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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
20.12.2017, MDR
Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary were sued in the European Court of Justice because they did not accept redistributed refugees. Now they face drastic fines. Are the four countries the only countries that cross the issue? read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
20.12.2017, Sicurezza Internazionale
Al momento, sono circa 50 milioni i bambini stranieri che si stanno spostando in tutto il mondo. Una buona percentuale di essi, in compagnia delle famiglie, si muove in modo sicuro e volontario ma, al contempo, milioni di bambini affrontano viaggi da soli, rischiando di essere vittime di abusi e di violenze molto gravi. Secondo le stime dell’organizzazione umanitaria, entro la metà di dicembre 2017, ammontano a 28 milioni i minori che sono stati costretti ad abbandonare le proprie case per via di conflitti. Di questi, in molti stanno rischiando di finire nelle mani dei trafficanti di esseri umani. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Europa, Weltweit
20.12.2017, Shabelle News
On Monday, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) issued a release stating the agency had repatriated 74,141 Somali refugees from Kenya as at Nov. 15. A total of 71,792 Somalis from northern Kenya’s Dadaab refugee camp reportedly elected for voluntary repatriation on December 8, 2014. “As at Nov. 15, there were 18,140 refugees registered in our database willing to return to Somalia, with 12,874 being registered in 2017 alone,” the UN agency said. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Afrika
20.12.2017, DailyGuide
About 57 Liberian refugees, who refused to go back to their home country, are fighting the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for their resettlement packages. According to the refugees, who have now pitched camp at the Cantonments Police Station, UNHCR presented them with three options, including integration, repatriation and resettlement in a country of their choice. read more
20.12.2017, Berliner Morgenpost
According to the UN, around 168,000 refugees arrived in Europe in 2017 on average. The decline compared to the previous year is clear. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Europa
19.12.2017, Kurier
Stadt-SPÖ und Wiener Grüne üben scharfe Kritik am Vorschlag des künftigen blauen Klubchefs im Parlament. Gudenus will Asylwerbern zeigen, dass es in Wien "doch nicht so gemütlich ist". read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Österreich / Schweiz
19.12.2017, Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg
Some media have reported that Gambian President Adama Barrow and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier have signed a repatriation agreement for 1500 Gambians. Responding to a question from us, staff at the German Foreign Office and the President's Office confirmed that these reports are untrue. As soon as we have written confirmation from the President's office, we will publish it here. Despite this, there were individual deportations to Gambia this year. 15 people were deported to Gambia from Baden-Württemberg this year. The district government (Regierungspräsidium) of Karlsruhe as the authority responsible for carrying out deportations confirmed this information in reply to an enquiry by the Refugee Council (Flüchtlingsrat) of Baden-Württemberg. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
19.12.2017, PRO ASYL
Most of the people who flee to Europe via the Mediterranean arrive in Italy. But the accommodation situation there is confusing, the asylum application difficult. Many live in precarious conditions, some are homeless. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
19.12.2017, IOM Afghanistan
The Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation (MoRR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) marked the International Migrants Day today in a function held in Kabul. The event, held in the Government’s Media and Information Center (GMIC) brought together representatives from the Government of Afghanistan, UN Agencies, International Organizations, Humanitarian Actors, Embassies, Parliamentarians, Afghan Civil Society and members of the migrant communities. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Naher Osten
19.12.2017, Süddeutsche Zeitung
The Kamara family fled Sierra Leone and has been living in Geretsried since summer 2015. There it is considered integrated, which is why many citizens oppose the farewell decision. read more
19.12.2017, Pro Asyl
Die allermeisten der Menschen, die über das Mittelmeer nach Europa fliehen, kommen in Italien an. Doch die Unterbringungssituation dort ist unübersichtlich, die Asylantragsstellung schwierig. Viele leben unter prekären Bedingungen, manche sind gar obdachlos. read more
19.12.2017, Deutschlandfunk
Myanmar and Bangladesh have set up a joint working group to repatriate Rohingya refugees. They each include 15 officials from the two governments, Bangladesh's Foreign Ministry said in Dhaka. The two states agreed in November to bring back members of the Muslim Rohingya minority who fled Myanmar to their territories. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Asien
19.12.2017, ANF News
Seit April 2013 steht das Zelt der Gruppe „Lampedusa in Hamburg“, angemeldet als Dauerkundgebung, in Hamburg. Jetzt beschloss die Versammlungsbehörde neue Auflagen. read more
Die Situation auf der griechischen Insel sei unzumutbar, mahnen Kritiker. Angesichts des nahenden Winters werden indiskutable Lebensbedingungen angeprangert. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
19.12.2017, Welt
Obwohl die Zuwanderung seit drei Jahren diskutiert wird, gehen die Begriffe immer noch durcheinander. Auf die Frage: „Wie viele Flüchtlinge sind in diesem Jahr nach Deutschland gekommen?“, antwortete Bundesinnenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) der „Bild am Sonntag“: „Ende November waren wir knapp bei 173.000. Ich rechne für das ganze Jahr mit einer Zahl von unter 200.000 Migranten.“ read more
19.12.2017, Junge Welt
Europa will sich mit Hilfe Libyens immer weiter abschotten. Um das durchzusetzen, wird das Land geschwächt. Gespräch mit Salah Zater read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union
18.12.2017, taz
Asylbewerber verweigern seit dem Wochenende die Nahrungsaufnahme. Sie üben Kritik an den schlechten Zuständen in den „Abschiebelagern“. read more
18.12.2017, Sächsische Zeitung
Sachsens neuer Ministerpräsident Michael Kretschmer hat sich für eine rasche Abschiebung ausreisepflichtiger Flüchtlinge und gegen einen Familiennachzug ausgesprochen. Es sei aus seiner Sicht unumgänglich, dass der Familiennachzug ausgesetzt bleibe, sagte der CDU-Politiker am Sonntag in der ARD-Sendung „Bericht aus Berlin“. Ebenso müsse man es schaffen, „diese vielen Hunderttausend Flüchtlinge, die keinen Status haben, die zurück in ihre Heimatländer müssen, weil sie ausreisepflichtig sind, dass sie unser Land auch wieder verlassen“. read more
Schlepper Hussein Chani ist arbeitslos. Niger hat die Reisestrecken durch die Sahara geschlossen. Jetzt ist die Fahrt nach Europa noch gefährlicher. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Afrika
18.12.2017, Zeit
Strenge Regeln für Flüchtlinge, Eingriffe in die Medien: Österreichs FPÖ schafft es mit radikalen Forderungen ins Regierungsprogramm. Europa wartet ab – noch. read more
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