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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
12.11.2020, Borderline Sicilia
In Campobello di Mazara the 2020 olive harvesting has started and Diakité pronounces the most emblematic words: “I have been here for 15 years and you keep telling me you are doing everything you can for us. You, associations and activists, consider yourselves our friends but you too should be ashamed. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
12.11.2020, Tagesschau
Six refugees drowned off the coast of Libya in the Mediterranean Sea. The spanish NGO Open Arms was able to rescue about a hundred others from a completely overcrowded rubber dinghy. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
12.11.2020, Spiegel
Der jüngste Ertrunkene war sechs Monate alt: Beim Versuch, Italien per Boot zu erreichen, sind sechs Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Helfende mussten ins Wasser springen, um weitere zu retten. read more
11.11.2020, Josoor Blog
Outrageous incident occurring right now on the #Evros border right now: 70 lives at risk, including many children and at least one pregnant woman. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
11.11.2020, cadenaser
Según la ONG Caminando Fronteras, 480 senegaleses han perdido la vida cuando intentaban llegar a Canarias en pateras o cayucos durante la última semana de octubre. "Es una tragedia terrible que en sólo unos días se hayan perdido tantas vidas, este año la ruta de Canarias está dejando una cifra de muertos vergonzosa", explica Helena Maleno, portavoz de la ONG read more
Language(s): Spanisch / Español Region(s): Spanien, Afrika
11.11.2020, Avvenire
Depositato dalla procura del Tribunale internazionale il nuovo rapporto investigativo su Tripoli. A Bengasi uccisa un’avvocatessa che denunciava corruzione e illegalità nella cerchia di Haftar read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika, Weltweit
11.11.2020, Heuractiv
The European Ombudsman’s Office said on Tuesday it would open an inquiry into the possible failure of the European Commission to ensure that Croatian authorities respected fundamental rights while conducting EU-funded border operations against migrants and refugees. It seems there is a tacit gentlemen’s agreement for some countries to play the “bad cop” role read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Europäische Union
10.11.2020, Info Migrants
Les autorités grecques ont arrêté le père de l’enfant mort lors de la traversée de la mer Égée sur une embarcation de fortune. Cet Afghan de 25 ans est accusé de "mise en danger de la vie d’autrui" et risque jusqu’à 10 ans de prison. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
10.11.2020, La Repubblica
Degli 80 milioni di profughi del mondo, circa 25 sono migranti climatici. Aumento della temperatura, siccità e uragani sempre più frequenti colpiscono soprattutto aree geografiche quali Sud-est asiatico, Sahel sub-Sahariano, America Latina ed arcipelaghi del Pacifico. Chi ha i mezzi parte. Gli esperti: "Saranno sempre di più" read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Weltweit
10.11.2020, Amnesty International
A sense of impunity has fueled rampant torture by militias and armed groups affiliated to the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) and rivals with de facto control of territory because of real or perceived family, tribal, political or regional affiliations, Amnesty International said ahead of Libya’s review at the UN Human Rights Council on 11 November. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
10.11.2020, ARD Wien
Warum wird zu den so offensichtlichen Rechtsverstößen durch die kroatische Polizei so hartnäckig geschwiegen? Da könne sie nur einen Verdacht äußern, so Yilmaz. Zum einen betreffe es vor allem Menschen muslimischen Glaubens und zum zweiten werde die Gewalt von den handelnden Personen in der EU-Kommission gutgeheißen. Kroatien habe den Auftrag, die „Außengrenze zu schützen“, aber ohne den Zusatz europäische Menschenrechte dabei einzuhalten, vermutet Nurten Yilmaz. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Österreich / Schweiz, Europäische Union
10.11.2020, Al Jazeera
Complaint by Amnesty International argued the European Commission failed to ensure respect for rights of migrants. read more
10.11.2020, WORLD
Migrants departing from western Africa and seeking entry into Europe through the Canary Islands have increased in recent weeks to levels not seen in more than a decade. The United Nations migration agency reported some 11,000 people have arrived at the Canary Islands this year, compared to 2,557 by the same time last year. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Spanien, Europa
10.11.2020, Heise
According to employees, Frontex is removing human rights violations from the files of the authorities - and is getting out of control. The money could be better invested. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa
10.11.2020, InfoMigrants
The body of a young boy, thought to be six years old, was discovered by the Greek coast guard near the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea. A woman, still conscious, was located in the same spot along with ten other migrants nearby. Six others were located on land after their boat ran into trouble off the Greek island. read more
10.11.2020, Balkan Insight
Forced to close detention centres on its border with Serbia, Hungary has created new bureaucratic barriers to asylum far outside its own territory and in the process cast aside internationally accepted principles for the protection of those fleeing war and persecution. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
10.11.2020, heise
Mit Drohnen und Algorithmen werden Grenzen immer stärker technisch überwacht, monieren Bürgerrechtler. Laut der EU kooperiert Deutschland aber zu wenig. Die EU experimentiert bei der Überwachung der Schengen-Außengrenzen zunehmend mit "Hochrisiko-Technologien zum Migrationsmanagement". Dies beklagt die bei Mozilla tätige Forscherin Petra Molnar mit ihrem Team in einem am Montag veröffentlichten Bericht über "technologische Testbetten" im Grenzbereich für die Bürgerrechtsorganisation European Digital Rights (EDRi). read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
09.11.2020, Human's Rights Watch
The top governing body of the European Union Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) should urgently establish an independent inquiry into allegations of its involvement in unlawful operations to stop migrants from reaching the European Union (EU), Human Rights Watch said today. read more
09.11.2020, The New Humanitarian
Outrage is growing among human rights advocates at the use of commercial ferries by Italian authorities to quarantine asylum seekers and migrants due to COVID-19 – not just new arrivals, but also people from reception centres inland who have been in Italy for years. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
09.11.2020, Tagesschau
Kein Strom, keine Heizung, kein Licht - und jetzt kommt der Herbst mit voller Wucht. "Das Lager macht krank", sagt Greg Kavarnós von der Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen. Er weiß, wovon er spricht. Die Wartezimmer von Ärzte ohne Grenzen auf Lesbos sind voll. Und Kavarnós stelt sich oft vor, wie es ihm erginge, wenn er im Lager leben müsste: "Ich bin gesund. Aber wenn Du mich in ein Lager stecken würdest - in ein Zelt ohne Heizung, ohne Zugang zu ordentlichem Essen, ohne eine Möglichkeit, mich richtig zu waschen, dann werde ich krank, egal wie gesund ich vorher war." read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
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