Audio & Video
Hanau - One night and its consequences
The murderer came from the neighborhood: he shot nine young people for racist motives. Survivors and relatives talk about how they experienced the night of the crime and the months that followed and how they defended themselves against the logic of the perpetrator, who wanted to turn them into strangers in their own home country. Since that night in February, they have been fighting for the memory of the victims and for clarification of what happened. And they are asking many pressing questions about the night of the crime and the perpetrator that no one has been willing to answer.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Special: 11-year-old adrift alone in the sea
How did the rescue work, Ina Friebe?
A new special episode of the Castrop-Rauxel podcast has been released: Ina Friebe from Castrop-Rauxel talks to our studio about stories of overcrowded refugee boats, European ‘isolationist policies’ and the incredible rescue of an eleven-year-old girl.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Voices of Mytilini
"Voices of Mytilini" is a project that brings together people from various backgrounds on the island of Lesbos to express themselves and foster dialogue. The podcast shares perspectives on political, social, and cultural topics from different communities. Tune in to learn more about this inspiring initiative and how to empower individuals to achieve their goals and connect with others.
Language(s): Englisch / English
Where are you? Lost on the run
Thousands of people have already disappeared without a trace - on the dangerous escape routes to Europe. They all have families. They are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers or sisters. What has happened to them? In this documentary podcast, relatives from Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Iran, Lebanon and Syria embark on a dramatic search for the missing. Driven by the question: Are they still alive? In the process, they come up against criminal networks, corrupt authorities and EU border policy. A research podcast about hope, fear and the tireless fight for answers. (SWR, RBB, WDR and NDR, with Deutsche Welle)
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Deadly migration policy: the EU's loud silence
The border between Libya and Tunisia runs right through the desert. This is precisely where Tunisian authorities are said to have abandoned refugees - without food or water. According to research by an international media organisation, this is being done systematically - through units that are co-financed by the EU. BR reporter Erik Häußler was part of the research team and tells in 11KM about the fate of affected migrants. And what the European Union, which has actually concluded a migration agreement with Tunisia worth hundreds of millions, has to say about it.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Mob against Syrians in Turkey - Anti-Turkish protests in Syria
In the Turkish city of Kayseri, there were violent riots against Syrian migrant in which shops and cars were destroyed. This was triggered by the arrest of a Syrian man who had allegedly molested a girl. Protests spread to other cities, while anti-Turkish demonstrations took place in northern Syria. The tensions are fuelled by speculation about a meeting between Erdogan and Assad. Almost 500 people were arrested.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Borderline cases: Does Frontex tolerate illegal pushbacks?
The EU agency Frontex has two seemingly contradictory tasks: it is supposed to protect the external borders of the European Union and at the same time rescue people in distress at sea and guarantee the fundamental right to asylum. To this end, it has received an ever-increasing budget from the EU in recent years. Most recently, it received over 900 million euros. But Frontex not only wants to grow in terms of personnel - it also wants to finally put an end to the negative headlines of recent years. In this 11KM episode, however, WDR/NDR investigative journalist Manuel Bewarder investigates a current suspicion: Did Frontex simply stand by and watch as refugees were illegally pushed back out to sea?
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Migration pressure: Local inspection at the EU's external border
A few weeks ago, the EU agreed on a new asylum and migration agreement aimed at controlling migration and curbing smuggling. Part of this agreement includes detention centres at the EU's external borders, such as the controversial Lipa camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Shoura Hashemi, Managing Director of Amnesty International Austria, human rights activist Daniel Landau and international law expert Ralph Janik visited the centre. They warn that human rights should not be ignored despite the migration pressure.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Frontex: Costly failure at Europe's borders
Exclusive research into current pushback allegations and massive criticism of an elite unit: in this episode, Reschke Fernsehen takes a look behind the scenes at Frontex, the European border protection agency. Migration is the major topic of conflict in Europe. The far right are using it for their election campaigns. And the EU and its politicians agree on one thing above all: more money, more staff - for Frontex. EU citizens are now paying almost a billion a year for the most expensive EU agency. In return, Frontex is supposed to help the EU states prevent irregular migration and at the same time protect human rights at the borders. The EU now even has its own standing corps for Frontex. However, research by Reschke Fernsehen shows that the new elite unit is deploying fewer people than expected and is being heavily criticised by EU member states. In addition, recent pushback allegations are causing unrest.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Refugee agreement. Migration researcher: there is a kind of anarchy in Lebanon
The EU wants to pay Lebanon one billion euros to prevent the immigration of Syrian refugees to Europe. Migration researcher Jochen Oltmer considers this morally questionable. "The country is politically unstable and completely disintegrated."
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Video: Italy / Albania: Refugee camps abroad
It was a surprise that many in Meloni's own government had not expected: virtually overnight, Italy agreed with Albania that Italian refugee centres would be set up on the soil of the Balkan country.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Turned into a trafficker - Mahtab fights for her father's freedom
Mahtab's father was pressurised by traffickers to drive the getaway car. Now he is in a Greek prison, like thousands of other refugees, facing sentences of up to 150 years. By Inka Onsen
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Al Confine - Der borderline-europe Podcast aus Italien - 5
The latest podcast episode is about the experiences and struggles of those who are left behind. The focus is on the story of Jalila, who tells her story to Ludovica, the borderline-europe intern in Tunisia. Jalila lost her two sons while trying to cross the Mediterranean. She fought for a long time to bring her sons' bodies back to Tunisia for burial and continues to fight for justice - together with the other "Tunisian Mothers". Silvia, who co-founded the Mem.Med association and supports people like Jalila in their fight, also has her say in this episode. Judith also explains how all this is connected to the history of borderline-europe.
Al Confine - Der borderline-europe Podcast aus Italien - 3
In dieser Episode geht es um die Zeit nach der Ankunft. Während das offizielle Aufnahmesystem in Italien, die “accoglienza”, Menschen weitgehend im Stich lässt, gibt es zahlreiche Aktivist:innen und Organisationen, die diese Lücke füllen. Hintergrundinfos dazu kommen von Judith. Interviewt wurden außerdem Jasmine vom Verein Maldusa, Agnese und Giulia von Porco Rosso, Roberta und Malick vom Sozialunternehmen Moltivolti und der Arabisch-Übersetzer Kamal.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Al Confine - Der borderline-europe Podcast aus Italien - 4
Im Fokus von Episode 4 steht Henis Geschichte. Sie ist exemplarisch - wie viele war Heni gezwungen, ständig in Bewegung zu bleiben, um zu überleben. Wie eine Spielfigur wurde er von einem Land ins andere (ab)geschoben. Die Podcastfolge erzählt davon, wie Menschen wie Heni Spielball der europäischen Grenzpolitik werden und welche Abkommen und Regelwerke über ihr Leben entscheiden. Den Hintergrund dazu liefern Judith und Kristina von borderline-europe.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Al Confine - The borderline-europe Podcast from Italy (German) - 2
Episode 2: Boat Driver & Seenotretter*innen - Über die Kriminalisierung von Flucht und Fluchthilfe
Folge zwei beschäftigt sich mit der Kriminalisierung von Flucht und Fluchthilfe in Italien. Wir sprechen über sogenannte scafisti, Migrant*innen, die dafür im Gefängnis landen, dass sie Boote nach Europa gesteuert haben. Kristina von borderline-europe und Richard von Porco Rosso erzählen, wie ihre Organisationen mit diesen Menschen in Kontakt stehen. Außerdem sprechen wir mit Sascha, einem angeklagten Mitglied der Iuventa-Crew, über die Kriminalisierung ziviler Seenotrettung und ihre weitreichenden Folgen.
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Al Confine - The borderline-europe Podcast from Italy (German) - 1
In our podcast we give you insights into our everyday work, talk about the criminalization of migration and refugee support and the Italian reception system and we speak with people who are directly affected by European migration policy. We're talking to Judith, co-founder of borderline-europe, Kristina, staff member of the Italy office and producer Joanna Wiseman as well as other exciting guests.
Listen to the Podcast on: Podbean ・Spotify ・Apple Podcasts
Learn more about the podcast here.
Livestream Event: Solidarity with SUDAN
In Khartoum state alone, there have been 451 documented cases of civilians who have been forcibly disappeared since the war began on 15 April. The actual number is feared to be much higher.
Africa Center of Justice and Peace Studies and borderline Europe started to set up a digital data base to document and secure information on enforced disappearances only a few weeks before the outbreak of the war. Now 10 monitors are observing the deteriorating situation in Sudan. First results are presented to the UN Committee to Protect People against Enforced Disappearances early September. How can we support civil society and the revolutionary committees in Sudan?
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Global Trouble - Knast statt Asyl
In the latest edition of the Medico International podcast, we talk in detail about our latest study on the systematic criminalization of migrants in Greece, who are sentenced to decades in prison just for steering the boat. Together with Mahtab Sabetara, daughter of #FreeHomayoun, and Maximilian Pichl, we discuss the massive violations, the political calculations behind them, and individual cases. You can listen to the whole episode here. (German only)
Language(s): Deutsch / German
Von der Küste in den Knast
This episode of the podcast "Über Macht (About Power) was created in cooperation with borderline-europe and deals with the criminalization of "Boat Drivers" in Italy. You can listen to the whole episode here (german only).