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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
08.04.2023, Afro Planete
On Saturday 7 April, a shipwreck occurred off the coast of Tunisia. According to reports, two boats set off before one of the boats carrying 49 people sank. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Nordafrika
05.04.2023, Info Migrants
The private rescue ship Geo Barents spent more than 11 hours rescuing 440 people from a boat off Malta overnight. Meanwhile, the Ocean Viking disembarked 92 migrants in the Italian port of Salerno. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union
04.04.2023, La Repubblica
These are tense hours in the Mediterranean Sea, where a boat with about 500 people on the move, which has been calling for help for more than 36 hours, is adrift amid four-meter-high waves that are making rescue operations extremely complicated. The barge is in the Maltese Sar area but, as is always the case, authorities in Valletta have not sent rescue means. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
04.04.2023, BBC
Ministers are facing the prospect of a legal challenge if they go ahead with plans to house asylum seekers on a barge off the Dorset coast. The Home Office is reportedly looking to use the 222-room Bibby Stockholm for the migrants under controversial plans aimed at reducing reliance on hotels [...] The government says more than £6m a day is spent on hotels for migrants. But charities say military bases and boats are "wholly inadequate places" to house people fleeing war and persecution. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Großbritannien
03.04.2023, Infomigrants
A typhoid outbreak among migrants housed on a decommissioned cruise liner last year has been found to have been caused by a sewage leak. The contaminated water made its way into freshwater supplies on board the stationary vessel, according to an investigation led by local authorities. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
31.03.2023, Info Migrants
The Council of Europe has slammed member states for their "degrading treatment" of migrants at the borders. It said many were subjected to "punches and slap blows" by law enforcement officials. read more
31.03.2023, taz
At the Union's refugee summit, local politicians are not sparing with disaster rhetoric. The situation seems drastic in the municipalities. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
30.03.2023, Zeit Online
Geflüchtete aus Tunesien hatten wegen der Bedingungen auf Lampedusa geklagt. Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte entschied, dass Italien sie entschädigen muss. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Italien / Malta
30.03.2023, Amnesty International
The findings by Europe’s top anti-torture body that authorities across Europe have used practices which amount to torture to target refugees and migrants who tried to cross Europe’s borders, strengthen calls for urgent change, said Amnesty International. read more
30.03.2023, the Guardian
The Council of Europe’s anti-torture committee (CPT) said it had identified “clear patterns of physical ill-treatment” against people trying to cross borders all over Europe. read more
30.03.2023, Pro Asyl
The odyssey of Yassir* is exemplary for the European isolationist policy. In October 2021, Greek authorities pushed Yassir* back to Turkey. From there he was even deported to Syria, and now he is affected by the devastating earthquake. Our Greek colleagues from Refugee Support Aegean (RSA) are in contact with him. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Naher Osten
28.03.2023, Info Migrants
A UN fact-finding mission to Libya uncovered multiple war crimes and crimes against humanity. Migrants, in particular, have been targeted, and it said EU support to authorities have contributed to the abuse. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
28.03.2023, The Guardian
Since the fall of Kabul in August 2021, 22,833 people have arrived in the UK from Afghanistan, nearly all of whom had at least one family member who served with the British authorities. Nearly 18 months later, about 9,000 are still living in temporary accommodation. read more
28.03.2023, taz
Algeria deports tens of thousands of people every year - in violation of international law. This year, 10,000 people have already been abandoned in the desert. Algeria appears to have not only expanded the number of expulsions but also tightened deportation practices. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
27.03.2023, Tagesschau
Morde, Folter, Versklavung: UN-Experten sehen Beweise dafür, dass Libyens Küstenwache wiederholt schwere Verbrechen gegen Migranten begangen hat. Sie wird seit Jahren von der EU mit Logistik und Finanzen unterstützt. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union
27.03.2023, Zeit Online
On Saturday, the ship had rescued 180 people in distress at sea and brought them to Lampedusa. In doing so, the crew violated a new law. read more
26.03.2023, Associate Press News
Libya’s coast guard fired warning shots over a humanitarian vessel as it attempted to rescue a rubber boat carrying migrants off Libya’s coast, a sea rescue group said. The coast guard went on to return some 80 Europe-bound migrants to Libyan soil. read more
26.03.2023, Le Monde
At least 29 migrants from sub-Saharan African countries have drowned in three shipwrecks off the coast of Tunisia, the coast guard said on Sunday 26 March. The coast guard recovered 29 bodies and "rescued 11 illegal migrants of several African nationalities after their boats sank" off the coast of east-central Tunisia. read more
23.03.2023, The Guardian
Asylum seekers who complain about poor conditions in Home Office hotels have been threatened with being sent to Rwanda, according to a new report. The report from the charity Refugee Action, entitled Hostile Accommodation: How the Asylum System Is Cruel By Design, is based on 100 in-depth interviews with asylum seekers in hotels in London, Manchester, West Midlands and Bradford. read more
23.03.2023, Taz
The Iranian regime is reacting to the feminist protests in the country with massive violence and even executions. Due to the disastrous human rights situation, the German state interior ministers agreed in December not to deport people to Iran for the time being. Nevertheless, since the beginning of the revolt in September last year, four protection seekers have been returned to Iran. read more
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