Background information

Is the indiscriminate detention of irregular migrants a cost - effective policy tool?

Greece has adopted since 2010 a new policy to manage its irregular migrant population and reinforce
the EU external borders, which relies heavily on the use of detention. Under this new action plan all
migrants detected for irregular entry or residence in Greece, including asylum seekers, are
systematically placed in detention — a direct consequence of their irregular status. Combined with
wide-scale police operations this practice has led to the widespread detention of undocumented
migrants throughout the country. In support of this new policy, a recent advisory opinion
of the Greek Legal Council gave the green light to the authorities to prolong detention even beyond the maximum 18-month time-limit set by the EU Returns Directive; until the detainee has “consented” to be
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Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Europäische Union

Bulgaria’s Pushbacks and Detention of Asylum Seekers

In recent times, Bulgaria has not been a host country for significant numbers of refugees. On average, Bulgaria registered about 1,000 asylum seekers per year in the past decade. This changed in 2013 when more than 11,000 people, over half of them fleeing from Syria’s deadly repression and war, lodged asylum applications. Bulgaria was unprepared for the surge in asylum seekers, showing itself incapable of processing individual asylum claims, and failing
to provide new arrivals with basic humanitarian assistance, including food and shelter.
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Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Osteuropa

Visuel interactif: Les naufragés de Bulgarie

Visuel interactif du journaux Le Monde: read more

Language(s): Französisch / Français
Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union, Europa

Visuel interactif: La frontière bulgare, zone tampon de l'Europe

Visuel interactif du journaux Le Monde: read more

Language(s): Französisch / Français
Region(s): Osteuropa, Europäische Union, Europa

Support Migrants’ Resistance to EU Funded Police Corruption in Morocco!

Imagine living for years in a country that you only ever wanted to pass through, where people throw stones at you on the street for the colour of your skin, and where you know the police will get handsomely paid for arbitrarily detaining you. That’s the situation that thousands of migrants from West Africa find themselves in currently in Morocco. Because of the proximity of the Moroccan port city of Tangiers to the European mainland, and because Spain, an EU country, is occupying two cities (Ceuta and Melilla) on the North coast of Morocco thus creating a land border. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Nordafrika, Afrika

Dublin III abschaffen - Kundgebung vor dem BMI

Neben den unterschiedlichen EU-Richtinien und - Verordungen ist die Dublin III Verordnung der integrale Bestandteil mörderischer EU-Migrations-Abschottungspolitik. Die Du III Verordnung bedeutet u.a. : Inhaftierung von Schutzsuchenden über Monate, Trennung von Familien, jahrelange oft mörderische Fluchtwege nach und durch Europa, uvm. Unsere Forderungen sind DU III abschaffen und das Recht auf Bewegungsfreiheit weltweit! read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union

Cyprus: Arrest and imprisonment of the Executive Director of KISA

KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism publicly denounces a new attempt at criminalizing and intimidating KISA’s action and the imprisonment of its Executive Director, Doros Polykarpou. On Thursday, May 29, the Executive Director of KISA went to visit unaccompanied minors, held unlawfully in
the Mennogeia Detention Center. On arrival, Polykarpou was arrested for an unpaid parking fine of 160 Euro. Polykarpou was held handcuffed and not even allowed to drink water. He was also denied his right to call his lawyer. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa

1 1/2 Jahre Oranienplatz: Eine Protestbewegung lässt sich nicht räumen

Erschienen in ZAG antirassistische Zeitung Ausgabe 66. Mehr zu der Ausgabe auf:

"Der 8. April 2014 – Tag der Räumung des Protestcamps am Oranienplatz – ist ein trauriger Höhepunkt der Zerstörung von Strukturen unserer Protestbewegung. Das internationale Widerstandssymbol Oranienplatz wurde gebrochen. Die Anlaufstelle Oranienplatz, die so viele Menschen in unterschiedlichen Situationen empowert und ermutigt hat, ist verkleinert worden." read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland

Menschenrechte in Seenot: 10 Jahre Cap Anamur

Veranstaltung zum 10-jährigen der "Cap Anamur" am 20.06.2014 in Lübeck: 2004 verliess die "Cap Anamur", Hilfs- und Rettungsschiff der gleichnamigen humanitären Organisation, ihren Heimathafen Lübeck, um Menschen in Not beizustehen. Zehn Jahre - und unzählige Tote - später wollen wir diskutieren, was sich am Umgang mit Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen im Mittelmeer seitdem geändert hat und was sich dringend ändern müsste. Sowohl die EU-Politik der Abschottung und Abschreckung als auch der behauptete, afrikanische "Massenansturm" auf die Wohlstandsfestung Europa soll hinterfragt werden. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union

Kundgebung von der BAMF in Berlin: Dublin III abschaffen

Kundgebung vor dem BAMF in Berlin am Mittwoch, 04.06.2014, 11.55 Uhr - denn es ist 5 vor 12. Neben den unterschiedlichen EU-Richtinien und - Verordungen ist die Dublin III Verordnung der integrale Bestandteil mörderischer EU-Migrations-Abschottungspolitik. Die DU III Verordnung legt fest, dass das Asylverfahren in dem europäischen Staat durchzuführen ist, wo die Geflüchteten erstmalig in der EU registriert wurden. Die Forderungen sind DU-III abschaffen und das Recht auf Bewegungsfreiheit weltweit!

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Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union

The House of the 28 Doors

July 24th – August 10th 2014: The sculpture THE HOUSE OF THE 28 DOORS by the Berlin- Dresden artist group BEWEGUNG NURR ( Florian Göpfert/ Alekos Hofstetter/ Christian Steuer) deals with the situation of migrants and refugees who come to Europe under the most difficult circumstances and deprivations in search of a decent life. It is dedicated to all those people who became refugees due to the destruction of their basic existence in their home countries, environmental disasters as well as unjust economical and trade conditions. Further Information about the opening event on 24th July in german and english: read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Deutschland, Weltweit

Hart an der Grenze - Konzept für einen Dokumentarfilm

Ein Film von Elias Birdel: Als Konsequenz der europäischen Abschottungs- und Abschreckungspraktiken zahlen Jahr für Jahr tausende Menschen ihren Versuch, in Europa Schutz, Hilfe und Perspektiven für ein besseres Leben zu finden, mit dem Leben. Der Film führt an die zentralen Orte der "Festung Europa" und will so ihren Aufbau zeigen und das dahinterstehende Denken infrage stellen. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa

Seslerini duyurmak için ağızlarını diktiler

BM Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği önünde 20 gündür 'Mültecilik Hakları'nın sağlanması talebinde bulunan Afgan mülteciler, ağızlarını iple dikip, seslerini böyle duyurmaya çalıştı. Afganistan'daki savaştan kaçıp Türkiye 'nin çeşitli şehirlerine yerleşen Afgan Mülteciler'in, 'Mültecilik Hakları'nın sağlanması talebiyle, BM Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği önünde 20 gündür bekleyişi sürüyor. read more

Language(s): Türkisch / Türk
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei

Captains fear hassle of helping refugees

Rendering assistance is a legal obligation. Thousands of migrants die on the sea but it’s not just because of their rickety boats – merchant vessels fail to assist them due to the difficulties of discharging them, according to a maritime expert.
Captain Wolf-Peter Rabitz said it could take days for the migrants to be allowed to disembark and the
legal consequences could last several years. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa, Weltweit

Mare nostrum non basta, ora Uno e Ue

Intervista con Pinotti, ministro della difesa: I militari non sono umiliati ma orgogliosi di evitare perdite umane. Frontex dovrà cambiare, in Italia la sede principale e la maggiore risorse read more

Language(s): Italienisch / Italiano
Region(s): Italien / Malta, Europäische Union

‘Captains fear hassle of helping refugees’ - Rendering assistance is a legal obligation

Thousands of migrants die on the sea but it’s not just because of their rickety boats – merchant vessels fail to assist them due to the difficulties of discharging them, according to a maritime expert. Captain Wolf-Peter Rabitz said it could take days for the migrants to be allowed to disembark and the legal consequences could last several years. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Europa

Call for benefit of the Afghan refugees in Turkey

A group of 15 people started a silent protest in front of the UNHCR-office in Ankara on the 14th of april to call attention to the situation of afghan refugees in Turkey and the discrimination from the UNHCR they are faced with. The number of protestors is raising: Afghan refugees and asyl seekers from all over Turkey are coming to Ankara to support the protest.
The protesters asked us to spread their protest and the associated claims against the UNHCR!
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Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Asien

Pushed Back- systematic human rights violations against refugees

The present report focuses on the barriers to accessing the territory of the European Union for people seeking international protection, and particularly on the prevailing situation at the EU land and sea borders in Greece. It describes and analyzes the fatal consequences of the closing of the land border in the Evros region, which has led to a shift in flight routes to the Aegean sea route since August 2012. Reports of illegal push-backs of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Eritrea have increased in the same period, and this pattern is also corroborated by the findings of this study. read more

Language(s): Englisch / English
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland, Weltweit

Reisebericht Nordgriechenland

Ein Bericht von Annette Groth und Katerina Peros über die Zustände in Griechenland, insbesondere über die 3-18 monatige Haft und die menschenunwürdigen Zustände dort. read more

Language(s): Deutsch / German
Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei

Deutsch-Polnisches Asylsystem

Documentation of a german-polish seminar. Topic: Refugeeprotection in Germany and Poland. Avaidable in german and polish.

Ochrona uchodźców w Polsce i w Niemczech. Wymiana doświadczeń oraz pogłębienie tematyki read more

Language(s): Sonstige
Region(s): Deutschland, Europa
