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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
05.04.2017, Entre les lignes entre les mots
Selon des déclarations officielles reprises par les médias, le Président de la République Tunisienne et la chancelière allemande ont annoncé la signature d’un accord tuniso-allemand prévoyant l’expulsion de 1500 migrants tunisiens prétendus en situation irrégulières en Allemagne. Les associations de la société civile tunisiennes rappellent à leur position de refus de tous les accords de réadmission et dénoncent cet accord pour les raisons suivantes read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Afrika
Wenn nicht endlich gesamteuropäische Maßnahmen ergriffen würden, werde es zu einem weiteren Erstarken nationalistischer Tendenzen kommen, warnte Zsifkovics: „Populismus und Nationalismus beginnen oft im Kleinen und bekommen dann eine Eigendynamik und können ausarten.“ read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Österreich / Schweiz
05.04.2017, Express
The two countries will now have to decide if they are willing to maintain their anti-migrant rhetoric if it puts their EU membership under threat. Germany, France and Italy have called for a permanent system of quotas to replace the emergency measures currently in place, which would include fines and penalties for failing to comply. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
05.04.2017, Finanznachrichten
Die Zahl der syrischen Flüchtlinge ist letztes Jahr gestiegen. Dadurch ergibt sich ein höheres Potential an Familiennachzug. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
05.04.2017, Vice news
As if migrants were criminals, Hungary locks those who tried to cross the border illegally for several months. During their stay the government agencies check their demand for asylum, even though the refugees just want to pass to other countries. Usually they end up being send back to serbia. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Osteuropa
04.04.2017, Deutsche Welle
A year after the EU-Turkey Deal came into force, thousands of refugees remain stranded in Greece. The most desperate try to reach Europe by any means. Marianna Karakoulaki and Dimitris Tosidis report from Thessaloniki.Last year Idomeni - the small village next to the Greek-Macedonian border that had become a symbol of hope for thousands of refugees - was packed with people. A few days earlier the EU-Turkey deal had come into effect, yet thousands of people still hoped the borders would open. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union
04.04.2017, S&D. Socialists&Democrats
Following this afternoon's discussion in the European Parliament on addressing refugee and migrant movements, S&D vice-president Elena Valenciano said: "The EU must pay more attention to the external dimension of migration. As such, we welcome the initiatives undertaken by the Commission and the EU's high representative for foreign affairs, Federica Mogherini, but we are, however, concerned about the prevailing security-driven approach. Migration should not be demonised nor migrants criminalised. "We call for the full respect of migrants and refugees’ rights and dignity, regardless their legal status." read more
04.04.2017, Norway Today
UDI has now issued decisions to individual refugees from Mogadishu in Somalia that they no longer have refugee status in Norway.Last year Immigration notified 120 refugees from Mogadishu that they are no longer considered as refugees. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europa
04.04.2017, UNHCR
Vor Beginn der heutigen Syrien-Konferenz in Brüssel (Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region) sind UNHCR und UNDP sowie 240 Partnerorganisationen und Aufnahmeländer extrem besorgt ob des sehr niedrigen Finanzierungsniveaus der Hilfe für syrische Flüchtlinge und der Gemeinschaften, die sie aufgenommen haben. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat dem Libanon für die Aufnahme hunderttausender Flüchtlinge aus dem Nachbarland Syrien gedankt. Damit habe das Land eine "große humanitäre Bereitschaft" gezeigt, die aber auch "eine große Belastung" sei, sagte Merkel am Dienstag bei einem Treffen mit dem libanesischen Ministerpräsidenten Saad Hariri in Berlin. Sie wolle dem Libanon daher ihre Anerkennung aussprechen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Naher Osten, Deutschland
Die Zahl der afrikanischen Flüchtlinge, die nach Europa gelangen, steigt stark. In den ersten drei Monaten kamen schon 51 Prozent mehr Afrikaner in die EU als Anfang vergangenen Jahres. Das geht aus Zahlen der Internationalen Organisation für Migration (IOM) hervor, die Migrationsströme dokumentiert. Bundesentwicklungsminister Gerd Müller (CSU) rechnet mit rund 300 000 bis 400 000 Flüchtlingen vom Nachbarkontinent in diesem Jahr und wirbt für einen Marshallplan für Afrika. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Weltweit
Für das Innenministerium in Wien sind die zahlreicheren Abschiebungen aus Österreich nach Afghanistan ein Erfolg: "Pro Kopf gerechnet sind wir in Europa bei Außerlandesbringungen Spitzenreiter", ließ dort ein Sprecher nach dem ersten EU-weit koordinierten Abschiebeflug vergangenen Mittwoch von Stockholm über Wien in die afghanische Hauptstadt Kabul wissen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Österreich / Schweiz, Europäische Union, Asien
04.04.2017, Borderline Lesbos
"Mosaik" is a Support Center in Lesvos offering language courses, free legal aid, psychosocial aid and creative workshops for refugees who got stuck on the island as well as for locals. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
04.04.2017, arab news
Fleeing to the EU means giving away your right of bodily integrity. Not on paper of course, but in reality. This is particularly the case in Serbia and their border to Hungary. More than a half of the migrants have experienced violent events during their journey. Even if a refugee has managed to cross the EU border, he will have to fear being sent back. This is a report about victims of the cruelty and arbitrariness of policemen and smugglers. read more
"L'attraversamento illegale dei confini verso la Francia, la Germania e la Svizzera non può essere la soluzione. Dobbiamo trovare una soluzione ragionevole e non siamo ancora alla meta". Lo ha detto Angela Merkel a Berlino, in conferenza stampa con i premier di Repubblica ceca e Slovacchia. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Deutschland, Europäische Union, Weltweit
03.04.2017, Italieninsider
Arjan Hehenkamp, general director of Medicins Sans Frontières Holland, described the shocking conditions migrants are forced to endure in Libya, and criticised European reaction to the crisis. Across the country, there are various detention centres, which Hehenkamp says are better described as “human warehouses”, where migrants are held for indeterminate lengths of time, and with uncertain futures. The lawlessness of the country means that the detention centres are a militia-run business, with humans being the trading currency. The only way to escape is by paying the guards, and they then decide whether to send you into the Mediterranean or release you back into Tripoli. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Naher Osten
03.04.2017, The African Courier
Most people that end up in Libya are not seeking to leave for Europe, according to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). The Geneva-based organisation carried out over 8,000 interviews with migrants in Libya in 2016 and early 2017.“What comes out is that 60 per cent of those interviewed had always intended to have as a final destination Libya itself,” Eugenio Ambrosi, IOM’s regional director for the EU, told reporters on Friday (31 March). read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika, Naher Osten
Per Medici senza frontiere l’Ue dovrebbe creare canali legali di ingresso e consentire che si svuotino i centri di detenzione dei migranti nel Paese nordafricano. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union
Il rappresentate olandese di Msf ha riferito della sua esperienza nei progetti dell'ong in Libia e dei centri di detenzione visitati a Tripoli, veri e propri "magazzini umani" - li ha definiti -, dove ha ricevuto testimonianze di "abusi e torture". Tra le persone imprigionate ci sono "migranti, ma anche persone che vivono in Libia da decenni, prese per strada", ha spiegato. "Danno loro la caccia perché valgono denaro, rappresentano merce di scambio". read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Nordafrika
Mohamed Haay Sandu è uno dei leader che venerdì a Roma hanno siglato l’accordo di pace fra la tribù dei Tebu e quella degli Awlad Suleiman. Con l’intesa fra le due popolazioni della Libia meridionale, il governo italiano conta sull’impegno di entrambe nel contrasto ai flussi di migranti sub-sahariani in arrivo dal Niger e diretti al Canale di Sicilia. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
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