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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
13.04.2022, NU
Netherlands: in the case of Dublin returns of asylum seekers from Egypt and Algeria, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State decided that Dutch State Secretary Eric van der Burg cannot simply assume that Croatia would comply with the European Convention on Human Rights and thus may not send the two asylum seekers back to Croatia without an investigation. Although EU member states may assume that all member states comply with human rights, there can sometimes be grounds for further investigation. The Council of State ruled that, in this case, Van der Burg should have investigated “current facts and circumstances.” The State Secretary must examine whether the asylum seekers from Egypt and Algeria will be able to go through the asylum procedure upon returning to Croatia. Given that pushbacks at Croatia’s external border have been taking place “on a large scale and over a long period of time,” as stated by the State Council, such treatment is becoming possible towards persons being readmitted by Croatia from other member states as well. read more
Language(s): Sonstige Region(s): Europäische Union
13.04.2022, Statewatch
The French Presidency of the Council is seeking EU-wide comparisons of every DNA profile held by police forces against all those held by other national police forces, as well as EU policing agency Europol, as part of plans to upgrade the ‘Prüm’ network of police databases. It also hopes to automate the police exchange of facial images by eliminating requirements for human review. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union
13.04.2022, Deutsche Welle (DW)
EU programmes such as the Emergency Fund for Africa place migration control above development aid, critics say. Historical inequalities mean that African countries are often at a disadvantage in negotiations. The EU exploits this by using the granting of development funds as leverage to push through its political agenda. In recent years, this has mostly been about migration. How does this fit in with the European Union's development aid goals? read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika, Europäische Union, Afrika
13.04.2022, ANSA
Gli effetti socio-economici della pandemia acuiscono le vulnerabilità dei rifugiati, aumentano fragilità e marginalità sociale. Il sistema d'accoglienza a più di due anni dal superamento dei decreti sicurezza non riesce ad uscire dalla logica dell'emergenza, mentre nel 2021 gli sbarchi sono raddoppiati rispetto all'anno precedente. read more
Language(s): Griechisch / ελληνικά Region(s): Italien / Malta
12.04.2022, der Freitag
The EU's external borders are being monitored ever more closely. Nowhere is the downside of European refugee policy more evident than at the English Channel. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Frankreich, Großbritannien
12.04.2022, Pro Asyl
After years of halting decisions (since December 2019), the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has announced that regular asylum procedures will be carried out for asylum seekers who have already been recognised as refugees in Greece. Since last year, German jurisprudence has largely agreed that people should not be sent back to misery in Greece. The problem: the authorities do not feel bound by the asylum decision from Greece. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland
11.04.2022, taz
Police and immigration authorities are withholding passports from third-country nationals fleeing Ukraine. This is unlawful, lawyers warn. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
11.04.2022, Pro Asyl
These days, Europe is showing impressively that it is capable of coping with large refugee movements. In many cases, refugees from Ukraine are accommodated privately for the first few days, receive a status immediately after registration, and are allowed to move and work freely. The question arises: Why not always like this? read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union
11.04.2022, InfoMigrants
The humanitarian organization Sea-Watch rescued 211 migrants from the Mediterranean over the last days, but survivors and crew had to witness some drown as they arrived too late to help. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Nordafrika
10.04.2022, Il Tempo
Sbarchi senza sosta a Lampedusa, dove, dopo due settimane di tregua dovuta alle cattive condizioni del mare, ieri sono ripresi gli approdi. Sono 247 i migranti giunti nella notte, si aggiungono ai 454 arrivati ieri con 11 diversi eventi, portando a 829 il numero complessivo delle persone sbarcate da venerdì scorso sulla più grande delle Pelagie. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano Region(s): Italien / Malta
09.04.2022, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Bei dem Versuch, das Mittelmeer zu überqueren, sind rund ein Dutzend Menschen vor der tunesischen Küste gestorben. Zeitgleich rettete die Hilfsorganisation Sea-Watch 86 Migranten vor der libyschen Küste. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
08.04.2022, The Guardian
Second adjournment by the Greek court prolongs agony of Afghans Amir Zahiri and Akif Rasuli, serving 50-year sentences for piloting a migrant boat. “Justice delayed is justice denied and justice is being denied in Greece.” read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union
08.04.2022, L'indipendente
Con il decreto legge della Protezione civile del 12 aprile 2020 venivano istituite le navi quarantena, mezzi controversi strettamente legati alla durata dell’emergenza sanitaria, sui quali i profughi avrebbero dovuto espletare i 14 giorni di isolamento fiduciario. Nonostante l’emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19 sia terminata il 31 marzo e non esistano atti normativi che ne proroghino i termini, alcuni di questi mezzi non risultano ancora dismessi, nonostante non vi siano leggi né decreti che ne giustifichino l’esistenza. read more
08.04.2022, Sky Tg24
Il leader della Lega, che era presente in aula, è accusato del sequestro di 147 migranti nell’agosto del 2019 per non aver fatto sbarcare le persone soccorse in mare. read more
07.04.2022, The Epoch Times
Der Europarat hat eine bedeutende Zunahme der widerrechtlichen Zurückweisungen von Asylsuchenden in europäischen Ländern angeprangert. Diese Menschenrechtsverstöße seien zu einem „systematischen, paneuropäischen Problem“ geworden, heißt es in einem am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Bericht der Straßburger Länderorganisation. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
06.04.2022, Il Riformista
È invalso ritenere che, a paragone del diritto pieno di chi scappa dalla guerra, chi invece scappa dalla fame vanti un diritto dimidiato all’accoglienza. Ma a parte il fatto che molto spesso la fame da cui si scappa è generata proprio da una guerra, resta da capire in base a quale criterio il cosiddetto “migrante economico” (formula buona per un consulente in cerca di emolumento migliore) sia tanto più facilmente destinatario delle politiche dei porti chiusi. read more
Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano
06.04.2022, NewsSicilia
Nei giorni scorsi è stato effettuato a Lampedusa un secondo intervento per la rimazione delle rimanenti imbarcazioni, il primo era stato effettuato lo scorso febbraio. L’operazione è stata svolta grazie all’utilizzo di rimorchiatori e ponti, grazie alla collaborazione dei sommozzatori sono state anche ripuliti i fondali del porto dell’isola. read more
06.04.2022, la Repubblica
Restano, invece, ancora in attesa dell'indicazione di un porto sicuro di sbarco i 113 sulla nave di Msf. "I forti venti e le onde alte fino a 2 metri stanno rendendo la situazione a bordo ogni ora più difficile - spiegano dalla Geo Barents che si trova al largo delle coste siciliane tra Catania e Siracusa -. Dopo un'esperienza di pre-morte e una settimana sulla nave, 113 sopravvissuti hanno urgente bisogno di un posto sicuro dove sbarcare e ricevere assistenza". read more
06.04.2022, Panorama della Sanità
Sul supporto Psicosociale e Salute Mentale per minorenni stranieri non accompagnati e giovani migranti e rifugiati, l’Unicef ha svolto in Italia nel 2021 una ricerca che ha consentito di mappare tredici pratiche in sei regioni (Piemonte, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Sicilia e Puglia) read more
05.04.2022, MiGAZIN
In the approximately 160-page paper entitled "Vulnerability and Resilience in the Crisis", the experts of the German Ethics Council take a retrospective look at the protection measures during the Covid-19 pandemic and analyse them in terms of their balance and justice towards different groups. Migrants, they say, have been shortchanged, institutions have been too ponderous, and measures have disregarded the rights of minorities. In the end, they make twelve recommendations aimed at better balancing measures in the future, involving more stakeholders, strengthening ownership and solidarity, and communicating more consistently. read more
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