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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
10.05.2023, Zeit Online
NRW's Minister President Wüst sees Scholz as being challenged ahead of the federal-state meeting. The financing of refugee costs must become a "top priority". read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
10.05.2023, Info Migrants
The investigative journalism project BIRN reports that Croatia has been carrying out mass expulsions of migrants to its neighbor, Bosnia. The two countries claim the returns are lawful under a bilateral agreement. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Osteuropa
09.05.2023, AltrƏconomia
At the end of 2022, the Viminale had foreshadowed the resumption of migrant readmissions, which had already been declared illegitimate. However, Ljubljana refused to accept them in 90% of the cases. The border authorities therefore had to turn to expulsion orders: more than 650 in a few months, 500 of which were taken against Afghan nationals who were technically undeportable. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
09.05.2023, Faz
Civil Defense has recovered the bodies of 14 drowned migrants off the coast of the North African country within a day, according to its own information. They come from countries south of the Sahara, the authority said. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
08.05.2023, Info Migrants
On Saturday, two private rescue ships brought to safety around 234 migrants from several smaller boats. From one of the boats, three people died before help arrived. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
06.05.2023, TAZ
Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser will die Chancen Geflüchteter auf Asyl schon an den EU-Außengrenzen prüfen lassen. Die Grünen sind uneins. Einigkeit gab es bei der Ampel zuletzt nur selten. Ausgerechnet in einem hochumstrittenen Feld aber verkündete Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) nun, dass die drei Regierungsparteien eine gemeinsame Linie gefunden hätten: bei der seit Jahren feststeckenden Reform der EU-Asylpolitik. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
04.05.2023, Info Migrants
Greek police say 39 migrants have been rescued from an islet in the Evros river bordering Turkey. Rights groups say the migrants had been calling for help for more than two days before authorities responded. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
03.05.2023, taz
Berlin under R2G has talked a lot about state programs to take in refugees - but little has happened. Because of the SPD, say the Left and the Greens. read more
03.05.2023, Spiegel Ausland
For years, private sea rescuers in the Mediterranean have complained about difficult working conditions. An evaluation by "Brot für die Welt" now shows the extent of this. The organization also warns of abuses elsewhere. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union, Europa
Croatia has been pushing people back across the border illegally and by force for about five years. A new report presented Wednesday by the nongovernmental organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) shows that the practice continues, despite assurances to the contrary by the government in Zagreb. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten
02.05.2023, taz
Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has just presented the joint position of the coalition on reforming European asylum policy, and already there is criticism from within her own ranks. There will be no fair distribution of protection seekers in the EU, said Julian Pahlke, a member of the Green Party in the Bundestag, to the taz. read more
02.05.2023, DW
This Wednesday, a law is to come into force in Lithuania that enshrines so-called pushbacks in law. While it is causing an outcry from humanitarian organizations, it is not unprecedented in the EU. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Baltische Staaten
28.04.2023, Pro Asyl
Today, the German government is presenting its position on European refugee policy and the reform plans currently under discussion in the Bundestag. Aspects that have come to light in the media show that the federal government is moving dangerously far away from the principles of its human rights-based coalition agreement. read more
27.04.2023, Info Migrants
The Netherlands’ highest administrative court, the Council of State, said Wednesday (April 26) that returning migrants to Italy under the so-called Dublin Regulation would put them at risk of mistreatment and human rights violations. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
27.04.2023, Frankfurter Allgemeine
Die Bundesregierung hat sich bei den noch offenen Punkten zur Reform des europäischen Asylrechts auf eine gemeinsame Position geeinigt. Das wurde der F.A.Z. am Donnerstag aus Regierungskreisen bestätigt. In den wesentlichen Punkten setzte sich Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) mit einem tendenziell restriktiven Kurs durch, auch wenn sie den Grünen einige Zugeständnisse machen musste. read more
26.04.2023, Der Freitag
Italy seems to have changed tactics on the Mediterranean issue. Now rescue organizations are filing suit in Rome. Nassim Madjidian, a doctoral student in international maritime law, on a legal dispute with one of Europe's most right-wing governments. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
26.04.2023, InfoMigrants
Malta's armed forces have refused to provide figures on migrant rescue operations requested by Times of Malta, claiming their publication could endanger national security. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
25.04.2023, Tagesschau
In the Bosnian refugee camp Lipa, a detention wing is being built, commissioned and financed by the European Union. NGOs fear a deportation prison at the EU's external border. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union
25.04.2023, InfoMigrants
The bodies of more than 100 people have been recovered off the coasts of Libya and Tunisia following several shipwrecks. At the same time, Tunisian authorities have been accused of stealing engines from migrant boats and leaving the occupants stranded at sea. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
25.04.2023, Reuters
The head of the United Nations' World Food Programme (WFP) in Chad said it expects to see more refugees fleeing across the border from Sudan to escape the fighting between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. Around 10,000 to 20,000 Sudanese have already crossed the border into Chad a week after the fighting began in Khartoum and other areas of the country. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Afrika
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