
Livestream Gala of the Day of Smuggling Part 4/4

Who or what is officially honoured and appreciated in our society and when? At the anniversary of the awarding of the Federal Cross of Merit for her smuggling activities to Lisa Fittko, who helped people to flee during the Third Reich, we would like to honour people who have contributed to undermining the EU border regime through their actions today.

Smugglers are demonised and criminalised by the EU. The so-called "fight against smuggling" serves as a justification for repressive measures and the use of large resources. Under the pretext of protecting migrants from violence and exploitation, a moral legitimisation is often given. Even in circles that advocate freedom of movement, "the smuggler" often does not have a good reputation.

The event confronts the political narrative and public discourse around the topic of "smuggling" and critically questions: What exactly do we mean by "smuggling"? Who or what is criminalised? Why is assistance in crossing the border considered morally (and legally) right in some cases, while it is condemned in others? To what extent does the criminalising discourse serve as an important stabiliser of the EU border regime?

We are pleased to welcome experts, artists and activists to the gala, as well as our special guests of honour: convicted smugglers.

Language(s): Englisch / English