sempre maggior intensità dalla primavera del 2020. La Tra gennaio e metà novembre il 420% in più rispetto al 2019. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Italien / Malta
03.01.2021, Freie Presse
Refugees are living in dramatically poor conditions at the EU's external border in winter weather. The SPD would like to bring some people to Germany - CDU politicians, on the other hand, are fully committed to help on the ground. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
03.01.2021, Bote
Das spanische Rettungsschiff "Open Arms" hat in zwei Aktionen im Mittelmeer 265 Bootsmigranten aufgenommen und sucht für sie einen sicheren Hafen. Wie eine Sprecherin der gleichnamigen Organisation am Sonntag berichtete, haben die Retter in Italien wegen einer Einlaufgenehmigung angefragt. Zunächst sei keine Antwort gekommen. Die "Open Arms" sei gut 100 Kilometer von der italienischen Insel Lampedusa entfernt, erläuterte sie. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
03.01.2021, Il Manifesto
Storie. Dalla Croazia anche Umar era stato ributtato oltre il confine, senza più nulla, nemmeno le scarpe, senza poter far valere il suo diritto alla protezione internazionale, ma non era stata vinta la sua voglia indomabile di vivere e di andare via da lì. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Balkanstaaten
03.01.2021, Deutschlandfunk
Angesichts der Lage hunderter Flüchtlinge in Bosnien und Herzegowina hat die Menschenrechtsorganisation Pro Asyl der EU völliges Versagen vorgeworfen. Das Nichthandeln sei empörend, sagte Pro Asyl-Geschäftsführer Burkhardt. Während Kroatien die Schutzsuchenden an der Grenze „zurückprügele“, schaue die gesamte Europäische Union tatenlos zu. Burkhardt forderte, die Grenzen zu öffnen und die Menschen innerhalb der Mitgliedsstaaten zu verteilen. read more
03.01.2021, Tagesschau
In Niger haben bewaffnete Angreifer mindestens 70 Menschen getötet. Die genauen Umstände sind noch unklar. In dem westafrikanischen Land kommt es immer wieder zu Anschlägen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Afrika
02.01.2021, Tagesspiegel
CDU-Vorsitzkandidat Friedrich Merz hat sich prinzipiell gegen die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen aus Lagern in Griechenland oder Bosnien ausgesprochen. „Die gesamte Europäische Union hat vor allem die Verpflichtung, den Flüchtlingen auf dem Balkan oder auf den griechischen Inseln an Ort und Stelle zu helfen“, sagte er den Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe. „Diese humanitäre Katastrophe lässt sich allerdings nicht dadurch lösen, dass wir sagen: Kommt alle nach Deutschland. Dieser Weg ist nicht mehr geöffnet.“ read more
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland
02.01.2021, Nürnberger Blatt
Seven bodies of presumed drowned refugees have been discovered on the Algerian coast. "The bodies of four women and three men were found on the beach, washed up by the waves," a statement by the Civil Defence said on Saturday. According to the statement, the dead were found in the area of the port city of Mostaganem in the north-east of the country. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
01.01.2021, The Guardian
Global humanitarian figures and NGOs have urged world leaders to urgently make Covid-19 vaccinations available to millions of refugees and others displaced by war, as the pandemic continues to overwhelm some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Weltweit
01.01.2021, Nau
The Spanish rescue ship "Open Arms" has taken on board almost 170 refugees in the Mediterranean Sea, according to aid workers. As a spokeswoman for the organisation of the same name confirmed on Friday, the people were picked up north of Libya in international waters. The Italian island of Lampedusa, which many people head for from North Africa in small boats, is not very far, she said. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
31.12.2020, Tagesschau
What will happen to the refugees in Lipa, Bosnia? The EU is pushing for rapid accommodation for the people who are enduring the snow and cold. But the mood in Bosnia-Herzegovina is heated. read more
30.12.2020, Der Spiegel
According to the UN, around 80 million people are on the run worldwide - an all-time high. The Corona pandemic is further exacerbating the situation. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Weltweit
30.12.2020, Deutsche Welle
Thousands of migrants in Bosnia-Herzegovina had been set to face winter with no water or electricity in and around the infamous Lipa camp. Officials are now squabbling over moving them to a new site. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
30.12.2020, UN News
“We fled from home to save our lives, to escape war, and now we are faced with this new coronavirus”, said Rozhan, an Iraqi refugee who made a long and arduous journey to the European country of Bosnia-Herzegovina, with her husband, Ibrahim, and their three children. En route, the family dealt with being stopped, searched and detained, as well as cold and hazardous winter weather. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europa, Weltweit
30.12.2020, Macau News Agency
Migrants arrivals in the archipelago have increased this year as they looked for alternative routes to reach Europe due to increased patrolling off the Mediterranean coast of southern Spain, posing a logistical strain for authorities in the Canaries. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Spanien
29.12.2020, InfoMigrants
The risk of COVID-19 in their country of origin can be considered a reason to grant migrants humanitarian protection in Italy, a Milan court has ruled. Meanwhile, new data shows that more than 34,000 migrants and refugees arrived on Italian shores in 2020. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
29.12.2020, Der Standard
Bihać - They try to protect themselves from the snow under the plastic tent. It is around zero degrees. Some of the men have already fallen ill. About 800 migrants are currently in the burned and unattended Lipa camp in northwestern Bosnia. read more
29.12.2020, Deutschlandfunk
The situation around the former refugee camp in Bihac is depressing, reports ARD correspondent Andrea Beer from Bosnia. Hundreds of people have only one tent left, and heavy rain has softened the ground. There is hardly any help for the people. read more
29.12.2020, The Brussels Times
Recent developments seem to indicate that Danish coast guards in the European border agency, FRONTEX, are being moved away from the most active migrant zones in the Mediterranean because they refuse to apply the severe method of push-backs to turn away migrant boats. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa
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