The Mediterranean: monitoring, research, identification

Detention, illegalisation and the so-called CEAS reform in southern Italy - monitoring the situation of refugees in the light of the European migration pact’
In September 2024 our new project began, carried out by the organisations borderline-europe and Maldusa, managed by the Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration, and supported by the Protestant Church in Hessen and Nassau (EKHN), the Protestant Church in the Rhineland (EKIR), LeaveNoOneBehind and Pro Asyl!

"Invisible: The unworthy treatment of refugees in Sicily"
Together with Arci Porco Rosso and the Sans Papiers Drop-In, we want to make visible the daily problems that refugees and migrants have to deal with. This monitoring is specifically aimed at the problems in Sicily and in particular in the western provinces of the island. In the next months we will regularly publish articles of Arci Porco Rosso on our homepage.
"Invisible" is supported by the Evangelical Church in Rhineland and Pro Asyl (2023)






Refugees in Lebanon
From May 2024, Anja Pilchowski will share impressions of the situation of refugees in Lebanon with us. She is a social worker holding a M.A. in International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants


Mem.Med is an operative project arose on site, with the purpose of searching for and identifying migrants who died at sea and bearing witness to the violence of the Mediterranean Sea.

MemMed's new publication in January 2025 “Between Asphalt and Dust: Repression, Protests, and (Migrant) Self-Management on the Margins of Tunisia” : In the olive groves of Sfax, between extreme marginalization and institutional violence, thousands of sub-Saharan African migrants are resisting on a daily basis. Through the voices of Joy, Josephus, David Yambio and Dr. Ibrahim, this report explores the strategies of self-help that challenge the system of exclusion at the borders of Europe. 

In 'Violence, Resistance, and Memories - Between the two Shores of the Mediterranean', Mem.Med's annual report focuses specifically on the events along the central Mediterranean route from June to September 2024.

Shipwreck in the Ionian Sea, 17.6.2024. The Silenced Dead and Institutional Silence

In spring 2023, a volunteer for borderline-europe will be in Tunisia and will report on the situation in the country for us. What makes people flee from there and risk their lives? How do parents and friends live with the loss of their loved ones? What can Mem.Med do?

Diario della Tunisia -1: Cooperazione italo-tunisina - ma non per tutt* - Espulsioni e deportazioni dall'Italia, febbraio 2023
Tunsian Diary -1: Italian-Tunisian cooperation but not for all – Expulsion and deportation form Italy, February 2023

Diario della Tunisia - 2: La segregazione razziale della comunità nera in Tunisia, aprile 2023
Tunisian Diary - 2: The exclusion of the black community in Tunisia, April 2023

Diario della Tunisia - 3: Le proteste dei e delle migranti in Tunisia, giugno 2023
Tunisian Diary - 3: The Migrants' Protests in Tunisia, June 2023

Diario della Tunisia -4-: La storia del signor Waffo: un esempio di lotta per la verità e la giustizia, settembre 2023

Mem.Med, un progetto per ricercare e identificare le persone disperse nel Mediterraneo, October 13, 2022 (only in Italian)

Here you will find our monitoring project with Borderline Sicilia from 2011-2022.

Current projects

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Externalisation of EU Migration Policy

Modern border control no longer takes place at the barrier. Externalisation of the EU's external borders means outsourcing control via pushbacks, pullbacks and visa refusals, and is always associated with the use of force and a lot of money for the respective governments.In future, even asylum applications will be processed in closed centres. Here are our articles on restrictions on freedom of movement and border fortifications.

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Situation of refugees and migrants in Italy

Here you can find our monthly Update on the situation in Italy "Scirocco - News in Brief" and further information on the situation of refugees and migrants in Italy.

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The Mediterranean: monitoring, research, identification

borderline-europe is involved in two very different MONITORING projects:

  • In ‘Detention, illegalisation and the so-called CEAS reform in southern Italy’, the focus is on the implementation of the European Pact on Migration at the EU's external border. The project started in September 2024.
  • "Invisible" is about the situation of refugees in Sicily.
  • Mem.Med is a cooperation project between many entities that carefully focus on the people who have not made it through the dangerous crossing of the Mediterranean Sea. borderline-europe supports the project through volunteers.
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Central Mediterranean Info

borderline-europe started in March 2019 to put together information about the situation in the Central Mediterranean Sea for internal research reasons. In 2021 we decided to publish parts of the data via Social Media and on our website.

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Criminalization of Migration & Solidarity in Italy

In the course of the collective attempt to shut down its borders, the EU uses numerous means of deterrence to prevent people from seeking safety in Europe. The criminalisation of people on the move and those who are in solidarity with them has been a widespread strategy for years. In Italy, too, people are prosecuted under the charge of "aiding and abetting unauthorised entry".

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Get Insights

The debate on migration is becoming increasingly polarised and politically instrumentalised. In a new series, borderline-europe is questioning widespread myths such as the supposed overburdening of the economy or the alleged increase in crime caused by migrants. Through evidence-based analyses and data-driven discussions, a differentiated, realistic understanding of migration is promoted and an informed dialogue is initiated, beyond misconceptions and stereotypes.

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