Background information

Pro Asyl: Bulgarien auf dem Prüfstand - EU-Kommission mahnt dringende Verbesserungen des Asylsystems an

Die EU-Kommission ist unzufrieden mit den halbherzigen Bemühungen der bulgarischen Regierung, das desolate Asylsystem des Landes wenigstens an EU-Mindeststandards anzugleichen. In einem Brief an den stellvertretenden bulgarischen Innenmister und die Leiterin der staatlichen Agentur für Flüchtlinge findet ein hoher EU-Beamter deutliche Worte. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Europäische Union

Bericht vom Institute of Race Relations (IRR): Humanitarismus - Das unakzeptable Gesicht der Solidarität

Der Bericht des IRR ist Ergebnis eines sechsmonatigen Forschungsprojektes über den politischen und rechtlichen Rahmen in welchem sich humanitäre Akteure bewegen die Leben an den europäischen Land- und Seegrenzen retten. Anhand von 26 Fallstudien werden Strafverfolgungsprozesse von 45 einzelnen humanitären Akteuren in den letzten 2 Jahren dokumentiert. Das IRR macht in der Veröffentlichung deutlich, dass EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Gesetze, die sich gegen Menschenhandel und Menschenschmuggel richten, gezielt gegen humanitäre Akteure an den europäischen Außengrenzen anwendet und kriminalisiert.
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Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa

UNICEF: Hintergundpapier zum Familiennachzug

Jedes Kind braucht seine Familie. Um geflüchtete Kinder bestmöglich zu schützen, sollte gemäß der UN-Kinderrechtskonvention alles getan werden, um die Einheit der Familie zu wahren. UNICEF Deutschland und der Bundesfachverband unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge e.V. empfehlen in einem Hintergrundpapier vom 9.11.2017 zu Recht und Praxis des Familiennachzugs für geflüchtete Kinder in Deutschland, belastende Trennungssituationen zu verkürzen und den Familiennachzug zu erleichtern. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Weltweit

"Libysche Küstenwache“ torpediert Rettungsaktion der Sea Watch3 - mindestens 50 Tote

PRESSEMITTEILUNG – Am 6. November ereignete sich eine Tragödie in internationalen Gewässern, ca. 30 Seemeilen nördlich von Tripolis, Libyen. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Italien / Malta, Nordafrika, Europa, Afrika

UN report: Unlawful death of refugees and migrants

The present report focuses on the mass casualties of refugees and migrants in the course of their flight. It addresses killings by both State and non -State actors, and denounces a quasi-generalized regime of impunity, worsened by an absence of accurate data on the dead and missing. The Special Rapporteur of the Human Rights Council on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary killings calls urgently on States to address this human rights crisis by prioritizing the protection of the right to life in their migration and refugee policies. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Weltweit

Broschüre: „Orte des Leidens: Einblicke in Libyens Internierungslager“

In Libyen werden Flüchtende, Asylsuchende und Migranten willkürlich in Internierungslagern festgehalten. Dort müssen sie unter menschenverachtenden Bedingungen leben, ohne Kontakt zur Außenwelt. Die Inhaftierung verursacht bei vielen physische und psychische Leiden. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Nordafrika, Afrika

Mourn the Dead, Respect the Survivors - Create safe Passages!

Alarm Phone 8 week report, September 4 – October 29, 2017
The report reflects on the following topics:
+++ EU intensifies border collaborations with Northern African governments +++ Alarm Phone resistance and political campaigns +++ New Harraga Movement from Tunisia +++ Developments in the Central Mediterranean, Aegean Sea, Western Mediterranean, and Black Sea +++ Summaries of Alarm Phone distress cases from all three Mediterranean regions read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa, Afrika

We'll come united - CommUNITY Carnival - Press Review

On 16th of September 2017 we participated with our truck "Break the mental chains!" in the the We'll come united - Antiracist Parade + CommUNITY Carnival together with many other organizations.
Here you can find our press review for the carnival. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland

Turkey: report about Izmir Harmandalı and Pınarbaşı Removal Centres

Izmir Bar Association Migration and Asylum Comission has published a report about Izmir Harmandalı and Pınarbaşı Removal Centres. This report shows human rights violations at Removal Centres such as the fact that refugees who are stuck in those centers do not have access to a fair trial. The lawyers of refugees face many troubles when they want to meet their clients. Furthermore, the thirty pages report includes the following topics: refugees right of petition, difficulties experienced by lawyers in accessing non-citizens of Turkey under administrative detention as well as difficulties in entering to removal centers. read more

Language(s): Türkisch / Türk
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei

Press Statement: JUGEND RETTET appeals the seizure of the IUVENTA

On ninth october JUGEND RETTET appealed the preventive seizure of its
Search and Rescue vessel at the Court of Cassation. A rejection of the appeal would mark a
crucial legal precedent for Italian claims to jurisdiction in international waters, and for the
criminalization of rescue operations at sea. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English

Letter to Minniti: Commissioner for Human Rights Council of Europe

Letter of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe to the Italian minister of interior Marco Minniti on the migrants' situation in Libya and Italian-Libyan relations. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English

Report New report of the Council of Europe about the situation of migrants in Serbia and Hungary

"Thousands of refugees who have crossed the Western Balkan route 2015 and 2016 are now stranded in Serbia and Hungary and are in a precarious legal situation," said Tomáš Boček, the Special Representative of the Council of Europe for Flight and Migration in a report that recently has been published. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English

Oxfam report: You aren’t human any more

Thousands of refugees and migrants face kidnap, slavery, torture and sexual violence in Libya before crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Italy – if they are not killed first. Oxfam has spoken to men and women who have spent months being beaten,tied up like animals and sold as cheap labour in Libya’s shocking slave trade. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English

UNICEF Refugee and Migrant Crisis in Europe: Regional Humanitarian Situation Report #25, July - September 2017

Between January and September 2017, close to 145,000 refugees and migrants arrived on European shores. Two-thirds of them came through the Central Mediterranean Route, yet the summer months were marked by a sharp decrease of arrivals to Italy (mainly due to the Italy-Libya deal and new regulations over search and rescue operations) and a spike of sea crossings through the Eastern Mediterranean. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa

Myanmar: "My world is finished". Rohingya targeted in crimes against humanity in Myanmar

Often working with Border Guard Police and local vigilantes, the military has carried out a campaign of violence that has been systematic, organized and ruthless. This briefing shows that the Myanmar military has killed hundreds of Rohingya women, men and children; raped women and girls; and carried out targeted burning of entire villages. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Asien

Keeping Children at the Center

In a new report, Save the Children warns that restrictive EU migration policies risk pushing children underground.

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa, Weltweit

Keeping children at the centre

Time for EU solidarity in protecting migrant and refugee children's rights: This paper aims to capture the issues children face on the way to and once they have reached Europe. It makes a central plea for more solidarity – with all children, regardless of their status, with migrants and refugees generally, and between EU member states – to ensure the existence of a robust protection system. Chapter 1 looks at the dangers facing children and their families attempting to reach Europe; Chapter 2 at the rights being denied to those who eventually do; Chapter 3 at children’s rights in relation to returns procedures; and finally Chapter 4 recommends actions the EU and member states need to take to improve the situation of migrant and refugee children. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europäische Union, Weltweit

Greece: Confronting the mental health emergency on Samos and Lesvos

Asylum seekers held on Greece’s islands are in the midst of a mental health emergency. Many have lived through extreme violence and traumatic events. But it is the conditions they face in Greece, including the continued violence and the lack of appropriate services, which are pushing them into hopelessness and are greatly compounding their mental health suffering. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei

Press Statement: JUGEND RETTET appeals the seizure of the IUVENTA at the Rome Court of Cassation

12.10.2017, Rome, Italy – Last Monday JUGEND RETTET appealed the preventive seizure of its
Search and Rescue vessel at the Court of Cassation. A rejection of the appeal would mark a
crucial legal precedent for Italian claims to jurisdiction in international waters, and for the
criminalization of rescue operations at sea. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Italien / Malta

10 years borderline-europe e.V.

10 years borderline-europe e.V. - Not a reason to celebrate?! - We invite anyway!

As long as there are severe Human Rights violations along the external EU borders and refugees are drowning in the Mediterranean Sea, we will continue to monitor, inform and intervene!

10 years borderline-europe e.V.: What has happened so far and where do we stand today?
Where: ACUD BERLIN, Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin
When: Saturday, 28.10.2017 at 6pm

We cordially invite you to summarize the previous 10 years and join a discussion with us. After a review of our previous work and reports about the current situation, there will be a panel debate. Speakers present include:

Elio Tozzi und Lucia Borghi (Borderline Sicilia),
Alice Kleinschmidt (Borderline Lesvos),
Effi Latsoudi (Lesvos Solidarity),
Axel Grafmanns (Sea-Watch),
Lisa Gross und Judith Gleitze (AlarmPhone/borderline-europe),
Gergishu Yohannes (Initiative Verein gegen “Tod im Mittelmeer 2009 e.V.”)
Moderation by Christian Jakob (taz)

After a small buffet, the THUNDERBIRDS from Carlow will be performing followed by more music from DJane ALEXA and DJ JOE LE TAXI. Let´s shake the societal circumstances and dance together! We are looking forward to seeing you! read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland
