Background information

Asylum systems in 2017: Overview of developments from selected European countries

This briefing provides a short overview of major developments relating to asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection across the countries covered by the Asylum Information Database (AIDA). read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa, Weltweit

Asylum Seekers in Samos: An Unreasonable Reality

The restriction of movement of displaced people lies at the heart of the intersection between criminalisation and immigration/asylum. Penal-like measures applied on Greek islands perpetuate the idea of ‘dangerous foreigners’, leading to the de facto criminalisation of asylum seekers. Stavros E. Papageorgopoulos, a Lawyer working for the Greek Council of Refugees provides insight into the pracitce of detaining asylum seekers in Greece in view of the EU-Turkey Statement and the European ‘hotspot approach’. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union

General legal considerations: search-and-rescue operations involving refugees and migrants at sea

This note sets out a number of legal considerations relevant to search-and-rescue (SAR) operations involving refugees and migrants at sea, including issues arising in the context of cooperation between the range of actors involved in SAR responses
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Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Weltweit

UNHCR report: Desperate Journeys - January 2017 to March 2018

This report provides a brief overview of trends of movements by refugees and migrants to and through Europe in 2017, highlights some of the key protection challenges associated with these desperate journeys and concludes with recommendations. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa, Weltweit

Bundesdeutsche Flüchtlingspolitik und ihre tödlichen Folgen

Die Antirassistische Initiative e.V. gibt seit über 20 Jahren die umfassende Dokumentation "Bundesdeutsche Flüchtlingspolitik und ihre tödlichen Folgen" heraus. Diese ist ein Spiegelbild menschenverachtender Lebensbedingungen, denen Asylbewerber_innen und Menschen ohne Papiere in Deutschland ausgesetzt sind. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland


Crimes of solidarity: such an expression appears as a contradiction in terms, a real oxymoron. Nevertheless, it conveys very well the meaning at the heart of a two-fold conflict, which sees, on the one hand, the criminalisation of European citizens who are mobilising in support of migrants in transit and, on the other, the strengthening of solidarity practices and networks in border areas and in many urban centres. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Frankreich, Italien / Malta

Abuse Behind Bars: Arbitrary and unlawful detention in Libya

Armed groups across Libya, including those affiliated with the State, hold thousands of men,
women and children in prolonged arbitrary and unlawful detention, and subject them to torture and
other human rights violations and abuses. Victims have little or no recourse to judicial remedy or
reparations, while members of armed groups enjoy total impunity. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Afrika

Rapporto Annuale 2018: attività e servizi del Centro Astalli

L’Associazione Centro Astalli è la sede italiana del Servizio dei Gesuiti per i Rifugiati-JRS. Da oltre 35 anni è impegnata in attività e servizi che hanno l’obiettivo di accompagnare, servire e difendere i diritti di chi arriva in Italia in fuga da guerre e violenze, non di rado anche dalla tortura. Il Centro Astalli si impegna inoltre a far conoscere all’opinione pubblica chi sono i rifugiati, la loro storia e i motivi che li hanno portati fin qui. read more

Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano
Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union, Europa, Weltweit

Report on Conditions on Lesvos

Two years after the signing of the EU-Turkey agreement, the devastating effects of the deal continue to bear on the island of Lesvos, where winter has brought ongoing misery and aggravated tensions. Borderline-europe reports. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union

Jugend Rettet: Neuigkeiten zum Fall Iuventa

Liebe Unterstützer*Innen,
Während wir euch in unserem letzten Newsletter noch ein schönes neues Jahr gewünscht haben, wollen wir euch heute mit aktuellen, neuen News versorgen. Auch wenn der Fall um die Iuventa uns einige Kraft raubt, geben wir nicht auf und wollen weiter machen. Wir schauen nach vorne und geben jeden Tag unser Bestes, um sowohl politisch als auch operativ das Sterben an den Außengrenzen zu beenden.
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Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Italien / Malta, Deutschland, Europäische Union, Europa

Fourth Report on Illegal Pushbacks of Refugees from the Republic of Croatia in the period from June 2017 to February 2018

Despite harsh criticism from the international community, violence and illegal pushbacks of the croation police against refugees continues. A report from Are You Syrious, No name kitchen, the Center for Peace Studies and the Welcome Initiative. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Balkanstaaten

Paper: Human Rights Abuse on the Polish-Belarus Border

The question of how to handle forced migration has been in the focus of the media since the autumn of 2015. The issue has led to discussions in every part of society and the political responses were the EU-Turkey deal, sealing the borders of the Balkan route and partnerships with Libya to decrease the number of refugees crossing the Mediterranean. Even though the topic received a lot of attention, there is one border which is forgotten: the east side of the Schengen Area, the Polish-Belarussian border. The lack of attention is assumed to be caused by the relatively low number of refugees trying to cross it, even though that does not make it less severe for those affected. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Osteuropa

Jahresbericht 2017/18 von Amnesty International: zur weltweiten Lage der Menschenrechte

Over the past year, leaders have pushed hate, fought against rights, ignored crimes against humanity, and blithely let inequality and suffering spin out of control. This provoked mass protests, showing that while our challenges may never be greater, the will to fight back is just as strong.

Amnesty International’s report, The State of the World’s Human Rights 2017/18, covers 159 countries and delivers the most comprehensive analysis of the state of human rights in the world today.

While the findings remain shocking, it is the events such as those highlighted in the report that galvanised people across the world to stand up in the face of adversity and make their voices heard.

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Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Weltweit

Rechte und Pflichten von Schiffen nach der SAR-Konvention und Ausprägungen des Refoulement-Verbots auf Hoher See

Das aggressive Vorgehen der libyschen Küstenwache gegen private Schiffe und die Blockade von Booten mit Geflüchteten, um die "Rettung" der libyschen Küstenwache zu überlassen, verstoßen gegen das Völkerrecht. Dies bestätigt ein Gutachten des wissenschaftlichen Dienstes des Deutschen Bundestags. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europa

Asylum Information Database: Länderbericht Polen

Im folgenden Bericht klärt die Organisation Asylum Information Database ausführlich über die Menschenrechtslage für Geflüchtete in Polen auf. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Osteuropa, Europa

Harmful Border

An analysis of the daily struggle of migrants as they attempt to leave Ventimiglia for northern Europe. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Italien / Malta

Safe but not settled: The impact of family separation on refugees in the UK

Refugees in the UK often find themselves separated from their families by their brutal experiences of conflict and persecution, just at the time when they need each other the most. This separation can drag on for years or sometimes indefinitely because of the UK’s restrictive rules on refugee family reunion. This joint report by the Refugee Council and Oxfam is one of the first to look at how family reunion and ongoing forced separation from loved ones affect the ability of refugees to successfully integrate into UK society. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa

BumF: Sondierungsergebnis: Geflüchtete Kinder und Jugendliche sind Leidtragende der Beschlüsse

Union und SPD haben sich im Rahmen der Sondierungsgespräche auf Änderungen in der Flüchtlingspolitik geeinigt. Der Bundesfachverband umF begrüßt, dass Verbesserungen beim Bleiberecht geplant sind. Besorgniserregend sind jedoch die Einigungen zum Familiennachzug, zu den Aufnahme-, Entscheidungs- und Rückführungseinrichtungen (ANkER-Einrichtungen) sowie den sicheren Herkunftsstaaten. Geflüchtete Kinder und Jugendliche drohen damit zu den Leidtragenden der Beschlüsse zu werden. Der Bundesfachverband umF warnt insbesondere vor einem Systembruch im Kinderschutz. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland

Unbegleiteter Flüchtling: Von Somalia nach Biedenkopf

Mit nur 17 Jahren und einem eher realitätsfernen Europabild kam Hamse Abdirahman 2013 nach Deutschland. Den Einstieg ins neue Leben hatte er sich anfangs leichter vorgestellt: "Wir müssen hart arbeiten, nicht aufgeben", sagt er. Heute macht er eine Ausbildung im hessischen Biedenkopf - das für ihn mittlerweile sein Zuhause ist. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland, Europa, Afrika

Deals mit Diktatoren - Über Grenzen in Afrika und die Kultur der Abschottung

Seit der sogenannten Flüchtlingskrise schottet Europa sich ab. Transitrouten werden blockiert, Grenzanlagen massiv ausgebaut. Auf dem Mittelmeer spielen sich dramatische Szenen ab, wenn Menschen in Seenot geraten. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Europäische Union, Afrika
