Brochure: Disappearance along the migration routes

This brochure is the result of a panel discussion organized by borderline-europe and the Bildungswerk Berlin of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, in which experts from Libya, Sudan, and Niger highlighted the tragic impacts of European migration policies and the phenomenon of missing migrants. The panelists shared firsthand accounts of the devastating consequences of the externalization of migration management, where migrants risk their lives in perilous journeys, often disappearing along the way. Through their testimonies, they shed light on the social, political, and economic factors that drive people to migrate and the harsh realities they face when seeking safety. The discussion also emphasized the urgent need for accountability in migration policies and a more humane approach to migration that respects the rights and dignity of all people, regardless of their origin. This brochure captures these critical perspectives and calls for a reevaluation of Europe's migration strategies to address the invisible human toll of restrictive border regimes.

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Brochure: Disappearance along the migration routes

This brochure is the result of a panel discussion organized by borderline-europe and the Bildungswerk Berlin of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, in which experts from Libya, Sudan, and Niger highlighted the tragic impacts of European migration policies and the phenomenon of missing migrants.

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The Mediterranean: monitoring, research, identification

borderline-europe is involved in two very different MONITORING projects:

  • In ‘Detention, illegalisation and the so-called CEAS reform in southern Italy’, the focus is on the implementation of the European Pact on Migration at the EU's external border. The project started in September 2024.
  • "Invisible" is about the situation of refugees in Sicily.
  • Mem.Med is a cooperation project between many entities that carefully focus on the people who have not made it through the dangerous crossing of the Mediterranean Sea. borderline-europe supports the project through volunteers.
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Situation of refugees and migrants in Italy

Here you can find our bi-weekly Update on the situation in Italy "Scirocco - News in Brief" and further information on the situation of refugees and migrants in Italy.

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Central Mediterranean Info

borderline-europe started in March 2019 to put together information about the situation in the Central Mediterranean Sea for internal research reasons. In 2021 we decided to publish parts of the data via Social Media and on our website.

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Externalisation of EU Migration Policy

Modern border control no longer takes place at the barrier. Externalisation of the EU's external borders means outsourcing control via pushbacks, pullbacks and visa refusals, and is always associated with the use of force and a lot of money for the respective governments.In future, even asylum applications will be processed in closed centres. Here are our articles on restrictions on freedom of movement and border fortifications.

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Criminalization of Migration & Solidarity in Italy

In the course of the collective attempt to shut down its borders, the EU uses numerous means of deterrence to prevent people from seeking safety in Europe. The criminalisation of people on the move and those who are in solidarity with them has been a widespread strategy for years. In Italy, too, people are prosecuted under the charge of "aiding and abetting unauthorised entry".

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