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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
17.02.2022, Globalist
Le autorità messicane hanno condannato la protesta, incolpando "coloro che si definiscono rappresentanti dei migranti per aver incitato all'azione di cucirsi le labbra". read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Amerika
17.02.2022, Daily Mail
The chief of the European Union´s Frontex border agency said Wednesday that the repatriation of migrants is Cyprus´ "most urgent need" and that his organization is ready to facilitate flights to return home people who had asylum claims rejected in Cyprus. Fabrice Leggeri said after talks Wednesday with Cypriot Interior Minister Nicos Nouris that the small east Mediterranean island nation faces an "extraordinary challenge" that requires "extraordinary support" from Frontex amid increased migrant arrivals that the government says has stretched its ability to cope. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europa
16.02.2022, taz
Trial against police officer begins. Stefan K. and two other men allegedly beat up an Afghan refugee. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
16.02.2022, Frankfurter Rundschau
In Afghanistan verstecken sich Tausende Ortskräfte vor den Taliban. Viele vertrauen auf die Ampel-Regierung: Wie sich am Beispiel einer Familie zeigt, vergeblich. Ein Interview read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Mittlerer Osten, Deutschland
16.02.2022, InfoMigrants
On 7 February, commercial flights resumed between Morocco and Spain, and Madrid hopes to take advantage of this to resume repatriation flights of Moroccan migrants. The decision could concern 23,000 people, who would be deported from the Canary Islands to Laayoune. If the resumption of expulsions is officially confirmed, its conditions could be similar to those already applied in the past, with a rhythm of four weekly flights, provided by the company Royal Air Maroc, with 20 migrants on board. Despite Madrid's declared willingness to resume expulsions, the process could still take longer than expected. For its part, Morocco is in no hurry. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Spanien, Nordafrika
16.02.2022, Pro Asyl
PRO ASYL and Flüchtlingsrat Berlin publish a study on the situation of Rom*nja from the Republic of Moldova seeking protection. The chances of members of the Rom*nja minority from Moldova to find protection from deportation in Germany are zero - wrongly. In the conclusion of the study, the author writes: "The exclusion is so clear that many Rom*nja do not see themselves as equal citizens with equal rights. This is one of the reasons why their asylum procedures fail - because Roma are partly unaware of the extent of their discrimination and do not bring the relevant circumstances to the attention of the authorities. read more
16.02.2022, la Repubblica
Hanno 12 anni o meno, sfidano il gelo per passare il confine: “Otto-dieci ore di cammino e siamo salvi”. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta
16.02.2022, Aljazeera
Many of the refugees detained in Australia are of a specific category – people who arrived by boat after July 2013, when Canberra made a series of deals with countries in the Pacific that meant that refugees who came by sea would be sent there for processing and would never be allowed to settle permanently in Australia. But while they were recognised as refugees under a status determination process by the governments in PNG and Nauru, once evacuated to Australia they were detained, and that for years. They can be released only if one of the three ministers in the Department of Home Affairs, aka "the Minister", agrees to grant them a temporary bridging visa, allowing them to live in the community while they await resettlement. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Australien
15.02.2022, InfoMigrants
In a press release on Tuesday (February 15), the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatovic said: "Disagreements with other member states about disembarkation responsibilities should never be allowed to put human rights -- including the right to life -- at risk or exempt the authorities from their non-refoulement obligations." In a report on her visit to Malta last October, Mijatovic also stressed that Libya is not a safe place to disembark migrants intercepted at sea. To that end, the commissioner urged Maltese authorities to review their cooperation with the so-called "Libya's coast guard", which returns migrants to the country in order to prevent unauthorised migration to Europe. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Italien / Malta
Dozens of migrants, mostly from sub-Saharan African countries and Sudan, have staged protests in the southern Tunisian city of Zarzis. They said they had been marginalized and demanded to be evacuated.The protests took place outside the offices of the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, in the southern Tunisian city of Zarzis, on Monday (February 14). One man from Sudan told AFP: "We have refugee status but this organization [UNHCR] does not care about us." He said the conditions in which they were living were "inhumane." read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
15.02.2022, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Kicks and blows with iron bars and agonising days in detention: migrants report inhumane conditions in Romania and mistreatment by the police there. This also puts German authorities in a difficult position. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa
14.02.2022, italpress
Alarm Phone ha accusato le forze armate di Malta di aver ordinato a una nave mercantile di non intervenire per salvare un gruppo di migranti nella zona di ricerca e salvataggio maltese. L’Ong ha aggiunto che le forze armate stavano monitorando il gruppo di 88 migranti. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
14.02.2022, EuropaToday
L’operazione proposta dalla Commissione europea ha bisogno dell’ok di Dakar. Dopo l’invio di agenti nei Balcani occidentali, Frontex si prepara alla sua prima missione in Africa. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europäische Union
14.02.2022, InfoMigrants
Authorities in Germany and the Netherlands have raided accommodation centers where migrant workers are being kept in squalid conditions by unscrupulous employers. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Deutschland
The German government is being urged to speed up efforts to bring Afghans at risk from the Taliban to safety. Three organizations – Pro Asyl, Kabul Luftbrücke (Airbridge) and the Afghanistan Sponsorship Network – have issued a statement calling for greater efforts to help those whose lives are in danger from the Taliban. read more
14.02.2022, The Guardian
Two-thirds of UK asylum seekers arriving by small boat after crossing the Channel were suffering from hypothermia, according to Home Office data obtained by the Guardian, while hundreds had burns or suspected broken bones. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien
13.02.2022, AGI
Il 'grande cimitero' del Mediterraneo evocato da Papa Francesco è tornato ad accogliere vittime in una domenica di naufragi e sbarchi tra la Libia e le coste siciliane e calabresi. Un gommone di migranti diretti a Lampedusa è stato speronato in acque internazionali da un peschereccio libico e, dei 21 che si trovavano a bordo, cinque sono finiti in mare. Solo due di loro sono stati salvati dai compagni di viaggio: gli altri tre, una donna somala e due uomini ivoriani, sono scomparsi inghiottiti dalle acque. read more
13.02.2022, Tagesschau
Private sea rescuers repeatedly travel to the Mediterranean to rescue people in distress on their way to Europe. The ship "Ocean Viking" has now taken in more than 200 refugees within 24 hours. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
Über 400 Migranten sind binnen zwei Tagen auf der italienischen Insel Lampedusa angekommen. 183 Personen erreichten die Insel in der Nacht auf Samstag auf 2 Booten. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
11.02.2022, agensir
“È innegabile che le violazioni in atto nelle aree di frontiera” tra Italia e Francia, “che in alcuni casi conducono le persone alla morte, siano l’effetto collaterale di precise scelte politiche adottate tanto a livello locale e nazionale quanto a livello europeo. read more
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