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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
Da marzo la Commissione europea non esclude l’ipotesi di procedure di infrazione per gli Stati che non effettueranno i previsti ricollocamenti dei rifugiati. «In questa fase preferiamo fare pressione politica - spiega il vicepresidente della Commissione, Frans Timmermans - marzo sarà il momento per considerare passi ulteriori. È ingiusto lasciare tutto il peso su Italia e Grecia». read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union
Last year marked a new record for Italy as asylum applications reached a 20-year high, according to a new report out Thursday by a Milan-based think tank on migration. There were over 123,000 applications for asylum in 2016, a 47-per-cent jump compared to 2015, according to the Initiatives and Studies on Multi-ethnicity (ISMU) Foundation. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
Il Parlamento di Tobruk, nell'Est della Libia, giudica "nullo e inesistente" l'accordo sulla lotta all'immigrazione clandestina firmato tra il governo di accordo nazionale libico e l'Italia. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika
Sono 3.204 i migranti ricollocati dall'Italia nei paesi europei,di questi 240sono bambini. Il paese con maggiori ricollocamenti dall'Italia è la Germania, seguite da Norvegia, Olanda e Finlandia. Sono i dati diffusi dal dipartimento del Viminale per l'immigrazione aggiornati al 3 febbraio di quest'anno. Le persone coinvolte nel programma di ricollocamento sono 8.207 con 578 minori. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union, Europa
08.02.2017, The Daily Express
According to human rights lawyers, 30 ‘Jungle’ refugees received an ominous deportation order in January stating that would have to claim asylum in their first safe country – Italy or Greece. In October, however, days before the tent camp was torn down, former interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that the EU’s controversial Dublin Regulation – which requires refugees to seek asylum in the first country they arrive in – “would not apply to ‘Jungle’ residents who wished to claim asylum in France”. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europa
08.02.2017, UNHCR
UNHCR launches campaign to highlight dangers to thousands of people – most from Ethiopia and Somalia – who continue head to Yemen despite the raging conflict. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Naher Osten, Afrika
I vecchi Cie, Centri di identificazione ed espulsione – spariranno per lasciare il posto ai nuovi Cpr, Centri per il rimpatrio che – uno in ogni regione salvo Valle d’Aosta e Abruzzo – dovrebbero servire ad accelerare le espulsioni dei migrati economici (e quindi automaticamente irregolari per il governo). Apertura di altri cinque hotspot che andranno ad aggiungersi ai quattro già esistenti. Riduzione dei gradi di giudizio e dei ricorsi nelle richieste di asilo e la promessa di procedere a nuovi accordi bilaterali con i paesi di origine dei migranti. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
„Amnesty International France ha denunciato il respingimento, praticamente automatico, verso l'Italia dei migranti che arrivano nel Sud-est della Francia, compresi i minori non accompagnati: così si viola il diritto d'asilo, e "a pagare" per primi sono sempre i bambini“ read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
Fitiwi Negash è stato indagato nell'inchiesta Glauco II, coordinata dalla Procura distrettuale di Palermo. Le indagini erano state svolte dalle squadre mobili di Agrigento e Palermo e dal servizio centrale operativo. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Deutschland, Afrika
In the wake of Donald Trump’s executive order banning entry of Syrian refugees to the US, there are signs that the walls are closing in on the war-stricken nationals elsewhere too. Just a few days after Trump’s order, Lebanese President Michel Aoun renewed calls for Syrians to be repatriated to their home country. Like Trump, he cites security fears, among other reasons. He also backs the idea of creating safe zones in Syria for refugees to return home — a policy apparently supported by Trump. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Naher Osten
08.02.2017, The Guardian
A growing number of asylum seekers are braving freezing cold temperatures to walk into Canada from the US, driven by fears of what Donald Trump’s presidency will mean for refugees, advocates say. On Tuesday, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said another 22 people had walked across the border and into Canada over the weekend; 19 of them on Saturday and three on Sunday. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Amerika
08.02.2017, Focus Online
Trotz Bedenken mehrerer Landesregierungen verteidigt das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) die umstrittenen Abschiebungen nach Afghanistan. "Die Bundesregierung hält an ihrer Auffassung fest, dass Rückführungen nach Afghanistan verantwortungsvoll, aber konsequent durchgeführt und fortgesetzt werden müssen", sagte die Präsidentin des BAMF, Jutta Cordt, der Mittwochsausgabe der "Passauer Neuen Presse". "Es gibt in Afghanistan Gebiete, die als vergleichsweise sicher gelten. Es gibt inländische Fluchtalternativen", betonte sie. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
08.02.2017, oe24
Weil auf den EU-Deal „kein Verlass“ sei, will der österreichische Verteidigungsminister Hans Peter Doskozil mit 0steuropäischen Staaten die EU alleine abriegeln. Doskozil (SPÖ) setzt auf eine Allianz mit Osteuropa und den Westbalkanländern. Rund 16 Innen- und Verteidigungsminister der Region – von Albanien bis Slowenien – werden heute an einer Konferenz in Wien teilnehmen, um den Grenzschutz in die eigene Hand zu nehmen. Dafür könnten heimische Soldaten – wie das bereits in Ungarn der Fall ist – im Assistenzeinsatz auch die Grenzen entlang der Westbalkanroute schützen. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Österreich / Schweiz
08.02.2017, Europa Rat
On 7 February 2017, the Council adopted an implementing decision setting out a recommendation to prolong temporary internal border controls in exceptional circumstances. Starting from 11 February 2017, when the previous decision expires, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway should prolong proportionate temporary border controls for a maximum period of three months read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
08.02.2017, Europe Online Magazine
Tyrolean police apprehended 11,800 foreigners who had entered the province illegally last year, 15 per cent more than in 2015, Tyrol‘s police chief Helmut Tomac said at a press conference in Innsbruck. The Austrian government has been warning that it could enforce strict border controls on short notice on its mountain border with Italy, if Italian authorities are unable to control the migrant situation. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Österreich / Schweiz
Auch wenn die Balkanroute für die Flüchtlinge seit einem Jahr geschlossen ist, ist die Krise noch lange nicht vorbei, warnte die Hilfsorganisation Save the Children in einem Interview mit dem Internetportal Balkan Insight am Dienstag. Nach Angaben der NGO würden täglich etwa 100 Migranten in Serbien ankommen, die Lage der Minderjährigen sei dabei besonders kritisch. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Osteuropa
Schmuggler schleppen Zehntausende Migranten und Flüchtlinge in den Jemen, obwohl in dem Land auf der arabischen Halbinsel seit zwei Jahren Bürgerkrieg herrscht. An den Küsten seien im vergangenen Jahr 117.000 Menschen aus Afrika angekommen, in der irrigen Annahme dort ein besseres Auskommen zu finden, berichtete das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk (UNHCR). read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Afrika, Asien
La polizia serba ha arrestato oggi 12 persone accusate di aver trasportato illegalmente tra novembre e dicembre scorsi oltre 250 migranti dal confine con la Bulgaria a Belgrado. Come ha riferito il ministero dell'interno, la tariffa per il trasporto era di 250 euro per migrante. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Osteuropa
Mid-way in the Valletta processes, and as African and European high officials are meeting in Malta on 8/9 February 2017, the European Union is crossing a step further in its attempts to limit mobility of migrants and imposes its rule on countries where most of migrants originate from through the use of the “European travel document”, a document adopted last October 2016 and almost unnoticed. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa, Afrika
07.02.2017, CURIA
Nach Auffassung von Generalanwalt Mengozzi sind die Mitgliedstaaten verpflichtet, ein humanitäres Visum zu erteilen, wenn ernsthafte und durch Tatsachen bestätigte Gründe für die Annahme vorliegen, dass bei einer Verweigerung Personen, die internationalen Schutz suchen, der Folter oder einer anderen unmenschlichen oder erniedrigenden Behandlung ausgesetzt werden read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
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