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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
07.12.2020, Neues Deutschland
Ja, sie kommen, wenn die große Katastrophe passiert. Aber für die ganzen alltäglichen Katastrophen, die die Menschen hier wirklich kaputtmachen, dafür ist wenig Interesse da. Und ja, es ist natürlich die Wiederholung des Gleichen, das will niemand mehr hören. Aber ich glaube, auch das ist ein Teil, ob bewusst oder unbewusst, der Migrations- und Asylpolitik: Dass sich die Berichterstattung darüber erschöpft. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
07.12.2020, Refugee Support Aegean
The refugees we spoke to reported that the cold and humidity in their tents, especially during the night, are unbearable as they have not been given enough blankets and warm clothes. “My main problem is the cold. I try to get dressed as warm as I can in order not to feel the cold. Before the lockdown, some organisations distributed clothes. Trousers, shoes, but all of them were for summer. After the lockdown, they did not distribute again, and we do not have clothes for winter”, says Fatiha from Syria. Saeb, a victim of torture from Afghanistan, underlines: “There are not enough blankets. We do not know how we will go through this winter… What breaks our heart is that we do not have humane conditions, they perceive us as animals”. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
05.12.2020, FragdenStaat
"Bis jetzt haben wir noch keine Dokumente gefunden, die eine Gesetzesverletzung belegen würden", twitterte die EU-Agentur Frontex vor einigen Wochen, nachdem Spiegel, ARD und Bellingcat Belege dafür veröffentlicht hatten, dass Frontex an illegalen Pushbacks an der EU-Außengrenze beteiligt ist. Offenbar musste die Behörde aktiv wegschauen, um nichts zu finden: Hätte sie einfach die Videos der Veröffentlichungen analysiert, wäre ihr aufgefallen, dass die EU an ihren Außengrenzen Menschenrechtsverletzungen nicht nur duldet, sondern selbst daran mitwirkt. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
04.12.2020, La Repubblica
Il gip del tribunale di Agrigento ha disposto l'archiviazione dell'inchiesta a carico di Luca Casarini e Pietro Marrone, rispettivamente capo missione e comandante della nave Mare Jonio di Mediterranea Saving Humans, indagati di favoreggiamento dell'immigrazione clandestina e "mancato rispetto di un ordine dato da una nave militare". read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
04.12.2020, Migazin
EU is planning a new refugee camp for 5,000 people on the island of Lesbos. Asylum procedures are also to take place there. Criticism comes from the Greens. They demand immediate redistribution and asylum procedures based on the rule of law. Meanwhile, 99 more refugees have arrived in Germany. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland, Europäische Union
04.12.2020, Brussels Times
The reporting of Frontex staff about alleged pushback of migrants by the Greek coast guard was discussed by the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee (Liber) on Tuesday (1 December). read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union, Europa
04.12.2020, InfoMigrants
EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson traveled to Morocco for a two-day visit this week. Her aim was to improve cooperation with Morocco on the return of migrants and start the discussion over visa facilitation. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
04.12.2020, Balkan Insight
The first snowfall on Wednesday has worsened the position of migrants and refugees located in an improvised tent shelter in northwest Bosnia, near Velika Kladusa. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
03.12.2020, Zeit Online
According to a report thousands of asylum seekers have been wrongly rejected. The Left Party is talking about unacceptable conditions. According to a newspaper report, German administrative courts overturned 5,644 negative asylum decisions for Afghan refugees in the first nine months of the year. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
03.12.2020, The Guardian
The September blaze that ravaged the Moria refugee camp in Greece left thousands of people homeless overnight. Photographers Vincent Haiges and Julian Busch picked through the wreckage. read more
03.12.2020, Frankfurter Rundschau
Journalist Jan Theurich (Dunya Collective) on the situation of refugees on Lesvos - two months after the fire in Moria read more
03.12.2020, Ekathimerini
The body of one of the two women that went missing after a dinghy carrying migrants boat sank off the northeastern coast of the island of Lesvos on Wednesday morning was recovered later in the day. read more
03.12.2020, InfoMigrants
A Senegalese court requested two years in prison against Doudou's father, who was accused of "endangering the lives of others" and "complicity in migrant smuggling. The 14-year-old died in October during an attempted crossing to the Canary Islands, paid for by his father. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Afrika
03.12.2020, European Council
This agreement allows Frontex to assist Serbia in border management, carry out joint operations and deploy teams in the regions of Serbia that border the EU, subject to Serbia's agreement. These activities aim at tackling illegal immigration and cross-border crime, and can involve the provision of increased technical and operational assistance at the border. Strengthened cooperation between priority third countries and Frontex will also contribute to further enhancing security at the EU's external borders. read more
02.12.2020, Frankfurter Rundschau
Die griechischen Behörden antworteten auf Anfrage der Frankfurter Rundschau, man habe sicherstellen müssen, dass die Reporter „nicht an der Überstellung der Migranten aus der Türkei“ beteiligt gewesen seien. Deshalb habe man sie mit zur Wache genommen. Theurich denkt, dass die Presse durch solche Aktionen eingeschüchtert werden soll. „Die Küstenwache möchte nicht dabei erwischt werden, wie sie Menschen illegal zurückschiebt“, vermutet der Dresdner Journalist. read more
01.12.2020, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Den Abgeordneten waren Leggeris Antworten nicht genug: Wie etwa werde unterschieden, wann ein Schlauchboot in Seenot sei oder alleine weiterfahren könne? Und ob es wirklich ausreichend sei, bei den griechischen Behörden um Auskünfte zu bitten - wo doch bekannt sei, dass diese entsprechende Vorwürfe kategorisch zurückwiesen? Der Franzose antwortete, er hoffe auf Hinweise der EU-Kommission, was die Interpretation der Verordnung angehe. Viele andere Fragen blieben unbeantwortet: Leggeri hatte bei seinem Eingangsstatement so stark überzogen, dass keine Zeit blieb, auf alle Fragen einzugehen. read more
01.12.2020, Spiegel
Leggeri habe keine Antworten auf die Frage geliefert, ob die Agentur in illegale Pushbacks an der EU-Außengrenze verwickelt ist, heißt es in einer Stellungnahme der sozialdemokratischen S&D-Fraktion nach einer neuerlichen Befragung Leggeris vor dem Innenausschuss des EU-Parlaments. read more
01.12.2020, InfoMigrants
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has sounded the alarm on the situation experienced by migrants during the coronavirus pandemic, urging governments not to forget them in vaccination plans. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Weltweit
The French coast guard rescued 64 migrants in the Channel at the weekend who were attempting to cross the stretch of water towards the UK. The migrants, who were traveling on two separate boats, included children and a pregnant woman. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
01.12.2020, Der Standard
An anthropologist wants to give the washed up corpses in southern Tunisia a burial place and their identity back. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
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