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borderline-europe Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e. V.
20.11.2020, WSWS
More than 100 refugees drowned in four shipping accidents in the central Mediterranean Sea last week. On the beach of al-Khums in Libya alone, 74 bodies were washed up on Thursday. According to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), just 47 refugees survived that day, after being rescued by fishing boats and the coast guard. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Europäische Union, Europa
19.11.2020, Süddeutsche Zeitung
The ruling, which concerns a Syrian who has fled military service in his country, has implications for family reunification. The issue has been a contentious one between German courts for years, but now the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has provided clarity. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland, Europäische Union
19.11.2020, Council of Europe
In a report published today on a rapid reaction ad hoc visit to Greece in March 2020, the Council of Europe's anti-torture committee (CPT) once again urges the Greek authorities to change their approach towards immigration detention and to ensure that migrants deprived of their liberty are treated both with dignity and humanity. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei
19.11.2020, European Commission
At the Commission’s request, the Management Board of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) held an extraordinary meeting on 10 November 2020 to discuss the allegations of pushbacks of migrants in the Aegean Sea recently reported in the media, and a number of fundamental rights related points. read more
18.11.2020, Infomigrants
Greece says it is abolishing the practice of holding unaccompanied migrant children in police custody. The announcement comes as Europe's top human rights watchdog said Greece was detaining migrants in unacceptable conditions and called for an end to illegal pushbacks. read more
18.11.2020, Spiegel
For years, asylum-seekers have been claiming abuse at the hands of Croatian border police, with some reporting beatings, electric shocks and even having their toenails torn out. For the first time, videos in combination with reporting by DER SPIEGEL have confirmed some of these reports. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten
18.11.2020, Deutsche Welle
2020 hatten die EU als großes Afrikajahr geplant. In Afrika ist der Frust über das aktuelle Verhältnis zu Europa groß. "Die Beziehungen zwischen Europa und Afrika waren niemals fair. Trotz Begriffen wie 'internationaler Zusammenarbeit' ist es ein ungleiches Verhältnis, bei dem Europa die Rolle des Mentors und Afrika die des Schülers einnimmt", sagt die nigerianische Forscherin Lynda Iroulo vom GIGA-Institut für Afrika-Studien. Migration ist ein zweiter Streitpunkt. Die EU drängt afrikanische Länder, ihre Grenzen besser zu sichern. Die Regierungen sollen verhindern, dass illegale Migranten nach Europa kommen. Wer mitmacht, bekommt Geld und Ausrüstung aus Europa. "Das europäische Migrationssystem ist von seiner Struktur und seiner Ausführung darauf ausgelegt, Afrikaner auszuschließen", kritisiert Iroulo im DW-Interview. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europäische Union, Afrika
17.11.2020, The Guardian
Man with right to asylum in Germany allegedly stripped of papers and expelled in ‘refugee pushback’ while searching for 11-year-old brother. In the latest allegation that Greek authorities are illegally expelling refugees , lawyers will this week file a case at the UN human rights committee on behalf of a Syrian man living in Germany, who says he was picked up and sent to Turkey while he searched for his brother in Greece. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Griechenland / Türkei, Deutschland
17.11.2020, The New Humanitarian
Italian authorities are drawing criticism from legal advocacy groups for returning asylum seekers and migrants across Italy’s northeastern land border to Slovenia, triggering a series of often violent pushbacks through the Balkans and out of the European Union. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Balkanstaaten, Italien / Malta, Europa
Man with right to asylum in Germany allegedly stripped of papers and expelled in ‘refugee pushback’ while searching for 11-year-old brother. read more
17.11.2020, Süddeutsche Zeitung
In the dispute over the reception of refugees from Greek camps, the state of Berlin intends to sue Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) before the Federal Administrative Court. This was decided by the red-red-green senate on Tuesday. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Deutschland
The "Open Arms" was recently the only rescue ship on the Mediterranean. Now she too is temporarily not allowed to leave port. Activist Òscar Camps on the pictures that accompany him at sea. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Europa
17.11.2020, Daily Sabah
Greece has once again attacked boats carrying dozens of migrants including children in the Aegean Sea, the Turkish Defense Ministry said Monday. read more
17.11.2020, Le Monde
More than 2,000 people had gradually settled in this camp located under a highway ramp since August. They are to be transported to various reception centers and gymnasiums in the Ile-de-France region. read more
Language(s): Französisch / Français Region(s): Frankreich
17.11.2020, InfoMigrants
Over 200 migrants have disembarked the humanitarian vessel Open Arms off the coast of Sicily and are undergoing quarantine. About a hundred migrants have died in the Mediterranean Sea this week alone. read more
Language(s): Englisch / English Region(s): Italien / Malta
16.11.2020, El País
El PSOE recurrió esta medida por “vulnerar derechos” y Podemos prometió derogarla. El Tribunal Constitucional respaldará en el pleno que se inicia mañana las devoluciones en caliente o rechazos en frontera regulados en la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana que aprobó el Gobierno del PP en 2015. read more
Language(s): Spanisch / Español Region(s): Spanien
16.11.2020, TAZ
Peace talks for Libya - The latest talks to settle the Libyan conflict in Tunis ended in disappointment in the night to Monday. A Libya conference stalled shortly before the end. The division of the country is to be overcome, but what will follow is open. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Nordafrika
16.11.2020, Telepolis
Die Seenotrettung vor der libyschen Küste soll mit einem neuen NGO-Schiff verstärkt werden Das NGO-Schiff Sea-Watch 4 ist seit Mitte September im Hafen von Palermo festgesetzt. Begleitet von der Ansage "Blockiert ihr unser Schiff, schicken wir noch eins!" wurde am Sonntag bekannt gegeben, dass demnächst das NGO-Schiff Sea-Eye 4 zur Seenot-Rettung vor der Küste Libyens entsandt werden soll. "Wir brauchen einfach viel mehr Rettungsschiffe", so Gorden Isler von Sea Eye. read more
16.11.2020, Tagesschau
Sicher ist: Die Behörden sind völlig überfordert. Mindestens 15.000 Migranten sind im Laufe des Jahres auf den Kanaren angekommen, so viele wie seit 2006 nicht mehr. Ein Grund dafür: Die anderen Wege nach Europa sind versperrt. Der Weg über das Mittelmeer von Nordmarokko nach Südspanien ist wegen intensiver Kontrolle durch die Küstenwachen immer schwieriger geworden. Und auch an den spanischen Exklaven Ceuta oder Melilla gelangt kaum noch jemand über den Grenzzaun. Also führt der Weg wieder über die gefährliche Atlantikroute: Etwa von der Westsahara oder von Mauretanien aus auf die Kanaren. read more
Language(s): Deutsch / German Region(s): Spanien, Nordafrika, Afrika, Weltweit
16.11.2020, The Guardian
The father of a six-year-old who died trying to reach the Greek island of Samos from the Turkish coast has been charged by Greek authorities with endangering his son’s life. Abdul*, 25, from Afghanistan, faces up to 10 years in prison if found guilty. The cause of his son’s death has not been confirmed. The charge has been called “a direct attack on the right to seek asylum”. read more
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