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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
10.01.2018, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Nur sieben Seemeilen trennen die griechische Insel Lesbos von der Türkei. So bleibt sie das naheliegende Ziel für Flüchtlinge aus Syrien und Mittelasien. Mittlerweile sitzen hier 7000 Flüchtlinge fest. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
10.01.2018, The Globe Post
A Syrian refugee in Lebanon set himself on fire Wednesday outside a U.N. office in protest of aid getting cut off to his family, suffering serious burns. Forced from their homeland by the brutal conflict that has torn Syrian apart, more than half of the roughly one million Syrians registered in Lebanon live in “extreme poverty”, according to the U.N. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Mittlerer Osten, Naher Osten
10.01.2018, Augsburger Allgemeine
The police freed three refugees from a truck on highway 99 near Aschheim (Munich district). Further investigations revealed no smuggler suspicion against the two drivers. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
10.01.2018, MDR
In the district of Görlitz almost half of all inhabitants are for the reception of politically persecuted people. This emerges from a study, which was created on behalf of the district office. 1,000 Oberlausitzer from all social strata were asked. read more
10.01.2018, Deutschlandfunk
Refugees rescued in the Mediterranean are increasingly in poor physical condition, according to private maritime rescuers. Especially with people who have left from Libya, one can observe skin diseases, explained the organization SOS Méditerranée. This is due to poor hygienic conditions in Libyan camps. The UN refugee agency UNHCR had recently also expressed concern about the conditions in the camps there. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Europa
10.01.2018, Junge Welt
Cottbus: Attack on refugees in their accommodation raises questions. Citizens' initiative raises allegations against security company read more
09.01.2018, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
Tens of thousands of refugees stranded in a desolate area of Syria on the Jordanian and Iraqi frontiers began receiving humanitarian aid for the first time in six months from Jordan in a one-off delivery agreement with United Nations. read more
09.01.2018, neues deutschland
Three and a half years have passed since a part of Kreuzberg was closed for more than two weeks. From the end of June to the beginning of July 2014, the police completely closed Ohlauer Strasse near Görlitzer Park. Only those who could prove that they live or work in the street came in there. The reason was the planned eviction of the occupied Gerhart Hauptmann School. Hundreds of supporters camped at the roadblocks day and night, protesting against the eviction. The media leaked pictures of refugees who had escaped the police's access to the roof of the school. Now it should be time again: For Thursday morning at 8 clock, the bailiff has announced. Twenty-four people have received evictions, only ten are allowed to live in the former school. read more
09.01.2018, Der Standard
17 refugees have been picked up Monday morning at the freight station in Innsbruck on a freight train coming from Italy. The migrants were in a semitrailer carried on the freight train, the police reported. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Österreich / Schweiz
09.01.2018, Flüchtlingsrat Niedersachsen
As reported by the Hanover Administrative Court on January 2, 2018, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees has to bring back a man from Zimbabwe who used to live in the district of Schaumburg. He was deported to Zimbabwe via Ethiopia in October 2017. read more
09.01.2018, Zeit Online
From March, refugees with limited protection status can again apply for family reunification. The Union wants to prevent this and is now putting pressure on the SPD. read more
09.01.2018, PRO ASYL
At the borders with Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia, people are brutally ill-treated in their attempt to flee further towards the Central European Member States. Human rights organizations and activists continued to document numerous cases of violence against those seeking protection in 2017. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Osteuropa
09.01.2018, il manifesto
È arrivata ieri a Pozzallo la nave Aquarius della Ong Sos Méditerranée, a bordo 27 naufraghi soccorsi domenica in stato di shock, alcuni con sintomi di ipotermia. Per due di loro ieri è stato necessario il ricovero. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
09.01.2018, Reuters
Survivors from a boat that foundered off Libya’s coast on Tuesday said about 50 people who had embarked with them were feared dead, while the coastguard said the number of missing might be as high as 100. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
09.01.2018, WeltN24
Die Union möchte den Familiennachzug für Flüchtlinge weiter aussetzen, die SPD nicht. Währenddessen bereitet das von Gabriel geführte Außenamt die Wiederaufnahme vor – und beruft sich dabei auf die geltende Rechtslage. read more
09.01.2018, Die Zeit
Mohammadi Naiem wollte nach Deutschland, mit dem Boot kam er bis Lesbos. Dort begräbt er nun jene, die weniger Glück hatten als er – und fand seinen Lebenssinn. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europa
09.01.2018, Süddeutsche Zeitung
Am 1. Januar sprang ein Flüchtling aus dem Fenster einer Gemeinschaftsunterkunft. Er ist kein Einzelfall: Immer mehr afghanische Flüchtlinge nehmen sich in Bayern aus Angst vor Abschiebung das Leben. read more
09.01.2018, Frankfurter Rundschau
Eine Initiative will den Bau einer Abschiebehaftanstalt in Darmstadt-Eberstadt verhindern. Die Aktionswoche beginnt mit einer Demo auf dem Luisenplatz. read more
09.01.2018, Südwest Presse
Griechenland verliert für geflüchtete Türken an Sicherheit. Einem von Erdogans Ex-Soldaten wurde der Asylstatus aberkannt. Eine Reaktion, um die Türkei milde zu stimmen? read more
09.01.2018, Focus Online
Immer mehr Asylsuchende kommen aus Skandinavien nach Deutschland. Die meisten von ihnen gelangen über die dänische Grenze nach Schleswig-Holstein. Bis Ende Oktober 2017 kamen 35 Prozent mehr als noch im Jahr zuvor illegal aus Nordeuropa nach Deutschland, wie die „Welt am Sonntag“ vom Bundesinnenministerium erfuhr. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
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